Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

First Law:
"The true student of Life begins by studying himself"

Second Law:
"The true Light illuminates or blinds, according to the student's attitude."

Third Law:
"The true soldier of the Light battles loving the enemy."

Fourth Law:
"The true protection lies in controlling inner fear."

Fifth Law:
"The true Teacher teaches with his or her example."

Sixth Law:
"The true messenger is he who only transmits the message."

Seventh Law:
"The true faith is sustained in knowledge."

Eight Law:
"The sacred doctrine becomes even more sacred if one's life is lived in accordance with it."

Ninth Law:
"The true temple is that which is built upon feelings, thoughts and attitudes."

Tenth Law:
The true mystic is he or she who practices the principles of Heaven and who is constantly dying to love his or her neighbor."

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