How this channeling thing work i wonder i dont understand how can you have all clear complete answers or a conversasion like you are chatting with a being or they speak directly by telephaty can someone explain me this in deltails please
Permalink Reply by torz on December 18, 2008 at 5:15am
Skeptic, I am so looking forward to the day when you start channelling..... I think you are intelligent enough to understand the process better than I. I am having problems trusting that I CAN do it, that and I never seem to have the time to relax and do ti...
I am setting you a challenge..... learn how to do it , then help teach others aswell....
I guess I just have to learn a bit like riding a bike.... but I am a visual learner and I find it difficult to uinderstand when learning in the written form.... I need to SEE someone do it in order to learn how...
This is one of my biggest stumbling blocks...
Maybe we can learn together and then we will both know the truth of it and be able to teach others do the same because I really think that we ALL hve the abiltiy mto do it, just not all have the confidence to try..