Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

On the 11th November 2008, our species accomplished something that it hadn’t done in millennia; enough people put aside their differences to one-another and united in meditation in order to heal the world, and save our species from certain annihilation. We united in meditation, a meditation to focus on what we wanted to exist in the world.

The energy of that day is still with us, and yet we should remember that we shouldn’t end our endeavours there, for we must continue in our work if we are to bring about the peace we so desperately desire.

Yet again, I ask for anyone’s assistance in uniting the world once again in meditation, this time on the Winter Solstice of the 21st December 2008 at both 11:11am, and later at 11:11pm. Except this time we shall do things a little bit differently than what we did in the first meditation.

Those who live in the time zone that is 12 hours ahead of the United Kingdom, or GMT time; it will be your duty to begin the meditation at 11:11am in your time zone. Those who live one hour behind you will then wait until it is 11:11am in their time zone, and this trend will continue through every time zone – ending with those who live on the furthest point of the western side of the USA.

When it is 11:11pm in the GMT+12 time-zone, then you will need to begin another meditation, and the process will continue in the same manner, each time-zone waiting until it is 11:11pm for them.

Think of it like a giant Mexican Wave sort-of energy, circling the globe twice.

We will need to minimise what we are focusing on to just three things:-

Pass on the message yet again, and think of non-Internet means as well (e.g. flyers, posters).

Visit, and then envision the energy wave moving from the right side where GMT+12 can be found, towards the left side where GMT-12 can be found.

*On a side-note, yet again I will re-iterate that I have had no visions, dreams, channellings, or any other form of spiritual phenomenon happen to me, I merely wish to do my part in saving this world and ourselves.

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