Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



First Johan's message about the Meditation tomorrow, and then Hazel, and then my comments.

Johan: Focus on SUPPORT for Gaia, holding hands, assuring her that we, all of us and all the love and light we generate are there for her to feel Loved and to motivate her to move on, to release the pressure, to ask for and follow the will of CMATon,  so the cleansing/detox/upgrading can happen and when necessary, CMAton can step in and help and proceed.

Hazel:  Gaia- A new perspective given

Dear Friends

During my connections over the last few days it has been made apparent to me that Gaia is receiving mixed messages. Through the meditations of many Gaia is being sent healing energies so that she can be healed. She responds to those loving healing energies. She sometimes parks herself in neutral gear. She moves to the extent she needs with much consideration for her inhabitants.

On the other hand she is receiving loving and supporting energies from others encouraging her to move and though she has to an extent, certainly not to the extent expected. There is a conflict here.

It was made apparent to me by higher sources that the focus for her now is not on what any sect wanst for her BUT what her Creator desires for her and of her. Christ Michael honours her free will choice and that is why he wills her to move but does not force her. She knows His will and wants to move but she is torn and her body staid. I was asked to say that through meditation she must be encouraged to see and focus on the will of Her Creator and effort to align herself only with His will

Gaia does not need pity but love and light which focuses her on Christ Michael’s will above all, that she may rise up amidst the darkness and fight for her light. She sustains life but has not herself truly experienced light and life and her appetite has to be whet for this. She has to visualise what she truly is that she may have that added impetus to rise up.

In light of the conflicting messages she receives albeit positive in their own right, she should be focussed on Christ Michael’s will only and work done with her within this context.

I trust that this is clear. I am reporting what has been given to me.

Love and Light

Candace: I never do try to "heal" Gaia, in that sense, or try to use any sort of prayer or meditation to stop the earth changes and the like, not even any of the weather patterns. Nothing related to what is necessary. Many new agers and others, are always asking for what needs to happen, to "stop" as they see the suffering. But beloveds, how great will the suffering be if things continue the status quo, and man continues to reproduce, use products, and face shortages now of all sorts.  All planets during ascension go thru a lot of changes and in fact these very changes are what will enable those resistant to solving problems to learn to solve problems.  These are not easy planets, for a reason, because if mind is not challenged, it does not grow.


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