Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Esu Chats Briefly about Japan
By Esu thru Eve
Mar 14, 2011 - 5:29:16 PM
14th march 2011

Esu, can you comment on Japan?

Ok, Eve, short briefing: Japan is very serious. We are sucking off the most of the radioactivity – we are shift working 24 hours a day. We have taken care of the souls who were victims of the tsunami and there is special care for the ones whose bodys were harmed by radioactivity. Japan is an incredible mess of harm and grief.

A catastrophe like that – in a place of such a high population density - is a pure apocalypse. You see the volcanic underground of Japan. This is merely the beginning. We've told you before, how hard Japan could be hit. A chain reaction is likely to follow from this. The whole place is like an open wound right now – and this is in fact – unveiled – a drama when man sees what he has created.

So many of you have signed petitions for stopping that nuclear energy thing. They have not been heard. To build these kind of nuclear plants on volcanic ground makes it even worse. Tschernobyl has not been bad enough, so it seems - to turn the tide. The NWO players have placed a big coup by this. Now they are trying to make you believe they had arranged this by Haarp, as a shock and awe scenario. Your internet is already flooded by rage filled indictions and statements, that Haarp had been used to intentionally make a mess out of this. Not so, beloveds.

The Japanese in special have long played with the fire and now their house is literally burning down. WWII – the nuclear bombs falling upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not bad enough to prevent them from building these nuclear reactors. Japan is harvesting the grown up seed now, and unfortunately not only Japan.

On the background info of availability and development of free energy and the technology of Tesla in the first half of the last century even, this whole nuclear thing comes out to be the crown of irresponsibility.

And I'm sorry, folks, this is merely the beginning. You have now Japan as a building ground of drama and what does mankind do if further building grounds will be added and become manifest?

Hopefully you will cry out for God to help you. I assue you, what we see in Japan is tearing apart our hearts. You have heard about the high number of missing people. It's more, dear ones. And it will get worse. Go on joining your prayers and empathy to this location exposed to the elements of nature, to earth taking back her power, … keep firmly anchored while things will be adding up furthermore.

Yes, it's true – „it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark“. But now the rain has set in and I hope you have finished your preparations. This is the final rundown. Esu.

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Esu was incarnated as the one we call Jesus. He is back, on spaceship, for the ascension of our planet and some of the people on it. Though there are Souls incarnate here who ascended long ago. Others are taken to other planets for a life more suited to their current point in Soul journey.

And how much babysitting did we receive? I'm not sure, there is so much disinformation in the new age community. At this point they seem to make sure we don't destroy the planet and ourselves with it. The people that stay with Earth will rebuild the human society according to the Laws of God/Creation in the Light of our Creator.

Simone said:
Who is Esu Besimi, an ascended being or ET or other dimensional?  Thank you for the information. At this point I am questioning everything. I am in conflict about receiving help... on the one hand I want them to help if this is true that they are helping; on the other hand we will never learn anything if they continue to babysit and they do not reveal to the world that they are helping to remove the radioactivity.  If they help us to a large degree, they need to also reveal themselves to the world so that the world could be grateful in humility. The fact that they do not reveal themselves and yet claim to be helping makes me wonder if they are opportunistic also or perhaps the channeller is opportunistic and Esu is not real. Or maybe they are just saying that they are removing the radioactivity but are not to gain followers of a false light.  It's time for them to make themselves known plainly and obviously if they are real.
You've got it all wrong dear Lumiq!!!
The ascention is for All the People on Planet Earth... not just for some!!!
...praying for Japan & Whole World,indeed, ..cause these aren't easy times ahead,although very exciting ones.
-The Irresponsibility ,Greed & Corruption runs High ,in our world. ..including all kinds of crazy agendas too.
......cause yes, for more than 70 Years ,we already have Free Energy Developed ( Tesla Work), ..and we still burn ''things '' to power our way of living.
But the worst are these dark agendas,which will use these Mother Earth changes, to make things wors and blame it all on her.

We got to wake up fast (including people in uniform too) to question their orders,and say No to this madness ...hopefully soon we will ( cause of these higher energies coming up).
....otherways A Rude Awakening will take place, ...It's Not the other way around.

-A New Consciousness ,coming to Earth,goes hand in hand with Love-Hearted Awakenned People .
...but people GOT to wake up,in order to embrace it , it in easy way or rude way,but awakened they will Be.

........................Sweet Love to All.
Wishing that All make it through and without any hardship ,to that precious New Dawn.

-Humanity will Be Awakenned Galactic Citizens now on, ...ain't No going back . LOVE :):):).
Yes it is for all, but it seems at this point that not everybody will graduate.

Trudy said:
You've got it all wrong dear Lumiq!!!
The ascention is for All the People on Planet Earth... not just for some!!!

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