Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I had found this interesting article a few days ago by Serge Monast a french Canadian journalist who uncovered plans of the NWO and was researching " Project Blue Beam".

What a coincidence that he and another reporter supposedly died of heart attacks weeks apart, with no apparent history of heart diseases. The Canadian government also abducted Serge's daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue
Beam. His daughter was never returned.

Another SOE trying to save humanity and got taken out by the NWO. I think we should all come out (6 billion of us) and denounce them then this would all go away.

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Nice comment Kamala....

My only take on this the more I read, is that they are not human... that's why it's easy for them to kill so many of us.

I hope it's not too late before the truth comes out!

The light is mightier than the dark we have to keep glowing in their faces even in the face of death.

Yes...I have read David Icke and I had trouble at first understanding and believing such a concept the Annunaki, reptilian race but it keeps springing up in other books also. I really believe that something was hidden from us for all these years from our secret government and they are just coming out bit by bit now. There is a good books by Zecharia Sitchin that shows this race exist. Also, a lot more on this can be found by taping into Alex Collier and Jordan Maxwell if you're interested.
To keep my thoughts away from fear based thinking and win over this I think we first have to understand why this is happening. From this great article that I found on and how they want to use our spiritual power as a physical resource, because they are unable to generate their own spiritual power as they are not able to tap into this energy and they have to use our spiritual power that we create as “batteries” to fuel themselves. Like this article explains and resonates true that we could be part of an experiment and the Peladians and Andromedians and others races of the Light that are wanting to help us. That is why we have to use every available methods via meditation or find mentors to assist some of us for a quick Ascension to block this dark force. Once we are all in oneness then we can extinguish this dark force. Please read this article:

May the light be with you!

kamala said:
hmmmmm "not human", no, i mean you are right, no true human would become so heartless, for that is what determines what human is - having a 'humaneness' about oneself, but if you mean quite literally that they are not human, i have a hard time imagining that could be a reality - even though i do seem to think David Icke is not crazy, some other creature type you are saying? Is their blood different, or just the spirit....different dna? Some science could be used to get behind this theory for sure....we need to know and understand more about what exactly is happening.....this is a good would clarify many things i suppose, and that is why us humans are having such a difficult time, we just don't relate well to a 'non' human way of thinking....i guess....very interesting!

Dan said:
Nice comment Kamala....

My only take on this the more I read, is that they are not human... that's why it's easy for them to kill so many of us.

I hope it's not too late before the truth comes out!

The light is mightier than the dark we have to keep glowing in their faces even in the face of death.

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