Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I feel i must apologise as all i do is write for advice and information etc etc but when you are faced with what i am faced with on a minutely basis, i have no choice. The knowledge, the pain.

I have the knowledge and information welling up inside me, its all there yet for some reason something, someone, me or some other entity is stopping me from speaking my truth and knowledge. I feel it so real, important and yes reachable yet whe i even sit down with a pen I cannot even write a sentence. I am lost. I am not telling anyone i have 'incredible life saving information!' all i am saying is i know stuff but cannot reach it. i have tried meditation but im drawing blanks. this is hurting me as i know i need to speak.

everything i need to say is within yet it is a foreign language and dont know how to interpret it. I am a messenger but dont know the message or the language it is spoken in...this is driving me crazy and very lately it has made me feel like i am losing my mind ( not in a good way!)....maybe even some of you have noticed how erratic i have been??

I really could do with some help, from anyone, even a one to one...something because I know i am being spoken to, I know I have information that needs to be told I just dont know how to reach it

my love and hope and prayer for the right person/people to contact me and help me with this.


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thank youf or such a mature insightful approach. No i am not 'hearing' voices, I am not going mad, i am not mental hopspial material.....anyone else that has anything of any truth/knowledge/wisdom to say I will gladly welcome.....unless your are of the same opinion of Nur Ab Sal that actually I need psychiatiric help???? let me know!!

Nur Ab Sal said:
I'm not saying this to mock you or be derisive, but please see a health professional along with any help you get here if you are suddenly hearing voices/being spoken to/etc even if they are benign. When it comes down to it, the fact that you can't really decipher what it's trying to say to you seems to be causing you some kind of mental anguish or desperation. If anything it would be good to get two opinions on what these voices might be and what they mean or are trying to say to you. That's about the only help I can offer.
by the way Nur ab, you say your 13 years old from a Russioan Orphanage........ very well Englishe spoken from a Russian orphanage...? just chucking that into the mix..! seeing as its incredibly hard to evrn clothe them, how can they teach you to speak english and stick pins in you?? im sorry if all of this is true but i have been told so so many big lies lately ..... xxx
Hiya Andromeda. Although I most definately do not believe in easy ways out, I felt to offer you a suggestion (if you had not already tried it) involving alcohol/ spirits. Please believe me that I do not want to encorage drinking or substance abuse in any way but for myself (heavy party time drinker at times) alcohol has helped to release my clutches on an over active and jumbled mind (sometimes). When searching for lyrics that I cannot express and even drawing inspirations, I've (at times) found assistance in dutch courage but please remember this is only a suggestion.
I'm in fact trying to stop drinking as I do feel it may be holdin me back from my ascension process. I don't know??

Best of luck to you in whatever you try and I'm quite excited and interested to hear what is hidden inside you.
I am sorry.

Nur Ab Sal said:
I hope you take my advice anyway and look past the stigma of using some kind of professional to help you talk through this. I know you're not a crazy cat lady, you don't have to be to get help from someone who actually knows what they're doing *ahem*. I could only advice that out of personal experience.

Also, there IS a reason I never made an "about me" post like many people here did. It's because I consider my past none of anyone else's business except for certain people. I did make you an exception so PM if you really ARE curious. The fact that you posted some very personal things that I chose to reveal to you about me, for everyone to see, is kind of disappointing but then again I guess in the future I should be more careful with who I tell these things.

Andromeda said:
by the way Nur ab, you say your 13 years old from a Russioan Orphanage........ very well Englishe spoken from a Russian orphanage...? just chucking that into the mix..! seeing as its incredibly hard to evrn clothe them, how can they teach you to speak english and stick pins in you?? im sorry if all of this is true but i have been told so so many big lies lately ..... xxx

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