Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

  Through Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

There are mighty signs in the heavens that humankind can no longer ignore or deny. Something big is taking place that involves not only the planet Earth but the entire cosmos. You are the conduits who are now taking on an even greater role of keeping the Earth in balance. This is a most important function of your presence here on Earth. Daily ground your roots into the crystalline diamond core of Mother Earth and as you feel the Earth’s energies rising upwards through your column of light, connect into the great diamond in the great central sun. This intention will bring the energies of the higher dimensions into the Earth’s core and spread out in concentric circles throughout the planet through each of you. There is no place upon and within the Earth that will not be touched by these energies.

Transformation in all systems is now a moment by moment occurrence. No one knows what will happen next, for your planet is traversing the unknown and there is nothing to do but go with it. It is both exciting and exhilarating and rather frightening at the same time. By carefully watching the signs in the heavens and those upon the Earth, you can keep moving forward in faith and trust that all is well and according to the Divine Plan for all life in the cosmos.  There is Earth changes taking place which are quite startling in their suddenness and many that are taking place beneath the oceans of your world that you are not aware of. The last vestiges of old programs and belief systems are insisting that you pay attention to them and it behooves each of you to be steadfast in your determination to stand in your light and your truth and go the distance.

Many mind boggling occurrences are about to unfold and it is necessary to stay connected within your divine heart space as much as possible. Be flexible in your expectations at the start of each day and takes what comes with equanimity. The unseen realms are making their appearance with greater frequency and are aligning in proximity at the edges of the end of one dimension and the beginning of another. You are the masters of alchemy and can now create the world of your deepest hearts desires. There will be many opportunities to join together in unity to focus on that which is needed in specific moments of time upon the surface of the planet. Know that as you connect with the rainbow portal of light as you come to this website, you are being activated to higher and higher levels of consciousness. It is a continuing work in progress for each and all.

The raising of your frequency level is absolutely essential each day if you want to be able to cope with all that manifests upon the surface of your planet and in your daily lives. Work together and help each other as you become aware of the need to do so. Love comes calling in its many facets and wonders. The people that you are meant to meet appear as if by magic, projects that have been put on hold suddenly complete themselves in complete grace and astounding ease! Life takes on the magical quality of synchronicity and you will find yourselves filled with enthusiasm to create new projects and tasks. You will be raising the bar on the standards needed to walk this Earth as a divine being, fully expressing your kinship with the creator of all.

You can access greater information and knowledge from the crystalline grid than was ever possible before. Tuning into the great crystals that reside in and on the planet will help align you to the hidden treasures that have been hidden within you.  Embrace these gifts with zest and relish as they come to your awareness, for it is not only that which is not love within you that needs contemplation, release and reflection but also the celebration of that which comes to remind you of your magnificence. You begin now to experience your own greatness as the blockages to this knowledge are lifted in the upraised frequencies.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion, December 1, 2013

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The welcome that awaits you is unprecedented, utterly magnificent.

  Saul (Paul)

Through John Smallman


Here in the spiritual realms we are observing with joy your excellent progress towards your awakening.  Your task remains to focus on holding the intent for humanity to awaken as divinely planned and intended.  You can really have no idea how effective you have all become at holding that intent, and because of that it is going to happen.  Remember, Love, God does not impose, does not override your free will, but It embraces you joyously when you open yourselves to receive what is always on offer.

Your collective separation induced and constant fear has become deeply ingrained, and that is why, now that you have chosen to leave the illusion behind you, it appears to you that your awakening is taking so long to achieve.  That fear is the fear of abandonment, by God!  You, as humanity, attempted to separate yourselves from Him, thought that you could and did, then presumed that He must have also abandoned you.  That concept is indeed terrifying.  Without Him, your eternal connection to Him, and the state of being in love with Him and being loved by Him, then there is nothing, not nothing as experienced as a lack of something, but nothing – no people, no world, nowhere, no God – and that possibility is what terrifies you.  How could it be otherwise?

However, the ascended masters, prophets, guides, and mystics who have incarnated among you over the eons and shown you, each in their own way, how God's Love for you is eternal, have assisted you in moving back from the brink of self-abandonment that kept tempting you to engage in self-destruction.  That is what all your conflicts, wars, judgments and condemnations at the deepest level are all about – self-destruction – you see yourselves as not good enough, unable ever to be good enough because you made the insane choice to separate from your divine Source.  But your perception has changed, judgment is falling away, and you are realizing that God is Love and that His Love for you is unchangeable.  Truly your progress is rapid and accelerating, so keep intensifying your intent to complete the journey and be welcomed Home by the enthusiastic and loving community that is expectantly awaiting your arrival.

The welcome that awaits you is unprecedented, utterly magnificent, and it is there for you, every single one of you without any exceptions, to experience as though you were the absolute center of creation on which all Love is eternally focused.  And because all are One, each one of you is the center of creation, and the joy of experiencing the Love that flows to that point is beyond any meaningful description.

Often you note that others, with big egos, seem to imagine that they are the center of the universe, and you find that offensive as it is frequently accompanied by a powerful sense of personal grandiosity.  But that sense of being the absolute center is what you are all seeking because it is your heritage, your destiny, it is where you were created, and without it, because of your sense of separation, you feel lost, alone, isolated and abandoned, and to relieve the pain of that your egos attack other egos to try and improve your standing, your status in the hierarchy of humanity. Well, your status within the egocentric boundaries that the illusion provides, however elevated it becomes will never satisfy you.  The illusion cannot provide satisfaction because it is unreal.

True satisfaction, eternal satisfaction will greet you when you awaken, and you are approaching the moment when all will fall divinely into place as the illusion dissolves and the mist or fog in which it appears to enfold you clears allowing you to see the wonder that is Reality.  You cannot and will not fail to arrive Home because, as you well know, there is nowhere else.  To arrive Home is to awaken from the illusion, and most certainly eternal sleep is impossible.

You are stirring towards awakening, as you have so often been told, and then you snuggle down again, fearful that you might be re-entering the nightmare that has been so much a part of your life experience for so long.  We are all assisting you as you strive towards awakening, reassuring you that it is full wakefulness that you are approaching and not another fearful nightmare.  Listen to us, hear us, and be comforted and encouraged in the knowledge that what we keep telling you is what you need to know so that you can move forwards into wakefulness.

The field of Love, in which you are so gently and lovingly enveloped, is feeding you with irresistible sensations of which you can no longer remain unaware and enticing you onwards, upwards from the depths of your sleep, and towards the brilliant Light of eternal day.  Shake off all the accoutrements of the illusion that are not in alignment and harmony with Love, and allow your awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.


Through Veronica Keen

Excitement is mounting as the consciousness increases. People are experiencing the changes, both in mind and body. You have a lot to be excited about because your awakening has brought about a change in the Dark Controllers due to the light that is now flowing through the minds and souls of humanity. Become aware of the light that eminates from the sun. Welcome it and take every opportunity to link with it. The Dark Ones try to block it from you with the use of chemtrails but it still manages to get through, so it is important to connect with it. Sunlight is important. Ask the question, why is so much effort being put into blocking it from you? Who has the right to block the sunlight that is your God-given right to have and enjoy? These questions must be asked, and explanations demanded. You can no longer just sit back passively and allow your lives to be contaminated in this way. It is time to stop being victims. You have a voice, so when you come together with one voice then the answers must be given. If you want change, then you must ask for it.
There is more than enough information out there in the public domain for you to do the research regarding chemtrails. The fluoridation contamination, GMO crops, etc., it all needs to be brought out into the open and debated. The facts are there, they are not hidden, and you are not powerless. We can guide you, but the action that is needed must come from you. Do not allow yourselves to be side-tracked by foolish gossip about things that do not matter. This is how they fill your minds with trivialities so that you forget what is important.
Fine words are being spoken by so-called leaders but their EYES do not convey the messages that come from their mouths. The eyes cannot lie as they are the mirrors of the soul. You can no longer just accept things at face value.
These are important times as the next few months could bring about the complete transformation of your world. You need to be of one mind, all wanting the same thing - love, light and peace for all humanity. This is a window of opportunity to make this happen quickly and peacefully. Trust each other and forget all man-made differences. Deep down, you are all brothers and sisters who want to live in peace and harmony. When fine actions do not accompany fine words, then see them for what they are. Your eyes are open now, so these tactics no longer work. They are usually telling you to look elsewhere. They say . . . Do not look at me or my actions, for I want to hide from you! However, you can see through all this now. Soon, they will get the message that ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. For words alone are no longer acceptable: it is time to expect and demand action, peacefully and always with dignity.
With those whom my dear wife calls "our friends from abroad", (your extra-terrestrial family), we have prevented many attempts to start World War 3. We have successfully rendered useless, many missiles and other implements of war. The war machine is in difficulties and money will not solve the problems we have created for them. They are now learning what it feels like to be helpless. They desperately search for different avenues to go down, in order to hold on to the control that is slipping through their fingers.
Mankind has been used to playing the victim, who always accepts what the great and the good tell him is the case. But now, people can see what is true and what is false. The propaganda no longer works. So people can never again be asked to enter a country to kill its people just on the whim of politicians and bankers. They now see that killing is KILLING and it can never be justified.
The real reasons for the declaration of war on another country go much deeper than you were ever aware of. Look at the ancient history of those countries and you will see what has been kept hidden. It is the ENERGY they hold that worries your controllers. All is energy. Until now, the Cabal has kept the planet's energies contained and controlled. Observe the tracks of the chemtrails, for they carefully follow the energy lines in an effort to destroy this precious energy, which should be freely available for the benefit of all humanity.
There are sacred places all over your world that have been desecrated and covered over. All this wonderful energy needs to be released. Those of you who know how to do this, have a duty to take steps to release it, as everything on Earth will benefit. Set about this task with love in your hearts for all living things. Walk barefoot on the grass. You need to become truly grounded human beings. This will bring you a deep sense of belonging that you have not yet experienced because this information has been denied you. By releasing it, you create the peace that your souls cry out for. Connect with the Earth and with each other, as you are all in this together. The chains that bind you are slipping and becoming weak. This must happen for you to be released from bondage.
Much will be done in order to create fear. Do not buy into it. It would be better if you avoided all so-called NEWS, whether in newspapers or on television. It cannot be trusted. It is all from the same propaganda machine, operated and controlled by those who wish to keep you servile and under control. I have pointed out, many times, that your thoughts create your reality. Be clear in your minds about what is best for you. Do not dwell on the negative. Instead, raise your vibration, and keep it raised. We are depending on you to do this quickly and successfully.
Veronica and I, wish to thank those who reached out with love and good wishes in order to assist with the purchase of another car. Your gifts and kind wishes were gratefully recieved and appreciated. The surplus will be used to assist with the hiring of machinery needed for the project that must be carried out to create a better world for all who dwell in it.
Our work goes on. We will achieve our aims.
My dear, when your work is complete, you will be with me once more. Together, we will help create a better experience of life on Earth for all humanity.
Always, your adoring, Monty.

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Archangeloi of the ELOHIM message to humanity , by Karen Doonan

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL as the energy of both Mother Earth and her children now expand and deepen dramatically.

For many of you who have taken human form the expansion will be a very physical one, with many different sensations being experienced on ALL levels of YOUr BEing.

It is to be noted that the frequency required to achieve this is one of the LOVE THAT IS, a high expansive frequency and one that the human race has not experienced in full human form ever before.

We guide for you to rest and to relax at this time of extremely high vibrations and understand that the balance that YOU naturally will begin to seek is WITHIN.

It is found within the HEART space and we guide for ALL to understand the importance of remaining in balance within this sacred space.

As the energies begin to expand and to heighten the human logical mind will have no reference point to the sensations that are experienced at a human conscious waking mind level.

Not being centred through the heart space may result in chaos being experienced to increasingly rapid levels.

To those of YOU aware of your SOUL mission upon and within this planet you will be aware of the need to LIVE TRUTH and to reveal SELF to those around you, it serves no one least of all SELF to pretend to “fit in” with the old 3d earth paradigms for they will now dissolve FULLY.

The chaos that seeks to trigger those who are termed “asleep” seeks to trigger regardless of frequency and we wish to guide on this further in order to clarify how this process unfolds.

ALL lower dimensional timeline frequencies will be triggered by the outpouring of the lower emotions from the general population.

This may appear as one person who is angry suddenly annoying everyone around them, this born of the telepathy that now starts to unfold within the human vehicles of ALL upon and within planet earth.

To be around others is to be aware of others and the filtering out of others emotions is now no longer an option. This is a process that will start to flow across and within planet earth and rapidly increase for it is part of the NATURAL ability of all in human form.

The need to be aware of feelings and who’s feelings you are experiencing will become vital over the next 24/48 hours in a human linear context.

For those who are asleep are also ASCENDING, they may appear to be asleep but as those who are what is termed “awake” now rapidly advance in their energy signature and move fully into place in order to help birth the New Earth then the ripple will flow out across the planet.

Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand the need to be in full conscious awareness of your creation/ your reality/ your feelings from moment to moment?

This is akin to the birth of a child, the child momentarily stunned by the difference between being inside the womb of the mother and the stark lights and different sounds/smells of the delivery room.

The stimulation of ALL at once overwhelming in the first few moments of entering the delivery room. This is where most of the human race now stand poised and it serves no one to not be aware of this.

Those who are asleep have no reference point, only the reactions and the actions of those who exist in the reality around them.

We guide in order to prepare ALL for many can already FEEL the building up of the energies and the expansion within, around and through SELF at this time.

ALL is not as it appears on this planet and the events of the next linear few days in a human context will allow for more TRUTH to be anchored to deepening levels. The old 3d earth will now dissolve fully from the planet and her peoples.

The emotional reactions of those who are “asleep” are asking to be balanced by those who are “awake” and able to shine their LIGHT fully across and within planet earth.

A NEW EARTH has been born and now the baby is asking for balance at ALL levels.

Just as you would not expect a newborn human infant to instantly adjust to its surroundings then please beloved ones do not place too high an expectation on SELF for never before in this your human form have you experienced such a change in FREQUENCY around, through and within your human form.

We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we will guide more in due course. We ask for you to BREATHE, to BE and to find and maintain balance at all times during this process. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and the article remains in its original format which is written. NO permission is granted to change the format of this article and it must remain free to access at all times.


Archangel Raphael Message for December Channeler: Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)

Since the last December, you've been through healing and progression non stop. In order to see the bigger picture, you lift up.

Truly you do experience tensions and conflicts, but all of them are the vibrations of an alteration process.

You don't want to be silent anymore, you don't want to ignore.You want to be in the middle of everything.

You are trying to create an atmosphere where every potential is being used. The reawakening we mentioned before corresponds to exactly these.

There is no more increasing darkness, there is your increasingly growing voice.

Therefore every little detail come out from darkness, as well as your souls, to be lightened.

All the unreachable or untouched aspect of your soul blossoms. In every blossom, you question whether your space is enough, you question the otherness, yet your space of love widens.

There'll be an abundance of blossoming in your way. In this month, you'll see that your prayers are being heard, and all the seeds you imagined flourishes.

No worries, only faith exists. Accordingly the most important thing is your balance. Try to keep the balance, being in every dimension, in the sky, corresponds to that my dears.

If you feel during the day that you missed your center, stop and focus on the moment. With serenity, exist in the moment and balance yourself.

The wind of december may challenge you and your balance, but be aware of your strength. Let your focus be on the creations you aim to actualise.

Let your creativity flow into what you desire and let it happen. We support you. With love and light

Archangel Raphael

When I asked if you want to say something specific on this week; Remember that you are surrounded by abundance.

You are encircled by a smile, a gratefulness, a sincere embrace, and infinite fertility. Remember that, and be thankful to everyone and everything.

Look from the perspective of a child and see the glaring variety around you. Be the magician of your life this week, and create the things you want to actualise with a little magic.

With love and light

Archangel Michael


Teacher: Knight Shadow Humility Integral to Personal Mastery and Happiness


"Humility is not necessarily considering ourselves less important or valuable than other people. It is not a lack of self-esteem; nor is it a form of modest behavior, and it is not the result of humiliation.

Humility is the right attitude of the finite to the Infinite, the conditioned to the Unconditioned, the part to the Whole. Humility is our awareness of our dependence on something greater than ourselves, and our interdependence with our fellow human beings and all of life."

--Kabir Helminski, The Knowing Heart: A Sufi Path of Transformation

. Humility and the Tyranny of Specialness

The more I move towards humility in my life the happier I am.

There is a profound grace that comes when I bow to people, nature and events that remind me of my place in the greater scheme of things.

This is not because I am less than, or smaller, but because on my own I am just a part of the majestic whole.

I do not bow to people to place them higher than me, for this is dangerous.

When we place people on a pedestal, there is only one way off the pedestal, and that is to fall. I spent many years of my life allowing myself to be seduce by the glamor of those people who I put on a pedestal. I made them more capable than me, smarter, wiser, more skilled. And in some areas, they certainly were. However, in their light I made my light less.

When I was in Brazil surrounded by people who in the past I would have elevated to a higher place than me, I was almost 100% operating from the level of equal and different.

In other words, I have finally, after all of these years, reached a place where I know my value and can be completely authentic with who I am and what I offer in the world, and at the same time be with people who have done remarkable things in their life, people I admire and respect immensely, without lessening who I am and what I have done, even if it may not appear to be anywhere near as significant.

How do you reach this place?

Not without considerable inner work. I had to find a place where I accepted my path was perfect. Where the life that I had co-evolved was the unique expression of what I am to express.

The people I have met, the events that have transpired. All of it. At the same time, I saw that so much of what we see in others is an illusion.

They may look like they are "successful", but unless we can see inside their world, it is only an assumption and quite possibly, make believe. It raised the question for me.. what is my definition of success?

It forced me to consider that success for me started with how I felt on the inside.

That if I was following my truth, the song inside, and doing that with the utmost comprehensive integrity, and an attitude of gratitude, only then would I feel success.

I leaned that success on the outside, the material success, while fun, was not nearly as sustaining as inner success.

I also learned that there are no small acts of truth.

The measure is in how we show up to life. If my role in life is to clean toilets, then how I show up to do that is what matters, and not the role.

Some people have roles that have great public importance. Other people have roles to support the space for these people. Who is more important in the wider scheme of things?

Sure, my ego may love to be the fabulously successful author. But if my path and role is to smile every day at the people in the supermarket, bank, on the street, and nothing more, then I will do so with utmost dignity and grace.

And I will do this with an attitude of gratitude. This is an ongoing practice towards my own personal mastery. Its not easy, and it is worthwhile.

Therefore, at peace with myself and who I am in the world I can show up to Brazil and a room full of incredible people, and be who I am, knowing that I am there for some reason that may not be obvious to me now or in the future, and that the best I can give is my truth, all of it.

On reflection however, there was one person that I wanted to impress in Brazil. I was aware that with this person I tried a little harder and was not as relaxed and natural around him.

Why? I think I had attached some importance to the desire to have him not only like me, but be impressed by me. With everyone else, I was not concerned with impressing them, or having them like me.

The paradox of course is that when we try to impress, we do not impress, we repel. In the process I gave him false status. He gets to carry the status I have given him.

When people put me on a pedestal, I am immediately separate from them..unreachable. I am also now under some invisible burden of expectation from them to live up to this perceived status.

Therefore I cannot relax, and there is tension in the space between my admirer and myself. They become uncomfortable to be around. I created this space of dis-ease between us.

There are people who put themselves on pedestals all the time.

The Diva’s and drama queens, people who believe that their life position demands a separation from others. Executives, politicians, celebrities etc.

The irony is that what they are often longing for is to be liked and accepted by others and their “specialness” simply cannot allow this.

In our society we have created a monster called “special”. That I am special, and by inference, you are not. I know this one well, because for many years this was the position I held myself in.

Sometimes the residue of this leaks out...and I can be arrogant in my specialness.

I much prefer myself when I am equal but different...or when I recogise that all of us have our uniqueness- the wonderful way we see the world, express ourselves in the world, our unique life experiences.

My colleague can be better at doing x than I, however, I know that I am better able to do y. This is the perfection. This perfection allows for synergy and synergy allows for the magic of collaboration and partnering.

An example I use is that a role may require someone who is 6 foot tall. I am 5 foot 1 inches.

The truth is I am not suitable for the role. Not because I am less than, though in this case I am short by 11 inches, but because I do not fit what is needed.

This is not personal, so why take it as so? It just is. We are either the right person or we are not. It is our unique attributes that make us so, not our specialness.

Through this journey I move always closer to humility. When I bow to the perfection in others, I bow to the perfection in me reflected in them. When I bow to the actions of others, I bow to the part of them that uniquely offers themselves.

Humility allows me to be fully human with others. It brings me closer to, where as specialness takes me away from.

Humility allows me to lighten my load. Carrying the load of specialness and maintaining it is exhausting. Daily I have to keep up the facade of appearance of my specialness. Ugh!

Humility allows me to live in gratitude. I bow to the beauty and majesty of life.

Humility allows me to live in awe.

Each day when I walk barefoot on the earth, I bring my awareness to my small and significant part in the greater whole. Vital, and no less vital than yours. I bow to you in blessings. Thank you for your part in my life.


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