Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

hello all you happy people.
i decided to join this website today
because i see there are alot of us with positive creativity in our hearts.
i would like to discuss and debate different ideas and experiences we all go though.
specially at this time of spiritual awakening.
there seems to be alot of skeptics. but alot fewer then i thought there would be.
it almost seems common place for our generation..
to feel a bond with ancient civilizations and their teachings.
my whole life i have felt like this.
i have always been interested in natives, egyptians, and space.
since i was a little child. not to mention music...

well i thought i would give my 2 cents in.
Thank you for your precious time.

"every age has said. we will come. we'll come again. this house is a holy place. you will never have to leave." ~the sounds of animals fighting.

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Welcome :)
Welcome Brother of the Light!

Togheter we will light up the darkness and help those in need!

Spread the truth, spread the love and spread the knowledge.


Warm welcome to you!
Whenever you should feel down, full of doubts, in need of some positivity, you can come to this place! That's why we unite. To stand strong and in light.
Hello Starcloud,

The more the merrier.........

I'm interested in History too, but I would love to know the truth instead of what we were taught at school.

I have more questions than answers these days!

see you around

much love

Patrish xxx
thank you for all your responses.
a warm welcome indeed.

i would like to set up a regular mass meditation..
you know like once a week.
if anyone is up for something like this let me know.

Thank you, Ian.

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