Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

In my familiy we are 3. Me my brother and my father but mom is total unbeliver she is saying all the time that we are stupid :). And my father had a vision 10 years ago about ashtar command that he was leader of ashtar command :|. So i do belive he was my parent up there too and same with my brother .

Love & light

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Replies to This Discussion twin brother..... he stood directly under one of those triangular string of lights ufo's after it parked overhead and then fled away at lightning speed ricocheting off the trees. like 10 years later, he told me the story and at the time, he explained it as if what he saw was a science project of some took me what felt like hours and hours to convince him "it was a freaking ufo, dude! WAKE UP!" But really, I'm not convinced in the least bit that it's necessary to either see or believe in ufo's, as there's too much on this planet, right here, to be done by those who live here and are responsible for the damage we've done to her and ourselves. we have our creator, the divinities, the angels, our ancestors all working in tandem, and in relative harmony to help in this unfolding process. Even my brother feels he would have been better off that he never saw, or at least stood under one, as he feels more damaged by the experience than broadened. He's a very different person because of a black sheep in the family.....but then so am i, having never seen a ufo.

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