Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Right, that's it, I've had enough and I really need your help...

I know we all are going through a tough time and the last thing I EVER wanted to do was come on here, to our calm little oasis, where we can all feel safe in our thoughts and actions without the fear of ridicule and bring in an angry thread to shatter the peace....

I have had nothing but grief from my worried but loving family, they include, my mother and my partners parents and to a smaller degree my partner.

These are their worries........... would anybody here please care to enlighten them all.....because it seems that no matter what I say I'm still in a dangerous place right now and should walk away.....

I'm nearly 40 yrs old FFS (sorry Brad for swearing)

I've joined a Cult and I'm going to either kill myself or run away with this said cult....

I have posted pictures of my children on the INTERNET, pictures that were taken when I began to realise that all was not right with the world on our holiday in Ireland this summer....

The Solfeggion frequencies are NOt safe and I shouldn't be listening to them.....there's no scientific proof......

My children will be taken into care becuase I am getting into something dangerous and when they tell other kids they will tell their parents and they will come and take them off me becuase I believe in ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UFO's do not exsist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please........ please............................. help me.....someone before they all drive me mad...

Torz, not in a very LIGHT mood right now..................

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My friends, yes I feel I can call you all that because even though I have never met any of you, i do feel a connection with you all ..... This is because of what WE feel is happening.... at times whether we want to or not!!!!! HEY!!!

Firstly let say a HUGE thank=you to you all for rallying round when I needed the support of like minded people and total understanding of the circumstances that we are all going through... I have only just had the strength to read your replies..

It is so easy to see both sides of the fence and yet so hard at the same time.... I heard someone mention this equated to opening Pandora's Box and but not finding the chaos of the dark energies and believe me throughout my life I have had experiences of the dark and I know how to recognise them... But finding that actually the box was full of things that were so much more than you expected but NOT of the dark but overflowing with love and light and trueness.....but the realisation that once opened you cannot shut it because you are already half way up the path is a lonely place to be on your own...........I could not turn back now even if I tried, I would be denying EVERYTHING that I am....

Yesterday I would equate with the very stressful time I went through 4 yrs ago when I found out my ex husband was having an affair... WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!.... the energy and emotions hit you like a tonne of bricks... Everyone wants to have their say and they all have an opinion as to what is best for you... the temptation to run away and hide from them all for some peace to think was overwhelming.... still a walk in the dark cool night and a soothing oak tree did the trick to calm me down enough to be able to talk to my partner yet again.... the kids are totally non plussed as to what all the fuss is about over a few dodgy videos of UFO's on the internet.... ahh the innocence of babes eh....... we were all very recently once like that too ...


The horrors of greed, injustice, slavery,secrecy etc that we have all uncovered and are battling against like a small rubber dingy in a turbulent maelstrom are what we are trying to protect others who are as yet still asleep. In a way we are the light workers because we have to clear the path and build strong foundations in order for a smooth journey for the many millions of others that will come this way in the not too distant future....

Matt is now aware of how I feel and every query was based on fear, fear of the unknown and my safety and mental wellbeing and the biggest fear of losing me.... when you look for it, it's agonisingly painful to see another worry over you and for you to know that down to your very atom, what you are doing is RIGHT and only comes from LOVE..... yes, maybe I shouldn't have put the pictures of the kids and My late father on here.... (fears of nasty people ingrained in their very being but yes a real fear all the same) but I am proud of them all and I am so looking forward to the time when I hope (when they are all awake to some degree)) that I will meet my father's soul as a light being again with full knowledge and be able to just feel his presence again... He was a very special man and I was too naive to wrapped up in life to really realise that.....until he was no longer here... I would like to think we could have a good laugh over this sometime in the not too distant future....

Today I have been incapable of doing anything apart from sleep on the sofa, I have the head from hell and it is ponding BIG time, even now, I feel sick....... I am physically, mentally and psychicly drained of everything.....

What gets to me is that all my life I have been interested in this type of thing and no-one has ever batted an eyelid over it, me and my ex used to belong to a UFO group when the boys were babies, we have a ball star gazing and seeing stuff we just knew wasn't of this earth and yet no one bothered about it then????............ WHY .......????

I have a suspicion that because we are entering a time of great upheaval that unconsciously they are aware that something is changing and are totally unaware of what is happening but in some unconscious way they feel it and because it is SOOOOOOOooooo powerful it is triggered as fear....lets face it the world around us right now is NOT a pretty place, which ofr my mothers worries makes it even more fear based because my dad was a Top Journalist with a British Newspaper and we grew up on the stories that make the news... that should tell you everything!!!

I have witnessed chaos theory and the domino effect at its finest the last few days and WOW.. amazing how one little thing can escalate out of all proportion because of FEAR. I'll give them their credit, they have done a very good job and our job is all the more harder because of it...........


Whether we want this or not and no matter how hard it is, I presume, although I have no recollection of it that we all knew what we would be in for and thought we were capable of seeing it through....

My soul is not of this planet but my body, feelings and memories ARE.... None of us really belong here but we chose to forget only some chose to wake up earlier then others, think of it as a job that I signed up for and now it's time to get my ass in gear and get to work. It the most important Job I have ever done and I plan to do my best to rid this world of FEAr and smother it in LOVE.

I know they will all read this and I can only express my deepest LOVE towards them. Have no fear for me, I am strong, determined, intuitive and I HAVE to do this, it is pre ordained if you want to see it like that.... FATE...
It is what makes me, me... it makes me WHOLE....... please try to understand, let me do what I HAVE and CHOOSE to do and let me help you when the time comes........... and I want NO apologies for anything when the realisation sets in that I was telling the truth.

I have promised to take a step back and not be all consuming 24/7, this I will try to do, although you must know it is very difficult because the TIME is NOW and I've waited a lifetime to start. Spending time with our family and getting out into nature will help us all reconnect with the earth's energies that will strengthen us to carry on...

All my LOVE, LIGHT and LAUGHTER to my family and my deepest thanks to my new found friends for helping me through this and reassuring me that what I do is right....

Torz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Funny!... When people have a problem with me... " I say, get in line"...
Pleiadian Agenda said:
I'll tell you what Wayne Dyer and others in that light would tell you.

"What people think of you is none of your business."

They are entitled to their opinions of reality, as you are yours, my dear friend. You're not going to convince them of anything. In fact, in this case, you being adamant will only separate you from them further.

Most of my family thinks I'm nuts. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I AM nuts. But what they think of me isn't my business at all.

And one more quote, Torz

"A person's judgment of you doesn't define YOU. It only defines themselves as someone who needs to judge."

Love yourself, Torz. That's all that matters. And you know without a doubt you have the unconditional love of all of us here.

Keep the faith, babe. :)


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