Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I have been waiting to post this blog, and would have posted it in the blog section, except of course that it was taken down this week. Unfortunate. That was the best section of the site, to me. Not to mention the thousands of blogs that were posted there are no longer available to the people of this community. So, good going................*rolls eyes*

But anyway, I have spent the last 9 days reading every channeling I could find, reading every reaction to 12-21-12 I could find, and if I have to come to a conclusion, it is this: The human mind can convince itself of ANYTHING.


It's like taking the placebo. You convinced yourself you swallowed real medicine, and so your body starts to show signs of improvement. But you only swallowed sugar. But you allowed yourself the delusion.

And that's what a majority, not all mind you, but a majority of this entire New Age Movement is, a huge delusion.

I'm not talking about positive thinking, or meditation, or even the scientific end of this, like sacred geometry or quantum physics. Every one of these things is great, and there is plenty of scientific evidence to back them up. There is much power in positive thinking, there are true benefits of sacred geometry, there is even much power in reading inspirational posts. Hey, if it lifts you up and improves you, then, I'm all for it.

But I'm talking about the GRAND DELUSION here. And I'll use a few examples:

People like SaLuSa. And others like him. SaLuSa conveniently went on vacation from December 12th to the 28th, and just returned to post. I'm sure you can find his last channeling out there on one of these sites. But it read exactly like I thought it would. A bunch of backpeddling, a bunch of "if you didn't feel the changes, then you weren't ready" a bunch of "some people felt the changes" and then on top of it all, Mike Quinsey decides to stop channeling SaLuSa three days a week to just down to Fridays. And you gotta love how all these channelings are scheduled channelings, like these great grand spiritual wizards need some sort of 3D schedule when to open their cosmic lines.

Now remember something here. SaLuSa, and others like him, talked of a great December 21st event THAT WOULD LEAVE PEOPLE IN AWE!!!!!!!!!!!! IN AWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An earth shattering event, KNOCK-YOUR-SOCKS-OFF EVENT that would shock the world. "WE have a divine schedule to keep, and if you don't manifest the changes yourself, we will have to do them ourselves, we of the Galactic Federation of Light!!!" Then nothing. A complete fake orgasm. Then they all say the same thing afterwards. "Well, if you were paying attention and really trying, you would have felt it." Or "Well. we only just moved into 4D." Or a bunch of other half lame ass excuses.

Listen folks, NOTHING HAPPENED. There was no DNA to crystalline switchover. No one ascended from the earth. No inner earth beings came up out of the ground to meet us. There were no ascension chambers. There were no mass landing of ships. There was no disclosure event. there was no NESARA Announcement, there was no Keshe Foundation announcement. There was no giant rays of light. There was no Sananda, or Arch Angels or Flying Lizard people. There was nothing of the sort.

Oh, there were some events this week, sure. Congress voting on warrantless reading of emails. A call for gun confiscation. Obama trying to pass his implantable microchip for health care resolution. Indefinite detention for anyone who speaks out against the government, according to the latest in the NDAA bill. Sure, all sounds like enlightened stuff, right? No, its just more typical police state stuff. The hammer is still coming down, but everyone is too fluffed out on Unicorn dust to smell it.

There was no Benjamin Fulford "December 21st will be the day we reset the calendar" There was no GALACTIC ALIGNMENT, there wasn't even a planetary alignment that day. There was no Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The best astrologers on the planet cannot even agree when the starting of the age of Aquarius is. Some of the dates are off by thousands of years.

You know what this whole thing is? It's another religion. Just like any other religion, where millions of people start nodding in agreement to something they think they understand. Millions think Jesus will return to Earth. Millions thought the world would end on January 1st 2000. Millions think the moon is hollow and dragged here by our Pleiadian brothers. You can convince anybody of ANYTHING! Shit, millions STILL think that Obama Bin Laden did 9-11. When the evidence COMPLETELY shows he did not, but MILLIONS choose to believe the hypnosis.

And that's all the New Age movement is. Another form of hypnosis. Listening to some of these interviews is like listening to a bunch of mental patients in an asylum, discussing their lizard beings and thier Galactic Commanders coming down from the sky and visiting them.

OK, I have studied this field for 25 years. 25 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is alot I believe in. There is alot of conspiratorial stuff out there that needs mature, real investigation. I believe in extra terrestrials, and I believe that this world has been visited in the past, and is still being visited. I put my faith into EVIDENCE. For example, it makes more sense to me that the pyramids were built by extra-terrestrials or influenced by ET's than man having done this himself.Why? Simple. We cannot even duplicate that megalithic architecture technology NOW, in the 21st century.

But so much of the New Age movement has taken the research that many take seriously and have run over the edge of the cliff with it. I'm tired of hearing about Hilarion and the 6th Ring of the Open Gates, or "I'm Gilderzaaad of the 11th Dimension coming though the Great Lizard Eeklethorpe's asshole. Smell my message........"

Enough is enough. There are not 40 Arch Angel Michaels, or 12 different St. Germains. Most of this channeling stuff is pure bullshit, get it? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!! It's bullshit. Say it with me. B. U. L. L. S. H. I. T.  ...bullshit.

WE all want to believe in something bigger than ourselves, and now I get to watch all these channelers and their followers picking through the words of these channelings, looking for something they might have missed this week. Blossom Goodchild and a few others going on about how they were depressed for a few days after December 21st. Then they were saying in their messages to the public "Am I experiencing the great three days of Darkness?? IS THIS THE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS!?!?!??!"

NO, you stupid monkey, you're NOT. You're experiencing depression, just like anyone else would. Stop labeling it, stop making it into something mystical or abstract or surreal, and start seeing this shit for face value.

You know what this is? All this mystification and over-blowing of simple every day experiences? It's an addiction. And these people are sifting the words of these channelings just like a junkie would sift the carpet for a piece of crack that fell onto the floor from off the table, and he will search and search until he finds something, ANYTHING, to stick in his pipe to smoke.

I don't mean to sound sardonic. I have been with this site for over 4 years. I have no regrets, and I don't plan on going anywhere. (But you ought to put the blog section back up, that's for sure.) But, we need to be realistic about this stuff. REALLY REALISTIC.

I'm tired of the airy fairy attitude of the new age movement. Its an insult to real research. I'm tired of the Steve Beckows, who will quote from 6 or 7 sources in his blogs, but the 6 or 7 sources are all mythical figures from channeling. "Well, Salusa says this, and Arch Angel Micheal says that, and Hilarion says this....."

Oh yeah, well ain't that nice. He might as well say to us, "Well, Santa Claus said this, and the Easter Bunny said that. And the Tooth Fairy said this. And the Spaghetti Monster said that."

It's ALL BULLSHIT. I actually feel sorry for these people. OK, they are stuck in a trap. I know how it feels. I let myself get a little stuck there, too. Hoping for the best, wanting real change, wanting some extraterrestrial help, some disclosure, a chance for the human race to mature and start living more truthful lives.

But it ain't happening! Yes, and that sucks. It truly does. So what's the real message in all of this? So as lightworkers, as truth tellers, what the hell is our responsibility?

Simple. We continue our research, and we continue to wake people up. But with TRUTH. Ok, no more magical romps through the forest, riding our metaphorical unicorn while his mystical horn continues to penetrate our assholes with its flowery visions and light ships of love. ENOUGH!

Continue to meditate. Continue to love one another. Continue to be forgiving. Continue to improve your own lives, and take the time to help others. But let go of the DELUSIONS. Bottom line. Believing in Hilarion or St. Germain is as stupid as believing the government. In fact, be smart enough to know that most of these channelings are done by the dark forces. And for a simple reason. To slow you down, to lull you to sleep, and while you spend years waiting for the ships to arrive, and for the gold and prosperity to rain down on you, all the while they put their police state into force, and continue to pass their draconian legislation.

I'm tired of hearsay. I'm tired of Wilcock, Fulford, Poof, Drake, and all these other claimers of inside information telling us the same thing the channeling world tells us. And we all know that word.


Well, soon never comes, does it.

It's alright though, it's all good. None of this stuff has shattered my faith. If anything, it just goes to prove what I already knew, and convince me to double my efforts. You cannot count on anyone but yourself. Let these channelers go on spouting how December 21st was a huge success, and how they are now living in the 5th dimension, and that the third dimension has passed. WTF??? Go figure that bunch of horse shit out. Last time I looked out the window, the third dimension was still there. Go let these so called INSIDERS continue to spout their news once a week about how the prosperity packages are only days away, and that change is right around the corner. Go let these New Agers do what I have read all week long, which is to say, "Oh, the change is just beginning, and 2013 will change everything!"

Will it really? Didn't they all say that 12 months ago? 2012 will change everything? Then the year before that? Or the year before that? Or how about the 15 years of Sheldan Nidle channelings. 15 years of SOON SOON SOON.

OK, I've ranted enough. People who know me here, know my dedication to the field, and know my feelings for all of you. Anyone who doesn't know me, probably thinks this blog reads like a maniacal rant, and that "hey. this guy ain't a lightworker at all." Well, think what you want. I know what I have contributed to this field of study, and I know that like any field of study, you have to wipe away layer upon layer of smelly crap in order to get at the truth and heart of it.

So my good friends, and fellow light workers, and members of the human race: How did December 21st effect you? Was it another letdown, like October 14th 2008? Was there any personal epiphany in your lives? Was it just another day? Did you wake up and smell the bullshit that day?

I'll part by saying this. My faith is stronger than ever. I never believed December 21st to be a day that all kinds of magic would happen, despite the OBVIOUS bullshit of channelers, who NOW are changing their entire story. We are in a period of change. A window of change. A window of change that does reflect what many ancient prophecies have said. We will hit a societal rock bottom low, then we will rebuild. But we are still in that low. Unfortunate too. Police state action, government a mess, lies upon lies upon lies fed to the people. But even mathematically, it cannot sustain itself. Something will have to give. It's simple physics. Then a new world will dawn. Will it be a Mad Max total anarchy world? Or will it be a restructuring of society and a golden age? I don't know. Maybe the first, then the next. We had a dark age before last hundreds of years. Some say 800-1000 years. It's possible it could happen again.

But one thing is for sure. All any of us have is TODAY. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. And yesterday is already gone. So what are you going to do with your day TODAY? Are you going to live it, or are you going to read about unicorns and spaceships saving our future while man eating lizards disembowel our children?

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it shouldn't be a surprise that the new age movement has been infiltrated, in this corrupt world there is controlled opposition on every level...

having said that, there are genuine truthseekers and servants of truths whose intentions are to help bring about positive changes, help uncover as to what has been going on so that their fellow human beings may wake up.


Be discerning about what you accept as truth. The corrupt have many disciples who pretend to guide you when, in fact, there is no truth in what they are preaching or "channeling". Misinformation is big business. Do not fall for it. Let your heart and your higher self be your guides as you start this exciting journey to your future.

- montague keen, sunday 2nd december 2012


great post PA. In my eyes, Technology is the major game changer. i already feel like we are living in the future with smart phones and tablet computers, and its a mtter of time before technology really sets us free...... if only we can beat the oil companies and big corporation to bring benifitial tech to the admitadly we do have big stummbleing blocks to get over before we can bring in real change, but it has to happen as the throw away sociaty will one day implode as resorces run dry...

I am with Ya, we have all been had. My be these channels will get a life and stop the b.s., all they want is money. I know we are not alone in the universe and we can make this planet a peacefull and pleasant one, we just need the truth to come out

I usually don't post much but your "rant" really caught my attention.  Its strange to see my feelings put by the words that you wrote. Yes I too am tired of the BS. But I am not giving up hope. To be honest, I didn't think that the 21st was significant. I think it was the 28th that meant something. It started for me on the 27th that something was happening. I wasn't sure what was going on but everything was starting to "feel" different. I didn't feel as antsy. I started feeling a bit more at peace with myself. It actually felt as some weight was being lifted off my shoulders.  The next day I was talking to a friend, telling her how I felt. The word "transition" kept coming to mind. I do believe that we are making a transition to a new age. These next few days will either make us or break us. It really depends on the individual. The Truth is within each of us. The belief is there as well. There is a Higher Love. There is going to be a new Dimension. There is going to be a new Life.  Believe. Remember one thing... the mind is a very powerful thing... it can create and it can destroy. Its up to you how YOU use it.

Sigh the lies.... too many of them. Yes it did do harm. Just what can we believe in? There is a bit truth in all.  Its just up to us to figure out what the truth is, and in our Hearts we do know the Truth. When the time comes for us to know the Truth, will we accept or deny? That is the question.

Pleiadian Agenda said:

Absolutely Starsue, I couldn't agree more with your views on the power of perception. Of course there will be change, and of course things are on a divine plan and that progress is a natural thing. We will evolve, and we will ascend, always reaching higher and more profound states of consciousness. However, my rant was basically about all the lies that have penetrated the New Age movement, and how dates and times and the sensationalism that have permeated this field of study have caused more harm than good.

Thanks for your input :)

Starsue said:

I usually don't post much but your "rant" really caught my attention.  Its strange to see my feelings put by the words that you wrote. Yes I too am tired of the BS. But I am not giving up hope. To be honest, I didn't think that the 21st was significant. I think it was the 28th that meant something. It started for me on the 27th that something was happening. I wasn't sure what was going on but everything was starting to "feel" different. I didn't feel as antsy. I started feeling a bit more at peace with myself. It actually felt as some weight was being lifted off my shoulders.  The next day I was talking to a friend, telling her how I felt. The word "transition" kept coming to mind. I do believe that we are making a transition to a new age. These next few days will either make us or break us. It really depends on the individual. The Truth is within each of us. The belief is there as well. There is a Higher Love. There is going to be a new Dimension. There is going to be a new Life.  Believe. Remember one thing... the mind is a very powerful thing... it can create and it can destroy. Its up to you how YOU use it.

I personally took the channellings with a grain of salt. My personal expectations were that the 21st was a turning point or marker and that things would transition into the new era. First I want to say that I'm not making this up. This whole year was incredible for me and for my family. I had a lot of personal revelations. The two weeks prior to the 21st were very intense. I did go through a "dark night of the soul"!which lasted for three days. Then after the 21st I felt a wave of love and joy. I also felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I am personlally in awe of what God has done for me and my family this year. I think people were unfortunately expecting something more earth shattering, but for me it was an intense internal spiritual experience. Maybe for others it may seem more subtle, I don't know. It's a very personal thing. I wish I could give more detail, but it's too personal. I am extremely hopeful and excited for the future and what is in store for us. I'm sorry for others who may have been dissapointed. I sincerely hope others will feel the spiritual changes that are taking place, the joy and happiness that awaits us. I think there is something to be said for "being in the moment" rather than having too many expectations. There is also the saying "Life is what you make of it." I plan on doing a 20 day cleanse and raw diet starting the first. Ive had a lot of spiritual healing, which i am so grateful for, so now i feel called to work on my physical healing. I really dont know what I did differently to have been gifted with these experiences and why others might not have experienced anything other than prayer, meditation, and maybe having gratitude for everything that I have been given. So I really hope that it will be your turn soon. Many Blessings to you!

'' - December 21st, the date long awaited with excitement and musing about what would occur, has come and gone.

Individual experiences that day were as personal and unique as each soul itself is. Nevertheless, the majority of sensations felt by lightworkers can be described as moments of heightened spiritual attunement for some; a sense of peacefulness and well being for others; and disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes. Except for the “doomsday” concept followers, the general reaction of the rest of Earth’s population who gave any thought at all to the Mayan calendar was, I knew nothing out of the ordinary would happen.
Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls. They include those who have no knowledge of Earth’s ascension or are in the “fence-straddler” ranks or have been edging toward dark ways. Albeit unknowingly, all of them have intensified in the collective consciousness the desire and determination to right the wrongs in your world.
You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy. More than ever before, people around the world are deeply feeling compassion for those who are in shock and grief after mass or random shootings or are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny or are homeless and hungry.
Always there have been individuals who stepped up to assist others in whatever ways they could. What is new is, the Oneness of All that is known at soul level is rising into the consciousness, where a sense of connection with all who are suffering is gently emerging.
The recent in-pouring of light created a unified soul-level intention to end violence in your world and uplift the lot of the impoverished masses. As thoughts and actions in line with this intention coalesce into the collective belief that this can be done, firm strides will be taken to achieve it.
You know that in the continuum this is fait accompli. But most of Earth’s peoples have been in varying degrees of third density’s conscious awareness, and at that level possibilities are confined to third density senses, capabilities and what has been taught.
Their heartfelt longing for a world of peace and goodness is real, but the limitations of their beliefs created doubts that it ever could become a reality. It is not widely known that the universal law that belief creates reality affects each and every person’s life, so it is understandable that before now the belief ingrained in most of your civilization was that the multitude of abhorrent situations in your world is far too formidable to be remedied. Now, soul level knowingness is moving thoughts from “it is impossible” to “maybe it is possible— let’s try!”   ... '',love,love,love :) for all You guys. NAMASTE. 

Pleiadian Agenda, great post man. I personally have stopped reading channeled messages about six months ago. I really believed Blossom's channels back in the day but to be honest I don't see much information worth reading. Since we never got a straight answer and we always are given the same information. So I don't believe these guys at all, it doesn't matter what phrase they use from the bible or important character of our history. In the end I know we are all different and I know we will have different experiences in this life. I think that is pretty obvious I could have told you that with out channeling any one.

Another point is that like you my friend I don't loose hope. I think humanity will reach a better world in the future. It looks hard but i think its possible non the less i think we are in this website not because of many channeled messages but because we want peace and love to take this planet over. Here we can speak our minds about what we think and agree to disagree but in the end I don't believe any person in this website desires a broken world of hate. I do believe prayer and meditation are important but I guess whats most important here in our life's is to find peace within our self's... which is no easy task :) .

This is what life is just a journey, a learning journey. So go listen to your heart and do what makes it feel right. have been missed!!!! :)

( be honest I haven't been around so much lately; I think I was trying to distance myself from 'all of this', trying to protect myself against further disappointment)

Beside 'buying' into Blossom's October 14th 2008, I never bought into any channeling stuff. Never felt as a possibility.

When you said "I know how it feels. I let myself get a little stuck there, too. Hoping for the best, wanting real change, wanting some extraterrestrial help, some disclosure, a chance for the human race to mature and start living more truthful lives."; this is absolutely how I felt. I do confess that I did hope something significant (not big Earthshattering) would happen on the 21st, but that was just wishful thinking; I never really believed it would.

The journey continues...trying to be a better person to myself and especially to others. My hope for a better, more truthful, happier world will always exist.


I'm glad your faith is stronger than ever PA. I agree. I've got pissed off with it all and realised there is a contingent that are tricksters and evil. I considered that many 'et's are time/space travellers. origininating in the etheric realm. They are the archons and psychic parasites, the energy vampires attaching themselves to human bodies, Draconian 'oversouls' and other horrid things. But at the same time they are masquerading, in some cases, as the Star Nation's representatives. We have to be vigilant.

Yet there a huge craft around the Sun almost daily now, something grand is still going on, and I'm sure we are being protected from bad cme's. Someone is helping us for sure.

michael tsarion on the vatican, its symbolism and the new age movement which is a creation of the vatican... (at 17:32 mark), just sharing....


it shouldn't be a surprise that the new age movement has been infiltrated, in this corrupt world there is controlled opposition on every level...

having said that, there are genuine truthseekers and servants of truths whose intentions are to help bring about positive changes, help uncover as to what has been going on so that their fellow human beings may wake up.


Be discerning about what you accept as truth. The corrupt have many disciples who pretend to guide you when, in fact, there is no truth in what they are preaching or "channeling". Misinformation is big business. Do not fall for it. Let your heart and your higher self be your guides as you start this exciting journey to your future.

- montague keen, sunday 2nd december 2012


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