Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Back in October of 2008, Colin Powell, on National Television, said that on January 21st or 22nd of 2009, there would be a generated crisis, but he didn't know what. How can he simply know the exact date, three months in advance almost, and not know what it will possibly be. Later that day in an exclusive twenty five thousand dollar dinner, Joe Biden said that within the first six months of Obama's inauguration, a generated crisis would fall upon Barack to "test the mettle of this guy". Within 72 hours of each other, six globalist leaders all announced of a coming crisis that would be coming in the near future.
In the beginning of October, the first live unit of troops was deployed inside of the United States for the first time ever. This is in total violation of Possi Comitatus in our Constitution where the military must not interact with civilians. Northcom, who is in control of this platoon, denied its existence for several months until it finally announced that it was to maintain order and deal with "civil unrest". Since this enactment, military mobilization, check points, and regular "urban warfare practices" have been conducted in America, Mexico, and Canada. Every time these militarized personnel interact with civilians, they are violating this amendment and thus should be charged with a felony. These Zionists have engineered a depression, just like the Great Depression in the 1950's, and expect no one to rise up against it? They have another thing coming....
Back in April of 2008, Congress had an entirely secret meeting, where most people from congress nor the press were in attendance (Please note, the United States has only had four of these secret meetings since its creation). In this meeting, they discussed the coming economic crisis and collapse of the monetary system, the bailouts, the use of Rex 84 camps (concentration / death camps with crematoriums and gas chambers) and the live platoons of soldiers ready to contain "civil unrest" or riots. Our leaders knew about this failed economy months in advance and just sat there and didn't do anything to prevent it, which is an obvious indication that they are only worrying about their own "agendas".. This meeting was not announced to the public until late December by which most of this information was even then kept secret. Most of the presidential directives have striped the American Congress and the Senate of most of its power in the event of a crisis where the President can now declare whenever he sees fit, regardless of position on the Earth, if it somehow poses a threat to the US (Presidential Directive 51; same exact name and almost exactly like Hitler's).
Below are several video links containing an interview with Colin Powell, along with quotes from the six globalist leaders. An important discovery was made in 2008 that showed how all of the terrorist attacks in America have all been perfectly linked together as if they were mapping out a, you guessed it, a pentagram. The only target that has not been hit yet to complete this star is Miami. Why would the United States create a false flag and attack itself? Simple, to nuke Iran, get World War Three started, and begin their agenda for a "New World Order", which many have been calling on for over twenty years now. A document that was just released on December 13, but dated February 14, 2008 was a part of the SPP, and was signed by the US and Canada, stating that either, nuclear or chemical biological attack, or even property damage could be the cause as a way for each of these countries to use foreign troops on its soil. To pass the bailouts alone, these Zionists threatened America with physical marshal law, or rule by a military state, unless it was passed. Also note, Obama has said that he plans to increase troops, aid Israel with a "nuclear umbrella", more than likely reinstate the draft, and will force all Americas to accept the RFID chip, or radio frequency identification chip, in order to get his universal health care and other benefits that he has promised during his campaign.
On January 21 or the 22nd, the day or two right after the Presidents inauguration, the United States will either witness another 9/11 false flag attack on itself as a pretext to invade another country like it did for Iraq, simply nuke Iran and blame another country, or the economy may collapse. Other possible targets for a possible attack inside of the United States include Texas, California, or Chicago.

Colin Powell announces January 21st or 22 -
6 Globalists Confirmed -
"Shit Has Hit the Fan" -
"Terrorist Attacks" *Must Watch* -

Everything that I have just explained in this paragraph, I have researched and monitored closely since its announcement, and it seems to only become more plausible. If anything does happen though, I know for a fact that it was a false flag attack or else I would not possess this kind of knowledge.These deceptive psychological attacks on the human mind have worked for thousands of years in the past and I hope that humanity can now stop and finally overcome this evil. I pray for you all....May peace be upon you all and may your inner conscious guide you in these difficult times of uncertainty

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I may not be on this Earth much longer because of my position in the United States compared to these cities and I have come to accept my fate. If the above statements are true, the fallout from the radioactive blast seems as if it will cover most of the West or East coasts of the United States depending on where it hits. For those who survive this crisis, they will be brainwashed into believing the media's and their leader's deceptive lies that it was just another "terrorist attack". If this happens, my only one wish is that humanity will be able to one day awaken their spiritual inner selves and overcome these tyrants...
Brad Johnson said:
The future lies in your hands, not from the hands of those who want you to think a crisis is coming. They want you to give it that energy. So remember, no one is in control of your reality but you. This once again, is just a feeble attempt at a scarcity tactic, do not buy into it. You'll only give something that is not in your best interest to consider a feeding of energy.

This is there tactic. Buy into fear and the fear will manifest. DO NOT FEAR. Allow all to be.

This I will try to do....
This is pure propaganda fear like brad said The future lies in your hands, not from the hands of those who want you to think a crisis is coming! ! just try to not let propaganda rule your life by your goverment.. peace ..
Yeah, your right , no one is in control of your reality, except the Morons who are trying to control it!!!!
No offense Brad, or anyone else, but as much love and light as everyone else is putting out there, unfortunately theres some darkness too. I hope Kevin is absolutlely wrong about all of it, but what if he isn't???
I think were missing the point here guys, there is a country full of scared thoughts powering this attack, and if they so choose to drop bombs on their soil. It will happen, we may not be affected by this directly but to be aware, is better to be ignorant, in the case of serious attack, we will have the knowledge of the true origin.
then so be it :)

or you can always migrate.
Hello Brothers and Sisters of light
I have the same opinion, I think it is the same propaganda that appear at 10-14-08 when after the no show up of the mother ship, it was an adjustment regarding the Gregorian calendar, therefore it was changed for 10-24-08 for those days I remember that St Germaine released another prediction for Nov 11 (11-11) and somebody posted the same letter that the bold guy read in one of the videos, about the deployment of troops in the west side of Canada, like to confirm the concern of the Canadian government for any civil disorder due the upcoming event, now, I live in Toronto Ontario, but I have a lot of close friends all over this country, and immediately got in touch with two friends in Calgary, another friend in Edmonton, and three others in Vancouver, I asked them about the presence of troops in the streets, and was not true, the situation about the suspension of the parliament is real, but that it was known since last year, and it has a different porpoise, even though what it says about the prime minister can do whatever he wants between 21 and 27 that is real.
By other side this guy in the video projects a weird energy, I couldn’t help but to think in the skinheads (nazis) I wouldn’t be surprised if this is an intent of this group to create the chaos and fear, It will logical to relate the nazi group with the hidden government that keeps trying to keep the control of the masses, but nevertheless, the awaking is happening, and nobody will stop it, lets send love and light to world my brothers and sisters, because from where we stand there is only one direction to go and is heaven.
Love and light to all of you

Reb said:
then so be it :)

or you can always migrate.

LOL!…… I love your answers my friend :D
Its simple as this, and like Ron Paul said, threatening America with physical marshal law is in fact, economic terrorism and those responsible should be held accountable. Our leaders have inside information as to what will happen several months in advance that they only reveal partial information to put fear into their minds. It's psychological warfare and this is also terrorism.... America is suffering many terrorist attacks as of right now just from its leaders alone....
Rocanon said:
Hello Brothers and Sisters of light
I have the same opinion, I think it is the same propaganda that appear at 10-14-08 when after the no show up of the mother ship, it was an adjustment regarding the Gregorian calendar, therefore it was changed for 10-24-08 for those days I remember that St Germaine released another prediction for Nov 11 (11-11) and somebody posted the same letter that the bold guy read in one of the videos, about the deployment of troops in the west side of Canada, like to confirm the concern of the Canadian government for any civil disorder due the upcoming event, now, I live in Toronto Ontario, but I have a lot of close friends all over this country, and immediately got in touch with two friends in Calgary, another friend in Edmonton, and three others in Vancouver, I asked them about the presence of troops in the streets, and was not true, the situation about the suspension of the parliament is real, but that it was known since last year, and it has a different porpoise, even though what it says about the prime minister can do whatever he wants between 21 and 27 that is real.
By other side this guy in the video projects a weird energy, I couldn’t help but to think in the skinheads (nazis) I wouldn’t be surprised if this is an intent of this group to create the chaos and fear, It will logical to relate the nazi group with the hidden government that keeps trying to keep the control of the masses, but nevertheless, the awaking is happening, and nobody will stop it, lets send love and light to world my brothers and sisters, because from where we stand there is only one direction to go and is heaven.
Love and light to all of you


Well, like Martin said in his video, he was making the video for his friend in Canada because for some unknown circumstances, she couldn't make it or post it on the internet herself.
Countless times has there been something like this "predicted". I'm pretty amazed they're still claiming there's the threat of terrorist attacks and what not considering just not too long ago they were exposing morgan-stanley as funding and pretty much running all global terrorism. As we've been told by channeled messages from ascended masters and other beings that there is nothing to fear anymore. Their game has been exposed but it's up to you if you choose to play it with them or not like brad stated. I choose to ignore this nonsense and go on with my happy life :)
Bloodshotbuddah said:
Dude seriously, even if I did believe this was true (Which I dont believe because I have been starting to listen to that voice in my head and it hasnt failed me yet) You completely messed yourself up by trying to scare the crap out of people like a psyco screaming THE END IS NEAR SOMETHING BIG AND SCARY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN! If you were for real you wouldnt throw random links in our face and pretend to be on our side.

Easy, easy bloodbuddah. Many of us has been there. Finding out horrible things that we dig our minds into. And we dig more, beeing nothing but 3 density realistic about it. His purpose was prob not to spread fear and panic. But truth in what he saw and believed to be true. Im just saying BloodBuddah. Have some perspective on other peoples view and research without attacking them. Not everyone are at the stage where you are at.

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