In the light of Carlos Casteneda and Terrence Mckenna, I wanted to talk about common hallucinations between drug experiences. I've had my share of drug induced experiences, and some of them have yielded extremely powerful spiritual experiences as well as powerful hallucinations.
Some of them have also yielded a peek into other dimensions. One time I was tripping, and when I started to peak, I saw a line of ufos. They hovered in the sky for hours. they didn't disappear until I started coming down.
On several occasions, when i was a teen and did hallucinogens more often, I would always see these little gnome guys. I always thought it was just me until one day i was tripping with a friend and we both pointed at a gnome at the same time and then looked at each other in disbelief. I saw the gnomes on several occasions. They were always mischievous and grinning. In fact, i did a picture in photoshop years ago to show a friend of mine what I saw.

They always looked the same; translucent with green glowing eyes. They would only show up when we were peaking, when our vibrations were through the roof. It was the same when I saw the line of UFO's. My vibrations were flying like crazy.
I don't believe they are hallucinations at all. I believe it is exactly what shamans of time immemorial have experienced. Some how the hallucinogenics widen our frequency range of perception. We see things that have always been there. If you research the works of McKenna and Casteneda, you will see that these elves or gnomes or ufos are very common amongst the experiencers, especially with drugs like salvia divinorum or DMT. With drugs like absinthe, people would report seeing green fairies.
Any thoughts?