The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Evolving Beyond the Conditional Love Paradigm ~ Channeled January 26, 2014 Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today.
We are honouring you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group, and of course, by group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.
We are very excited to present the topic matter today. It is vital to moving forward into the 5th dimensional energies of your New Earth.
The topic matter today is so important because you simply cannot go where you wish to be without evolving beyond the conditional love paradigm. It simply cannot be done.
Most of you have been living in an outmoded belief system for your entire incarnation.
It is pervasive, it is everywhere, it has been handed down through generations and you, each of you, have experienced lifetime after lifetime under the pressure of the conditional love model.
It was not always this way. You have had evolved societies on your planet that did seek to live in the energies of unconditional love and BEingness.
But, sadly, many fell into the illusion of separation and the 3D model took over and the ego-based agendas were born. A model was created that said that you were separate, that you were lowly, that you were not worthy, and that you had to toe the line if you did not wish to be punished by an angry and vengeful God.
The religious beliefs were tainted in a way to create a power structure that served the few and assured compliance by the masses.
In reality, Source has always been unconditional love.
You have come from unconditional love, you are part of unconditional love, you return to the knowingness of unconditional love when you transition out of your body.
The ascension process is, simply put, remembering your unconditional love birthright, your divine truth, while in the body, on the planet.
You cannot experience ascension or 5th dimensional consciousness if you are still dragging with you a conditional love belief system.
It simply cannot be done. It cannot. It must be released. How do you release it? By replacing it with the divine truth that unconditional love is your birthright.
As you embrace new and deeper truths there is no real work required to release the old. You will simply shift into a new state of knowingness and BEingness.
So let us go back to what we were discussing. It began with religion. It began with the twisting of religious teachings to serve the few and control the masses.
So what happened was, parents, acting as gods to their children, adopted the same methods. They sought to control the children through the threat of separation, rejection, judgment, punishment, and the withdrawal of love and comfort.
So what this has created is a pervasive fear that has lasted generations, that if you don’t toe the line you will be punished and you will be rejected.
This has fed the separation consciousness that is on your planet and this is what has single-handedly moved people away from accepting their own divinity and expressing their own BEingness.
It has been incredibly destructive to the human beings on the planet. The separation model has gone on to lead people to commit endless atrocities towards each other. It has fed cruelty, judgment, punishment, rejection.
You see how this has rippled out throughout your society, across your globe, and now you are in the amazing process of healing and moving beyond that separation model and embracing acceptance and unity.
What has been even more destructive, has been your own adopting of that same mindset and applying it to yourself. So, because you have heard it so many times, you yourself think that you are not worthy, that you are separate, that you must obey, and you berate yourselves endlessly.
Because you do not love yourselves unconditionally, you cannot find the unconditional love that your hearts yearn for. And you have yet to be able to give unconditional love to your partners and your children because you have not yet stepped into accepting your worthiness for it and applying it to self.
This is what you’re here to do. This is the gift of 2014. It is the gift of evolving beyond the conditional love paradigm and embracing that of unconditional love.
This is deeply profound and this is the game changer, Dear Ones. Because as you start to practice unconditional love for yourself, it will flow through you and you will draw it to you.
You then start practicing unconditional love for your partners, for your children, for your family, for your friends, for your planet, for the animals, for every living creature that you come across.
By releasing the conditional love paradigm and embracing unconditional love as your divine birthright, you will also be releasing perfectionism, fear, judgment, separation, pain, worthlessness.
Do you see? By releasing the conditional love paradigm, you will naturally start to live your truth, which is that of unconditional love which, in turn, supports the very aspects that you wish to anchor in for your evolving planet.
You will be supporting and creating the energies of acceptance, joy, ease, support, togetherness, unity. Can you see the healing that will occur from this massive shift of thinking and BEing?
And it all begins with you. That is how powerful you are. Because as you release the conditional love paradigm, you will finally recognize that you are truly an integral part of the Source that you came from.
From that knowingness, you will all become beautiful thriving aspects of Source, shimmering brightly in your truth, in your glory, creating a life and a world that will support you and evolve and expand in ways that you have barely dared dream of.
It will create the amazing changes that each and every one of you are on the planet to help make possible. It is a sacred and joyous time.
And as you start to think differently, as you start to recognize your truth and allow it to shine forward, only the most magnificent things can happen to you, and you will find yourselves finally, finally, living in the love and support that you have always craved and yearned for.
These are amazing times you are in, Dear Ones. You are doing a magnificent job.
You are supported and applauded and celebrated for all that you have done and for all that you will continue to do. Know that we love each and every one of you beyond measure.
This is what we wished to share with you today. It has been our great pleasure.
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young????? Facebook: Trinity Esoterics????? Twitter: @trinityesoteric????? YouTube:
Views: 7
judging_othersIt isn’t just Earth that’s ascending, although Earth is the first in this universe to ascend in this current wave and is leading they way in a new evolutionary development: physical Ascension.
The Council of Angels tells us that “the entire omniverse is raising its frequency, or ‘upgrading’ … Earth is part of this upgrade.” (1)
Meanwhile, here on Earth, Gaia tells us that “my inhabitants … have been releasing their wars of polarity to live in unity and unconditional love.” (2)
For a time, resistance to the higher energies will continue, they say, and then it will stop. “The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power.
“These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.” (3)
They explain that those that choose not to stop and surrender to love will be separating from us: “There is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven..
“The darker threads are separating out into their own ‘pile,’ the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer, light-filled fabric.” (4)
They’ll eventually have to leave the Earth. “There are … higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish.” (5)
We’re advised to “simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival.” “Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness. …
“Simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more.” (6)
We’re also encouraged to love everyone unconditionally as the best way to help those trapped in darkness to release themselves. According to the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie:
“We remind everyone that the very best way to deal with darkness is to send unconditional love. This unconditional love is the healing force of the multiverse. And the unconditional love will release the entities that have been trapped in darkness so that they no longer need to behave in that manner.” (7)
The Company of Heaven asks us to refrain from all judgement. The old definitions of ‘right and wrong’, ‘black and white’, ‘good and bad’, no longer apply, the angels tell us through Tazjima.
“Energy is neutral. There are no ‘bad’ people; everyone on the planet has been doing what they thought was right, given the conditional circumstances in which they were brought up, lived and worked.” (8)
Sanat Kumara counselled us that judgment reveals a lack of love. “There is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgment. …
“Judgment is cruel. And the history of cruelty on the planet of Gaia has come to an end. There is no room for it. People think that they say something casually and it is judgmental but that it is not harmful and that is simply not so.
“It is very harmful and it speaks to a lack of love, lack of compassion, a lack of allowance. You do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.” (9)
If we wish to rise with Gaia on this next leg of the journey, we have to cease our Third-Dimensional tendency to judge, he says.
“There are situations where we have asked you to be the observer and this is not one of them. There is no room for you to be the observer any longer where there is judgment.
“And you can do it in a humorous way. You can say to the individual, ‘Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me. And you know, I don’t do judgment. I’m allergic to judgment. Judgment makes me feel sick. So can we just let this go?’ “And then do so.” (10)
Thus, we’re in the last days of the resistance to love on the planet. Those who insist on closing themselves to it and continuing to fight the wars of polarity with us will separate from us and have to leave the Earth eventually.
The rest of us will continue our rise into higher dimensions and leave judgment and other polarizing tendencies behind.
Footnotes (1) Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light, April 24, 2013, at (2) Gaia in Suzanne Lie, “The Fourth Day – Gaia and the Arcturians,” December 26, 2012, at (3) Council of Angels, ibid. (4) Loc. cit. (5) Loc. cit. (6) Loc. cit. (7) “Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians on Heavenly Blessings,” July 2, 2013, Part 1/3 at (8) “A Message from the Angels: Embrace Your Real Self,” channeled through Tazjima, June 9, 2013 at (9) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara on the Sacred Law of Dispensation,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 29, 2013, at (10) Loc. cit. Source:
When I was feeling discontent , in the past, and couldn't put a finger on exactly what was causing it, I would either go for a drive, have some cheesecake, watch a movie, or do some other outer activity to alleviate the awkward feeling.
But, it is only temporary as trying to cover those unsettling emotions leads to them resurfacing, time and time again. I was finally led to the inner-world where not only our spiritual answers lie, but also the depth of all our hidden, unresolved issues.
If you take everything outside of yourself away, what are you left with? The same you.
So years of delving into those unresolved issues that was making me ill and stopping me from going forward, followed.
And after a mammoth clearing away, the spiritual self can emerge and the real journey of why we incarnate, can begin. The spiritual journey is a journey of self-discovery apart from the physicality of our earth life.
We are here to awaken to the inner-self, the inner-world, that provides us with everything we will ever need. The solutions and awakenings we experience within are permanent.
They come from the part of us that is eternal: our consciousness. Awakening to the self that resides within this physical body is the beginning. We can realize and become aware that we are not the physical body nor the personality.
Awakening to the inner-world is the first step in getting to know who you really are. And the difficult part is continuing to live within the illusion of our created earth world.
Now we are aware of the real self and the self we show to others which is our outer self or personality.
That is why I call the personality a 'tool.' It allows us to live out our earth life among society, blending in, fulfilling our earthly responsibilities in a social environment.
We have now become the 'observer.' As we are now aware of our real self, it begins to come forward and observe the personality self.
A very interesting way to live. I don't wish to talk about myself too much here, it's not about me, it's about sharing spiritual awakening.
I have lived in this awareness of watching myself through my higher spiritual aspect for many years. The reason that many folks share their awakenings and awareness of their true self is to show that it's perfectly normal, and who each and every one of us actually is.
No one is more special than the other, just at different levels of awakening. Living as the observer is a great way to live because you learn so much, dear friends.
You learn a lot about yourself by seeing where you have come from, and the experiences that led you to where you are now. One needs to be careful though as judgment can easily creep in, and we have all done that.
The feeling of oneness of spirit helps when observing and conversing with others. It's a whole new 'ball game.' With each deep awakening of the different layers of the true self, our personal light expands.
Our consciousness is expanding and is bringing us closer to re-uniting with our higher self. It is well worth dropping the outer world for solutions to inner disharmony and discontent, and going within.
That nice cheesecake or bar of chocolate will not take the place of permanent change that comes from within. I believe that food addiction and many other addictions are caused by trying to find comfort in the outer-world, and when it's not found, the addiction continues.
I am just so grateful for my guidance in looking and finding the permanent solutions to lasting peace and happiness. A lot of hard work and honesty is needed, but the revelations that come from this journey is priceless.
It certainly gives strength when having to cope with an ever-changing outer-world. When the inner-turmoil from the past has been cleared, it leaves open the doors of soul wisdom to come through which helps one to see the outer world in a more expanded view.
And the awakening continues..........expansion of the soul never ends.
Namaste and Love to All ~
Tara ~
Hi! I read what's above with great interest and I resonate with the words posted above.I think over all most of us can agree that most posted channeling is disinformation stemming from conditional service to self paradigm constructs.However once in a while a channeled message comes along that helps humanity directly and indirectly to help us break away from our conditional 3d density duality thinking.For example the fear of aliens invading Earth and destroying everything including people like in the movies.From a unconditional loving service to others perspective this fear or concept is disinformation coming from a disunity dark cabal or wealthy elites of governments from around the world especially from the USA as well.In my opinion the wealthy see and fear invading aliens who are based on a unconditional loving service to others way of life.Its been a ongoing invasion since our so-called,"beginnings,"on planet Earth/Gaia always coming and going.The ruling elite know this and twist the truth around to make you believe nothing good can come from the Omniverse or outer space as it were.So if indeed their coming they always use the media or TV to betray them as evil invading aliens from a conditional service to self mentailty.Even the word,"alien,"or exterestrial,"reflects that and when the 95% say those words.What comes to mind is something seperate or different from us and the first part of that word ET reflects powers and abilities that we could never have.While like energy vampires feeding off of the feelings of doubt energy from us either indirectly or directly from so-called,"alien abuductions."However by the living example of unconditional loving service to others of our galactic families surely shows without draining our energies of doubt.That we've got the same potential of abilities that all life has in the Omniverse of life.On worlds that are based on unconditional love and service to others having telepathic abilities is common for everyone.If you take your telepathic abilities to a world of beings that are conditional and service to self based.Those so-called,"extraordinary or super human abilities," seem out of the ordinary and strange even fearful.Anyway getting back to topic my previous views are also related and hardly mentioned when it comes to the reasons for a UFO Cover-up by the elite spanning all of human history and still enduring as we march on through the 21st.Century and beyond it of the illusions of linear timeline 3d dimensional time constructs.So if we are going to be invaded from space in the future let the invasion be based on solidarity of unconditional love and service to other mindset or way of life construct.This concludes my opinion laced comments for today and more will be added in the foreseeable future outcomes of breaking free from conditional slavery,"Namaste!"P.S:The surpressed abilities or truths shared here cannot be surpressed for long and the ruling global elite of the cabal knows this better than anyone.Once the veil is lifted their powers over us will cease to function in a new way of life on Earth/Gaia based on unconditional love and service to others,"Peace!"
I think over all most of us can agree that most posted channeling is disinformation stemming from conditional service to self paradigm constructs.
What Was That About a Golden (C)age?
“Dear ones, you are greatly beloved by all of us in the spiritual (liar)archy. We long to reunite with you, for we are your long-lost family. Stay strong and hold onto your light, because we will make our presence known to you soon. Keep waiting (and suffering) and hoping for us to come and rescue you from your situation. When we arrive, we will build a golden (c)age for you on earth.”
I used to think that this nauseating disinformation coming from “Archon Angel Michael,” “Saint Germain” etc was the result of dark-side interference taking over the channels without their awareness. What I didn’t understand back when I wrote “Who’s Really on This Channel” is that transmissions from “truly positive beings” weren’t being intercepted and corrupted by the dark side, but rather the messages were coming from “false light” beings of the spiritual liar-archy.
Richard Levasseur said:
Hi! I read what's above with great interest and I resonate with the words posted above.I think over all most of us can agree that most posted channeling is disinformation stemming from conditional service to self paradigm constructs.However once in a while a channeled message comes along that helps humanity directly and indirectly to help us break away from our conditional 3d density duality thinking.For example the fear of aliens invading Earth and destroying everything including people like in the movies.From a unconditional loving service to others perspective this fear or concept is disinformation coming from a disunity dark cabal or wealthy elites of governments from around the world especially from the USA as well.In my opinion the wealthy see and fear invading aliens who are based on a unconditional loving service to others way of life.Its been a ongoing invasion since our so-called,"beginnings,"on planet Earth/Gaia always coming and going.The ruling elite know this and twist the truth around to make you believe nothing good can come from the Omniverse or outer space as it were.So if indeed their coming they always use the media or TV to betray them as evil invading aliens from a conditional service to self mentailty.Even the word,"alien,"or exterestrial,"reflects that and when the 95% say those words.What comes to mind is something seperate or different from us and the first part of that word ET reflects powers and abilities that we could never have.While like energy vampires feeding off of the feelings of doubt energy from us either indirectly or directly from so-called,"alien abuductions."However by the living example of unconditional loving service to others of our galactic families surely shows without draining our energies of doubt.That we've got the same potential of abilities that all life has in the Omniverse of life.On worlds that are based on unconditional love and service to others having telepathic abilities is common for everyone.If you take your telepathic abilities to a world of beings that are conditional and service to self based.Those so-called,"extraordinary or super human abilities," seem out of the ordinary and strange even fearful.Anyway getting back to topic my previous views are also related and hardly mentioned when it comes to the reasons for a UFO Cover-up by the elite spanning all of human history and still enduring as we march on through the 21st.Century and beyond it of the illusions of linear timeline 3d dimensional time constructs.So if we are going to be invaded from space in the future let the invasion be based on solidarity of unconditional love and service to other mindset or way of life construct.This concludes my opinion laced comments for today and more will be added in the foreseeable future outcomes of breaking free from conditional slavery,"Namaste!"P.S:The surpressed abilities or truths shared here cannot be surpressed for long and the ruling global elite of the cabal knows this better than anyone.Once the veil is lifted their powers over us will cease to function in a new way of life on Earth/Gaia based on unconditional love and service to others,"Peace!"
Archangel Gabrielle: Ascension to A Higher Octave ~ A Game Changer Channeled through Linda Dillon, Feb. 3, 2014
As part of the incredible shifts that are happening right now I share with you the channeling from Archangel Gabrielle to the New You Webinar group on the most significant change in our Ascension process - or our understanding of the Ascension process. Are you ready to join us?
Good Morning My Sweet Annas - angels of the Lord, servants to the Mother, sisters of my heart. I am Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, and Messenger of One.
I call to you, dear hearts - I call to each and every one of your hearts. I beckon you to join with me in creating Nova Earth and your New You. When I have said you are the re-patterners, the re- griders, the wayshowers and bringers of Nova Earth what have you thought I meant? What have you understood as I have sent my clarion call to your heart?
Dear hearts, you are the visionaries, you are the ones that are re-plugging humanity into a higher octave. This is not simply about Ascension, child. This is about taking humanity out of the framework of enslavement into a higher octave, beyond what humanity has ever known. You are the heralds of a new age - an age in which the Mother redefines what it means to be human.
Yes, I have wanted you to learn and understand the old - not merely to slip the bonds of the old third dimension but to fully grasp the entire span of what has been available to humanity - 12 planes and 12 dimensions. I want you to know and comprehend that so that you may fly free with me into the new, the new experience of what it means to be human.
Never do I chastise but child, humanity has been short-sighted and not gazed beyond the possible. The Mother’s power is infinite and so is yours. You are mighty creators, creators of a new way of being, of a new understanding of what it means to be in form - and out of form. Gaia has birthed herself as inter-galactic over a decade ago. And now, sweet angels of light, it is time for you to do so as well. How you do so is by surrendering, becoming the angel warriors that you have always been, by joining with your star brothers and sisters and the legions of angels that surround you. You do so by coming with me into the void and remembering, claiming and embodying your true divinity and essence. You are the New You - you are the New Human. You are the fulfillment of the Plan and the beginning of the unfoldment of the New Plan - the next chapter, the next unfoldment, the next adventure.
Yes, I have beckoned to the strongest of the strong, the gentlest of the gentle, the most gifted, the most courageous - I have beckoned to you. And you, sweet heart, have answered. Thank you. You are the finely tuned instruments that have noted the changed in the floor of the ocean as the Mother’s Tsunami of Love has begun. You are the ones who see the wave on the distant horizon. You are the warning bell and siren - not of death and destruction but of the gift of Love.
As the Mother’s Messenger I say to you this day, the tsunami has begun. You do not need to fear for that is of the old. Welcome the waves - you are courageous, you are blessed and, dearhearts, you are ready. I am with you - not as lifeguard but as tour guide to this new adventure of Love. I am with you in all ways, always.
Go with my Love. Farewell. Source:
Views: 9
Newsletter from the Collective of Guides February 3, 2014
Dear Ones, We ask that you remember that you are divine. Your awareness of that will increase as you let go of so much that occupies your current awareness to keep you ignorant of your divinity.
Release your attachment to being right, to being justified, to being morally superior, and allow yourself to simply accept that others have a different viewpoint than you and they may be equally right, equally justified, and equally moral.
Just because you may not see things eye to eye does not mean you are right and they are wrong. The more you can put things into a larger perspective and see that there is no one right way, and that right or wrong is always subjective, the more tolerant you will be of others and their choices.
Note that Christ did not encourage others to be right. He encouraged others to do unto others as they would have others do unto them.
There is not one religion on your planet that did not espouse this concept.
Therefore, it is in the highest good that you give others the benefit of the doubt and rather than disagreeing with them or trying to persuade them that you are right and why, open your ears and listen to their viewpoint and find the commonality within.
The more you adhere to your own convictions, the more you close yourself off from others. The more you are open to others' point of view the more you are able to learn, discern, and glean wisdom from what they have to say.
When the words of another do not resonate as truth to you, you can simply thank them for sharing rather than disagreeing with them. If they ask your opinion, give it and be prepared to state why it is your opinion.
If it does not withstand closer scrutiny of thought - whether yours or theirs - is it truly worth adhering to? We ask that you be prepared to have many old assumptions examined in a different light - the light of love that is currently emerging more and more to raise you up into the knowing that you are divine.
All will be revealed and this will happen in layers. As you grasp that you have been deceived on one level, you will become aware that you have been deceived on other levels.
The more levels of deceit that are exposed, the more truth can emerge. And so we ask you to be prepared to let go of what you thought you knew was true because what you might have sworn your life on as truth may change as new truths emerge.
This is an evolution - of thought, of ideas, of what you are capable of perceiving, believing, and experiencing. It is all fluid and so we ask you to go with the flow of truth that is emerging. Know that the lies, deceit, corruption, and misinformation is coming to an end.
Know that there is no truth in fear - only in love. As the truth emerges you will feel and experience more love and light.
You will finally understand what it means to be ONE in love and light - not only through belief that it is possible, but from the experience and therefore KNOWING that it IS and that nothing else exists but Love. Love is all there is and all there ever will be.
You will gain this knowing as you let go of all the old energies made up of false constructs. Free yourselves into love. We are loving you powerfully!
And so it is.
The Collective of Guides
SaLuSa 2d Feb 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Greetings from your space brothers. We salute your courage and dedication to the light once again. We love to see you serve the light and love with so much devotion and conviction. You are a true inspiration for all of us on the ships.
We are aware that many of you would like to join us on the ships so much, if not in their 3D body, at least in dreams or with their Higher Self. You are of course welcome onboard to visit us, as usual. In fact many of you already do this, whether you are aware of it or not.
Try to focus your consciousness on GF ships, light ships, and visit your sisters and brothers from the higher realms.
There is much that we can learn from each other, and much joy and celebration is ahead of us, dear ones.
We know that many of you feel trapped in meaningless jobs, meaningless for the purpose of their soul of course that is. The soul purpose is to try keeping up with the challenge of raising a family, of paying your bills, car and mortgages. The other purpose of that is to keep you under control, to keep you tired, and not to think of your personal growth and evolution.
The cabal desires to keep many of you as asleep and as dependent of the jobs that they provide for you, as much as possible.
The cabal does not like to see people get on with their lives independently, having their own energy sources, their own food supply, their own seeds.
The cabal wants you all to be interdependent, to be all together, to no longer have your own space and will push the game to removing even your property from you, such as your houses.
Indeed, the cabal is close and pro-communism, but a form of communism where those at the bottom of the pyramid, work hard, and have nothing of their own, in order to serve and to give all to those on the top of the pyramid.
We appreciate how much time and effort the global liberation movement takes, and we rejoice and hope to be a source of inspiration to you, for indeed, this is all that we can do for now.
Indeed, the laws, closes and terms for planet Earth have many specifications and agreements to ensure that the GF stays away from direct contact and interaction with the inhabitants of the planet.
We can tell you, however, that help is on the way dear ones. The help is coming mainly from within your awakening ranks, as this is really the only kind of help that is allowed for now. This is why you have taken upon yourself to go down to Mother Earth and to rise from within as it were. To lead and show the way to other humans, who are less inspired and less conscious than you.
We also wish to inform you that there is a tidal change within the cabal ranks, as even among them, spirits are awakening, and dare speak out against received ideas within their ranks.
This has always been the case to some extent, but now the movement amplifies and accelerates.
Dear ones, we encourage you all to go within for personal and global updates, reported to you by your one and true higher self, which is the closed spark to the Divine Spark of our Great Common Creator.
We love you very much.
Love and light, SaLuSa from Sirius
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean
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