Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Michael Horn has continuously slandered myself, all the eye witnesses, etc at ECETI on talk shows and various other forms of media. This is my address to these issues. The only reason I even address this is because their message is deceptive and disempowering. I usually let Michael and Billy rant because the truth does not need defending and our evidence stands by itself. Yet there are some innocent and trusting souls caught up in this cult and its madness that need a reality check. Others want to know the truth and why Michael would continue in his assaults, lies and slander. This should clear the air.

Actually Michael and Billy have lied so many times it would be a book in itself. He went on Mel Fabrigas and Coast to Coast where his story flip flopped as it always does and claimed there were no ufos at Mt Adams or the ECETI Ranch which is all on record. He changed his story to they are military then back to no UFOs. Mel challenged him and said I have been to the ranch and I have seen the ships personally having me on the show to rebut Michael’s lies and disinformation stating very clearly he knows the ships are real and Michael is lying. Art Bell also had the triple PhD Boeing Engineers, an Air Force Base commander as well as Lockheed Skunkworks engineers with PhDs stating emphatically the ships are real and they are not ours. I guess Michael and Billy missed those shows or purposely avoided them.

Second the evidence is there for all to see yet Michael again lies repeatedly saying there is no evidence in this very email. Ships of every size, shape and color appearing at the Ranch, Cigar Shaped, Pyramid Shaped, Saucer Shaped, pure energy ships and light ships. All on record fully documented with pictures and videos along with eye witnesses. Thousands of them. Witnesses far superior than Michael can deliver. We are not talking about people who saw photos and video most proven to be hoaxed, we are talking about real live witnesses who filmed the events. Yes even Sean Hannity, Paranormal State, ABC News, History Channel, Danny Dyer specials, Robbie Williams with Above Tops Secret etc etc etc all of which Michael in his blatant lying says does not exist. 
So in this very email he says we produced zero evidence just go or eceti stargate on Youtube for just a taste. The evidence is all over the net, has been for 20+ years yet Michael says it is not there? 
Billy lied in his own videos about contacts stopping, losing his mind then says they never stopped, he said all crop circles are hoaxed, even used Dean Martin Back up singers pictures as his contacts. I can go on and on with the complete contradictions not to mention all the models and hoaxed footage found at his compound.

Now watch Michael not address his lies, evade and attack then changing the subject to Billy has the best evidence yada yada yada. He will cleverly try to twist the facts accusing others of what he himself is doing.

Well Michael we are calling you out on this lie address this ongoing lie without evading or changing the subject and without resorting to more character assassination resulting in more lies. Tell us again there is absolutely no evidence. Also tell us they are military when the ships have been seen and documented since the 1800's. Kenneth Arnold spotted the ships landing on the western slopes of Mt Adams. The local Yakima Nation has always known about the ships. Even Dr. J Allen Hynek investigated the activity. Yet Michael says there is no extraterrestrial activity, no UFOs. This again falls under pathological liar and cognitive dissonance with a heavy dose of narcism. So guys and gals watch Michael evade the question, make up complete ridiculous claims and again blatantly lie. I welcome all to go to and go to eceti stargate on youtube. That is only a very very small portion of the evidence yet enough to prove once and for all Michael is a liar and suffers mental illness.

Now considering the fact that people pay large sums of money to join FIGU and some pay up to 20% as two brothers from Sedona I interviewed we can see clearly why Billy has to be the one and only contactee. Anyone else would cut into their profits. So Billy claims to be the only prophet from God, as well as to be all these saints and prophets from the past. Now the last question I have to ask is how much more disempowering can one get. He says no one else can connect with God or ET. We all have to go through him, all others are charlatans. So Michael blows his horn and Billy profit cashes in. It is really that simple. Sick as it sounds. Feel free to respond to Michael in the appropriate manner. 
His email is 
Let him know how you feel about his lies and deceptions. I am just taking out the trash, with loving detachment. Michael is an embarrassment to himself, FIGU, and anyone in ufology with an ounce of integrity. Let’s start the new year by taking out the trash of 2014 once and for all.

On Dec 26, 2014, at 9:53 PM, Michael Horn wrote:

Hey all youse guys and gals, did you also notice that Mr. Silliland did a couple of…strange things here?

First - and this is almost clever - he lied…and then called Meier and me liars. Say…what?

Yup. You see, we never said there weren't "UFOs" up there at, pardon me, "aliens-performing-on-demand-land". We simply said that - pay attention - there is nothing extraterrestrial going on there.

Notice the other very telling thing - Mr. Silly produces ZERO evidence of ANYTHING extraterrestrial…but he makes all sorts of irrelevant, inaccurate, attacks on Meier, tries to play the stupid, untrue "they're only in it for the money" card.

And of course, just like Mr. Angelic, he will be absolutely, positively, guaranteed incapable of rebutting any of the following: 
Prof. Zahi's Analysis Report on the WCUFO

Prof. Zahi's Analysis Report on the Pendulum UFO

Prof. Zahi and Chris Lock's Analysis on The Energy Ships

…and also of course he won't even try to do what even a CHILD can can do to prove the authenticity of the WCUFO themselves:

The Billy Meier UFO Case: Now You Can Prove It to Yourself

You see, while he will bluster and flail and toss around inaccurate information - he won't be putting any significant, clear, close-up photos or films up for examination. Even more importantly, his smoke screen is generated especially because - in his heart of hearts - he…knows that he doesn't have one, single sentence, one significant bit of information that would even hint any any kind of actual ET "contact".

To all of you who are sharing in this, you can see that Jimmy's trying to turn his own…deceit on us, on Meier, the person he's most intensely, seethingly, uncontrollably jealous and envious of.

Man, is he pissed that he really isn't in "contact" with any ETs…he's basically a mind control experiment...and he knows it.

So while I've humored this dolt and bantered back and forth with him, make no mistake about it, he's a low level, inept, addle-brained deceiver, liar and transparently third rate con man…who's mainly fooling only himself.

So his whole act is yammering on about things that the target of his envy and jealousy never said.

And if you revceive this same kind of message from him again, it'll only be because Jimmy One-Note, the phony "contactee" tries the same old, tired, time-wasting charade.

If anybody thinks I'm even remotely wrong then demand some real evidence from Jimmy…and watch how all you'll get is the drivel and diversion, attacks on Meier and me that you see over and over from this numb nuts.

Watch and see.

Michael Horn 
Authorized American Media Representative 
The Billy Meier Contacts 

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