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the other side to this is, i had a friend's friend who wanted to lose weight and so she went on a strict vegetable and fruit diet

after a week she got hospitalised and had to go dialysis to remove the excess vitamins in her blood.
wow!! I was thinking about that for next year!! but I'm planning to eat softboiled eggs and tunafish as well... for proteins.

take care <3<3<3
Hi Jenny,

I believe you are referring to the Andromedans who are stricly fruitarians.

Jenny said:
I'm not a fruitarian but I am thinking about it. Four months ago I became vegetarian and began growing my own vegetables and fruits. I am beginning to eat more and more raw food and am beginning to see the natural progression to an all raw diet. I wasn't sure if just eating fruit was healthy or if some necessary vitamins etc would be lacking. Thanks for the links I'll be interested in what they have to say. I believe there is some ET group that only eats fruit but can't remember who they are.
I have personally experimented with fruitarianism and found it to be very "enlightening" in many ways. My only caution is to transition to this diet over a period of months as opposed to going 100% fruit overnight. This is because fruit is very cleansing to the bodies (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) and therefor causes rapid detoxification which can be quite uncomfortable. Because I am an empath and extremely sensitive, I found an all fruit diet made me even more sensitive which caused me to have difficulties being around others and in social situations. I also recommend that you eat organic fruits as much as possible to avoid the heavy pesticide contamination found in conventionally grown produce. You may want to go vegan, then raw vegan, then low-fat raw vegan, then to fruitarianism. There is a great community for raw foods enthusiasts at if any of you need more info on a raw foods diet, of which fruitarianism is one. You can also google David Wolfe and/or Shazzie. They are both have really interesting points of view regarding diet and it's effect on personal vibration, superfoods, etc. Hopefully this will be of some assistance to you all. I am very happy to see so many of you having such open minds and hearts regarding the influence of diet on ascention, vibration, and spirituality. So encouraging.
Love and Light beams to you all!
Thanks for this post 'Queen B'. very sensible diet 'path' to recommend and follow. I totally agree with you and have experienced similar effects on myself.
Queen B said:
I have personally experimented with fruitarianism and found it to be very "enlightening" in many ways. My only caution is to transition to this diet over a period of months as opposed to going 100% fruit overnight. This is because fruit is very cleansing to the bodies (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) and therefor causes rapid detoxification which can be quite uncomfortable. Because I am an empath and extremely sensitive, I found an all fruit diet made me even more sensitive which caused me to have difficulties being around others and in social situations. I also recommend that you eat organic fruits as much as possible to avoid the heavy pesticide contamination found in conventionally grown produce. You may want to go vegan, then raw vegan, then low-fat raw vegan, then to fruitarianism. There is a great community for raw foods enthusiasts at if any of you need more info on a raw foods diet, of which fruitarianism is one. You can also google David Wolfe and/or Shazzie. They are both have really interesting points of view regarding diet and it's effect on personal vibration, superfoods, etc. Hopefully this will be of some assistance to you all. I am very happy to see so many of you having such open minds and hearts regarding the influence of diet on ascention, vibration, and spirituality. So encouraging.
Love and Light beams to you all!
Thanks Crystalm!
It is incredible how powerful "diet" can be, isn't it...
Thanks for friending me.
Love and Lightbeams!


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