Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Each of you is an inseparable and essential component of the divine energy field.~SAUL,by J.Smallman.

Each of you is an inseparable and essential component of the divine energy field
01/09/2011 ~SAUL ,by John Smallman

As I have told you before, humanity’s task is to awaken, to become fully conscious and fully aware — in fact to return to its natural divine state of oneness with God. At this moment in time vast amounts of divine energy are enfolding your planet as many of you open your hearts to accept it, receive it, and channel it into your environment to assist and strengthen you all as you struggle to awaken from the nightmare in which you have immersed yourselves. And your awakening is divinely assured.

The Love God has for His creation is far beyond understanding. Those of you who have children know what it means to love, and if at any time any of those children’s lives have been seriously threatened, your experience of love has been so intense that you have felt that your heart could burst. That experience only demonstrates for you that love has immense power, but it can give you no idea at all of the intensity of God’s Love for you or of yours for Him. Even though you are almost completely unaware of it — because you have chosen to hide it from yourselves — it is the life force, the connective energy field that joins you eternally to your Father and to each other, for you are each eternally an inseparable and essential component of that divine field. You can never be lost, discarded, or abandoned; you can only imagine that this could happen, and by your awakening that horrific imaginary possibility will be dispelled.

As you ponder on this divine truth, allow yourself to believe it. Stop focusing on thoughts or sensations of your worthlessness, inadequacy, or unlovableness that come into your mind. Just acknowledge their presence, remind yourself that they are completely invalid, and open yourself to receive and accept the Love that your Father is offering you in every moment. Think of someone you are truly convinced is loved by God — your favorite saint or mystic, or someone you know or know of who demonstrates to you the loving Presence of God within them — and tell yourself that your Father loves you just as dearly because you know that He loves all His children with infinite tenderness, unconditionally, always.

Your thoughts to the contrary are merely ploys of the ego to distract you, unsettle you, and keep you contained within the illusion. So just release them without judgment, for they are only harmless figments floating aimlessly in the illusion. However, if you focus on them they can seem very real, and can act as an energy drain on you, leading to a sense of hopelessness or despair – more harmless figments! – so let them go. If they don’t go it means that you are engaging in self-judgment and using them as evidence of your failings. But you have no failings: you are perfect beings created that way by your perfect Father, and they are only harsh judgments of yourself that you can and will change.

Think of those you love, care for, admire, honor, and look up to. You truly belong in that group! Release your attitudes or beliefs in your own unworthiness, as these are just signs of egotistical false humility, focusing on itself for the satisfaction of being a miserable, helpless victim. That is not who you are, for you are a perfect infinitely loved child of God, and nothing can change that — ever!

With so very much love, Saul.

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Judgment is always self-judgment
01/05/2011 Saul,by John Smallman

As you know, God’s Will for His beloved children is quite wondrous, and what He wills, is. You, however, have free will and can choose not to participate with Him. You chose to do your own thing by building the illusion and hiding from Him within it, and how long you remain within it is truly your choice. You may think you want to leave it and return to His divine Reality, but until you forgive yourselves and one another unconditionally, and release all the grudges, judgments, and resentments you hold, you do not truly intend and will to return Home.

Reality is a state of divine bliss, in which all is in a state of perfect harmonious wholeness, where nothing is hidden, and where all is at peace. By holding on to even the slightest amount of anger, resentment, non-acceptance, or self-pity you anchor yourselves firmly in your illusory reality, where such attitudes are quite normal. To feel that you have been treated unfairly and to expect God to compensate you for the suffering that you have experienced makes absolutely no sense. The illusion does not exist; nothing happened there; and those negative attitudes onto which you are holding cannot be reconciled — they can only be released. There is only Love, which is all-enveloping.

You have all met kind, generous people who accept the situation in which they find themselves, however it may appear, and then deal with it competently without judging or blaming. Frequently, it has unnerved you, as you perhaps thought to yourself “I would not put up with that! It’s not right or fair!”when you are accustomed to judging and blaming, as is the vast majority experiencing life in the illusion. It is very unsettling to see someone accepting a situation that you judge as unacceptable. You want to see them fight for their rights; you might even to want to fight alongside them yourself. Peaceful acceptance of denied rights is very difficult for you to understand, and you remind yourselves of instances where you have seen wrongs righted by force of arms or of the law, and have judged them to be occasions of justice demonstrated.

The illusion is illusory, and within it there is no justice because nothing that happens there really happens. But as long as you believe in it, and by doing so support it, it will seem very real, along with the suffering and injustice experienced there. To stop believing in it you have to stop taking sides, and stop judging, blaming, and bearing grudges, and you have to start forgiving those you have judged. And the first person you have to forgive is yourself. As you begin to live like this you will find yourself experiencing moments of unexpected peace, and this will give you the motivation to continue.

In the end, judgment is always self-judgment, as people and situations reflect back to you your own sense of unworthiness or wickedness. But you are not unworthy and you are not wicked. You are perfect because that is how your Father created you. And when you accept that fact you will cease behaving in a way that disturbs or unsettles you. Then you will release the negative attitudes to which you have been clinging so firmly — and the anchor that has been holding you in the illusion will be weighed as you sail for Home.

With so very much love, Saul.
'Your thoughts to the contrary are merely ploys of the ego to distract you, unsettle you, and keep you contained within the illusion. So just release them without judgment, for they are only harmless figments floating aimlessly in the illusion.'
Very good counsel.
Thanks Besimi

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