Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Might sound funny, but I managed to feel the energy of some people that I interacted with here. It is like an undeffinite feeling of knowing how that person mainly is, is like grabbing, seeing inside, a ball of something that talks about him/her...I cannot express it in words, I could instead paint it or sing about it!
Did you experience that?!

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I feel so much love here..I cant stay away
Even when I've read everything, and have nothing to say..I cant bring myself to close the page
Just having my computer linked to the site feels like I am connected to everybody here..and its a very nice feeling :)

Much love
I have and feel it the same way:) You re not alone! Namaste!
I had a feeling of coming home, I didn't had to hide my true feelings anymore. I was accepted...and that feeling
of recognize was very very nice to a warm bath you' ve come into.

Anyhow its amazing to feel the energy,
I feel the most energy when I'm around people, speaking with them and then in an instinct I know where he stands....and if he needs more Light in his life.

I have never had this upcoming feelings for my fellow beings, btw I hope that my english is good enough to read,
that is also one things that is changed in me, before I was very confident about myself, I am still are but in an different way. For many times I was really a bitch at sometimes. Now it is if I have no more alternative otherwise I feel really bad about myself.

The feeling of being in the right place put many wrong soon to be in the Light
and the right for Love for everybody on planet earth
We look at eachother and we know, wunderful really to be at one...

Namaste Mariëll
not here but i often can sence my freinds when they are near but only when they are walking if they are in a car i cant
know that i think about it more, i dont know if could pen point it to one person but i feel vary excited when i come on here. i even get goose bumps. i do feel much love here its intense now im strugling for words. we are makeing much progess. overwhelmed as one would be placed in my postion such a heavy burden now to be the one born to bare an read to all the details of our ending to right it down for all the world to see but i forgot my pen. this is a great line from Tool 10000 days #8 8:38 vary emotionally powerfull. tool talks alot about what were all in to.
yes, i did experience something like it here ..... such a nice place this is .. :)
Juliette, you said it exactly as i see it, even if I am not on the laptop i leave the page open so i know i am still in contact with you all....
I DO feel a connection to many many souls on here and I do wonder if we are/were all cponnected before we came to earth...

I think we will find out and soon...
I LOVE you all unconditionally and I look forward to the future with total excitement...
TOrz xxx
Juliet said:
I feel so much love here..I cant stay away
Even when I've read everything, and have nothing to say..I cant bring myself to close the page
Just having my computer linked to the site feels like I am connected to everybody here..and its a very nice feeling :)

Much love

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