Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Clearing Before Nesara Arrests 1 & 2 ! June 14/09 PDF Print E-mail
Part 3: Beth's Briefing June 11/09 posted June 13/09

BETH: Thank you. Hello everybody. About 24 hours ago, Mark and I with Terrace Stanton who helped and we joined all of our helpers. Last night Sananda Kumara came to me and said, "We are going to start rounding up some of the dark hats." It dawned on me. I said, "Well is Ashtar going to start with arrests now? Will he be making arrests?"

Then I realized we were only going to be working with extraterrestrials. It was shown to me what I didn't understand before. It is that there are extraterrestrials who have mother ships and shuttle ships going from Earth into Earth's atmosphere into their mother ships - back and forth. They are working together with the dark hats that we have been talking about.

These are the ones who came here decades ago and they have been working in every industry since. I didn't understand that until last night. What Mother said is true. I don't mean to confirm her that way; I don't mean it that way. But, it's just so unbelievable. I am saying I experienced it last night and I am still astounded that it is true. The extraterrestrials are being arrested. They are going to prepare for trial. And, with that introduction, I would like to read what I wrote when I finished last night.

Not everything was gotten tonight. Thousands upon thousands were taken. There is a technology like a magnet; it beams a signal frequency that matches the negative ETs. It works by "like attracts like". When any negative ET is near the technology, they are ripped away from wherever they are, whatever they are doing and sucked into a kind of a wall.

Their bodies slam against the wall after being ripped away from what they were doing. They aren't hurt. They almost always go "uhh." It feels like having the wind knocked out of you. They are surprised. After this, they walked up a tube walkway. This looks like a subway station hallway - a long walk. Heathrow Airport comes to mind. They walk a long time.

They are ascending as they walk. They are going up into a ship and it is completely enclosed. In the end, they are incarcerated. They are helped into the tube by loving angels and everything after the "uhh hitting the wall" goes smoothly.

The purpose of this Op is to take any negative ET allowed to stay here since Truman. They have been wearing human disguises and have infiltrated all areas of business and industry. They do not age as fast as us and these are the same bad ETs as 70 years ago.

They had been invited to leave long ago, but the dark hats hid them. They worked together. With these gone, the 75,000 to 100,00 arrests will be easier because the arrests of the ETs will out the others. Their network is greatly weakened.

[Beth adding a comment: Mark commented today that they act in partnership with each other and that's absolutely right. So now that their ET partner who they are doing business with in all these different industries is gone and arrested last night, they'll be so weak they won't be able to do anything.]

We started at north central New Mexico underground. This is a lab where negative ETs worked to make some technologies used in the farm industry creating the fake pandemic viruses. This includes AIDS and many others. The swine flu is just "patty cake" compared to the others they have made. This is the underground connection to the Maryland mine.

We went to Maryland next. We would clear only the negative ETs out of the buildings. Business, government groups where we were. They would hit the wall and up the tube thousands of times. In other words, I would go to the site. I would see the building cleared and I would wait until every ET was arrested. Then we would go on to the next site.

Next, we cleared the Pentagon. I saw every arrest and waited until that place was cleared. We cleared the United Nations in New York. There was a moment when the arrests stopped. I looked up and a swarm of black bird-looking things flew towards me. Archangel Michael stopped them.

There is no signal. I had not broken my connection. No energy was in my body. No arrests were happening. I called as loud as I could, "Sananda, King of Swords, Mark, Mother Sekhmet, Tom, help me. Someone help me. Sananda." I was not afraid, but I was being stopped. I was not happy about being stopped.

I saw Archangel Michael reach up and rip the energy block apart with his bear hands like ripping plastic off a package. My energy was slowing restored and the arrests continued. I said, "Ah, hah. They saw where we are going next. Where are we going next?"

Monsanto, then Beatrice, then Archer Daniels Company; went to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. We went to UNICEF. Then we went to Nestle and we went to Bristol Meyers. They were very specific targets.

After that, we swept all the factories in China and all the factories on the shores in Japan. I looked up now and I saw a mother ship. This is a dark ship; it is very, very big. It is obvious there are shuttle craft going between Earth and this mother ship. When I looked again, there was an explosion. The ship was completely destroyed. It was reminiscent of the scene from "Independence Day" with Will Smith. I am getting completely choked up because it was so real.

Mark asked Mother Sekhmet today and she said it was one of the ancient Annunaki ships and it was destroyed. They will not be able to shuttle to that ship anymore. It's gone. I saw Sananda on the bridge of the New Jerusalem. He said, "That is enough for tonight." I did feel peace then. Signals had been sent to my body during the operation.

As we moved from place to place, as arrests were being made. Now the loveless energy was removed from my body and we were done. I looked at a ship where the ETs had shifted offtheir human suits and mulled around - thousands of them, comforting each other. They had known this day would come. They were quiet and not really surprised.

I said to everyone "Wait". I said, "I have a special request for you." I asked everyone whom I have touched, 6 degrees out from me, be cleared. Anyone who has heard my voice or read my words or known me, have cords cut and darkness removed from their being. This is done. A platinum light went out in every direction from me.

We thank all the help tonight with deep reverence and love,

That was the experience last night and everything has been peaceful to me today. It feels great. Thank you for letting me share.

MARIETTA: Thank you for sharing. How can we top this? I mean, this is such wonderful news and we are so grateful for your service, for your volunteering, and for sharing all of this with us. This does give us a lot of hope and help. Do you have anything else that you wish to share now that you have read that or anything that you wish to speak about?

BETH: Just briefly, I will add that I am certain that the arrests we are waiting for started 24 hours ago and I know that it is opening a path for the other arrests. This was just a beginning of something else - there will be more coming. There will be many, many more arrests behind the scenes before we start seeing them on TV, but they are started now. Ashtar started the arrests last night.

Last night(Friday) was a quite different worldwide Op. It involved mostly all sizes of negative dragons...not civilians. It's difficult not to label, I know, and I still want to say that there are very many of all species that are of the Light. It's not the outside wrapper's appearance. It's the soul-matrix's polarization choices that detemines their overall vibration.

The ones, of which we speak here, are very ancient deviant's who are intergalactic criminals wanted in many times/places outside of this dimension. They come in all sizes from bat-sized to 50' dragons. This is their last hurrah, before they are removed. Beth filed her portion of the Op last night(Friday) and the rest of us added our bits and pieces to this. I'll include a snippet from our Hawaiian A-team member, Kauwila, at the bottom.

I would add that we received much more opposition as we moved from D.C. and Bermuda as we heard them sending emergency IMs to Europe. They threw quite a barrage at us as we got into Italy/Vatican/huge swarms came out to engage us. Thousands most likely and including many hundreds of dragons of both 20' and 50' height. One of these whose face came up and sneered arrogantly at me/us was Prince Leo who then revealed his true Luciferian Dragon shape and many abilities before being arrested and removed.

Normally we would have a wrap-up today(Saturday). However, this was not completed last night(Friday) and the arrests and removals will continue until they are all finalized. Many will appear at the Hague before being taken off-planet to be tried in other higher courts. Some are already history. It was an interesting Op experience.

Mark Huber

Beth's initial report about the dragons' being flushed out and removed. The names are correct.

I saw Tom Daschle, Queen E II, Prince Edward #41 & #43 and Barbara, Pope Benedict and two of his highest Bishops, The Italian Prince from Ben [Fulford's 2 YouTube videos of earlier yesterday] piece; a royal couple was in the George V Hotel in France, many royals in Bermuda. The guy in Georgia(Ukraine) is a famous politician from old USSR.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Kauwila wrote:

This could have been that Prince that Ben Fulford interviewed. The one that was saying just give the Illuminati another chance, we'll be a "better" Illuminati, a more "humane" and positive Illuminati. Illuminati mafia, is more like it.

But the first came to mind actually was the Pope, or actually, a major Pope minion (would you call that a "Popion", rhymes with "onion"?)

Oh, here I see you mention the Vatican.

(By The Way, as I send this and my Thunderbird spell checker goes to work, it wants to replace your last name with "Twinkler"!! How right on is that!!)

Elizabeth Trutwin wrote:

I saw Dragons removed from:

Washington DC Kennebunkport, ME Paris Buckingham Palace Bermuda Germany Italy Vatican City Monaco Netherlands Sweden Egypt Kuwait Israel Greece China Hungary Georgia Japan

There was a 'Prince of a guy' in Italy who had several martial artists jump out from under his coat. A little scary, but Michael took care of it.

Each Dragon was removed from a specific person. Sometimes I knew them, sometimes not. Many were Royalty and I do not know their names.

My vision was not as good. It felt like I had very good protection around me and I could not see as well.

Also, my connection was cut after about an hour because I was being traced.

Does this match what you saw too? Yes! We all felt it when AAMichael abruptly had to disconnect us as some tracer actions on us were felt.

Mark P.S. As the morning progressed yesterday, a very nasty Cabal Concierge of exceptional toxicity tried to bait a trap for Beth and team. We figured that out and so Tom did a remote viewing analysis and showed us it's sources and intentions. This was so virulent that it had to be removed from the planet by AAMichael and Ashtar. Other lesser ones appeared to try and get on GRT boards with lesser rage, and still had to be firewalled. One more is on high watch to see his true colors. Beth has things to do outside the area tomorrow so I'm splicing this together so you'll all get an update.

After this one we all needed to have some cleansing energy baths and realignments before sleeping. Ashtar, Tom, AAMichael, Mother and Rama took the next shift and some more cleaning up continued through the night. While all were not removed, many hundreds of dragons along with thousands of their minions were.

NO DATES; NO NUKES and many fewer Dragons and we will continue these Ops over the next days until it is completed. We will all cheer then and many parallel activities we've discussed before will be much smoother and easier after these recent actions. Gaia is glowing more and more each day.

MarkH/Beth/Terrence/Kauwila: A-Team with "Mr T", Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat, and millions of GF ships under Admiral Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, St Germain, KOS.

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Isn't it a trully priceless moment to be alive Niceworld. It's been a long time coming so yea, let it rip.
Yea, I'm waiting so much for the results of all. We will celebrate! .*.*.*.*.

Kihanyaking said:
Isn't it a trully priceless moment to be alive Niceworld. It's been a long time coming so yea, let it rip.

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