Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Right, that's it, I've had enough and I really need your help...

I know we all are going through a tough time and the last thing I EVER wanted to do was come on here, to our calm little oasis, where we can all feel safe in our thoughts and actions without the fear of ridicule and bring in an angry thread to shatter the peace....

I have had nothing but grief from my worried but loving family, they include, my mother and my partners parents and to a smaller degree my partner.

These are their worries........... would anybody here please care to enlighten them all.....because it seems that no matter what I say I'm still in a dangerous place right now and should walk away.....

I'm nearly 40 yrs old FFS (sorry Brad for swearing)

I've joined a Cult and I'm going to either kill myself or run away with this said cult....

I have posted pictures of my children on the INTERNET, pictures that were taken when I began to realise that all was not right with the world on our holiday in Ireland this summer....

The Solfeggion frequencies are NOt safe and I shouldn't be listening to them.....there's no scientific proof......

My children will be taken into care becuase I am getting into something dangerous and when they tell other kids they will tell their parents and they will come and take them off me becuase I believe in ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UFO's do not exsist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please........ please............................. help me.....someone before they all drive me mad...

Torz, not in a very LIGHT mood right now..................

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Funny!... When people have a problem with me... " I say, get in line"...
Pleiadian Agenda said:
I'll tell you what Wayne Dyer and others in that light would tell you.

"What people think of you is none of your business."

They are entitled to their opinions of reality, as you are yours, my dear friend. You're not going to convince them of anything. In fact, in this case, you being adamant will only separate you from them further.

Most of my family thinks I'm nuts. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I AM nuts. But what they think of me isn't my business at all.

And one more quote, Torz

"A person's judgment of you doesn't define YOU. It only defines themselves as someone who needs to judge."

Love yourself, Torz. That's all that matters. And you know without a doubt you have the unconditional love of all of us here.

Keep the faith, babe. :)


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