Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"I, Vywamus, am pleased that you have made this commitment to channelling and i can assure you that it is most appropriate at this time.
Your soul seeks to speak with you even more deeply than it has in the past.Please seat yourself comfortably, with feet or hips flat on the floor and spine straight.
Go within.
Please see that you are surrounded by a beautifull column of golden light all around your body.
The light fills you and moves through you and you feel its beauty and its support for you.
Now you become aware that this beautifull column of light descends beneath you deep down,down into the earth.
this beautifull golden light descends down and down, farther and farther until it connects right into the heart of the earth.You allow your conscious mind to gently descend,floating down the column of light.
As you descend, you see that it is bright and beautifull and there are no openings or breaks in the light.
It is strong and bright and clear.
It supports you as you gently descend right to the bottom which is in the heart of the earth.
Now with your imagination,you see that in one hand you have five beautifull golden nails of light an din the other hand you have a golden hammer.
these are symbols of your commitment to Earth and to the Light.
With the strength and power of your commitment drive the nails into the bottom of the column so that they are firm and secure and string,connecting your column of light deeply into the heart of the earth.
Yes, you feel now a gentle,loving response from the Earth to your commintment in light and you feel a beatifull golden/green energy flowing to you from the heart of the Earth.

This beautifull golden/green energy flows in to the bottom of your column of light and it lifts you up in the the column.Gliding smoothly,cradled in this beautifull loving energy from the Earth you rise up,up the column of light right back into your body and you feel the green/golden energy moving very gently but strongly to you.
Now you look up and see that your beautifull column of light goes up and up outside Earth until you can even see.
you allow your mind, your consciousness to float up,up out of the top of your head,through the opening which is the crown chakra.
Up you go, floating gently upwards in your column of beautifull golden light and you look all around you and you see how strong,bright and clear is your golden column.
There are no holes,no openings and you know within your heart that no one and nothing can come into your column of light without your consent, for this is your place of divine connection."

to whom might be with some difficulties making meditation or channelling please read the text above and visualize it on your mind while you do the meditation.
start with this small exercise.
The second part will be post tomorrow.

hope it helps all that need it.
love and light.

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Brilliant, thank you for that lovely visualization. More fourms like this would be appreciated.


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