Victoria has erupted in fire last weekend and 200 people have died with 700 houses plus being lost and scores of wild creatures perishing. Some of the fires were due to the very hot, very dry conditions, coupled with the fuel or litter and vegetation which combusted, but some were actually lit by human beings (arson). The Victorian Government will carry out a Royal Commission and it is hoped that it will look at things like whether more prescribed/controlled back-burning would have helped reduce the fires. This is a devastating episode in Australia, with many people home-less and having lost loved ones and friends and animals. The shock and anguish the people will be feeling can be felt by those of us whom are empaths. Below are links from which you can find information about what is happening and help. I live in Western Australia and here we have to be vigilant against bush-fires and try to prevent arson attacks. The weather has been extremely hot this year, in comparison to previous years. It is one of the signs of global warming, I think.