Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I've only copied a small portion of this article which I found interesting but don't really know much about the author since I just started reading her material. If you would like to read the full article, go to and decide for yourself.

Only you can decide whether the truth resonates within.



There is a huge amount of supposedly channelled material floating about New Age circles. Some of the material was never channelled, but was assembled by charlatans. Other material is channelled, but the sources of the material are mostly questionable, even though much of it is sugar-coated with echoes of love, altruism, self-giving, warriorship and the like.

Some channellers have been generally accepted as “clear” channels who bring down only truth. The concept that there could be such “clear” channels is based upon the same fallacy that is behind the Catholic doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope. It is extremely dangerous to readily accept channelled material as absolute truth.

Whilst there is some genuine channelled material on Earth from reliable sources, this sort of situation is rare. Once genuine material filters through the evil system, it is immediately pounced upon by the “natural laws” in place in the realm. That is, the agents of Darkness in all forms begin corrupting the truth. This corrupting process is ever so subtle, gradual and deceptive that it appears natural, thus keeping people unaware of the process and the unseen intention behind it.

Many of the channellers have very limited knowledge and background regarding the material they are channelling. Hence, they do not even have the physical-mind knowledge to critically question or assess the material they are presenting. They can even behave as robots that are presenting programmed material. The beings capable of sending out the channelled messages to the channellers could be discarnate beings, astral beings, alien beings or even physical, living beings. All of these can have their own agendas. Most of the people who dabble in channelling cannot discern energies, even though they think they can.

The materials channelled from evil aliens are the most dangerous of all the channelled materials for many reasons. Firstly, the evil aliens are at war with humans, regardless of the nonsense that has been presented about their compassion and love for humanity. Further, the evil aliens can disguise themselves as angels, ascended masters or even gods. They or their messages might appear harmless or even helpful and spiritual, but that is not the case. They can make their followers feel that they are on the right spiritual path, and make things around them appear to be good, spiritual and uplifting. However, the followers are unaware that they are weakening themselves through the process of connecting to certain channelled material.

Prolonged exposure and involvement with the benign-appearing channelled material can weaken their Will, which the victims are not even aware of on the physical level. On the contrary, they may even feel spiritually connected and fulfilled, and be deceiving themselves into thinking they are progressing spiritually. Since many are taught about spiritual progression and advancement, they accept the doctrine of evolution of the soul. They can be quick to attack anyone who questions this spiritual evolutionary theory. In fact, evolutionary theories of all types are generally protected by Darkness and people are programmed to accept them.

People associate psychic activities with the New Age movement, but there were many genuine healers, psychics, seers, prophets and soothsayers in antiquity. The New Age movement has purposely or unwittingly attracted shameless rogues who have dabbled in psychic readings, healings, exorcisms and other things to con the unsuspecting public who seek help from them. In recent months, the media in various countries are exposing these charlatans. This exposure is not so much to protect the public, but mainly intended to ridicule and persecute the genuine psychics. Many of the charlatans who are being exposed by the ruling elite media are working with the ruling elite. This is another example of a single force running both sides of a situation and making it appear as a conflict. This is a variation of the “good cop, bad cop” scenario. It is a set up to disadvantage genuine psychic workers.

Many of the “gurus” pinch bits of truth or information from here and there and pretend it is their own material, to which they apply their own spin to totally corrupt what little truth there was originally. Some of these post other people’s work on their own websites and spend volumes of space critiquing the material. They try to elevate themselves by pretending to have in-depth knowledge to fool the casual readers of the sites. The types of critiques in most of these websites show that the writers have very limited or no inner understanding or experience of what they are writing about. This is irresponsible at best! Worse than their egoistical puffing is the amount of misguiding they do to people who are sincerely searching for truth.

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Channeled material must be taken with wisdom. The article sheds light on this topic. I only read what is on this post, but the energy behind it is truthful. Much channeled material I read has much detail in it. Detail causes confusion. This is where I look for the main message and question who do this benefit the most. I'm still a Christian but much more and I still beleive the Bible to some degree. The books of the Bible were messages channeled by God him self or angels delivering messages from God or wrote by His inspiration. There were many prophets who wrote the many books of the Bible. Men decided which books were to be but in to one collection, so some were left out and some corrupted by multiple translating and some may have been altered for deceptive reason by men in power. But what Im getting at with the Bible is about, God shared his wisdom with men in those days and He share it in the days before and He still is sharing wisdom today. He never stoped, we did. We just have to listen. He comes threw in thought and felling of clarity. You know in your heart if thoughts are pure or not. Much of the corrupted channeled material is caused by translating telepathy to a human spoken language like english Some words have so many different meanings.If the wrong word is chosen, it could throw off the whole meaning. Spoken language causes confusion. It reminds me of babel. So much is lost between the mind and the mouth or finger tips. With me it does.
What it all boils down to is that channeled messages have to be taken in to consideration that some of the message can be corrupt by the channeler, consiously or un-consciously by his or her own ego or some other negative force. We must read between the lines and use our inner wisdom, which is connected to God directly, while we are at peace and with joy in your heart. The truth will reveal it self.
Moe THANKYOU For sharing this real light of truth .This is such perfect timing for I needed to know and this article was just what I needed to to hear.I know there are angels involved hear LOL But this message I got from it resonated with that real light that we know only as the truth .


Publisher of Rumor Mill News

The following is an exclusive interview conducted with Rayelan Allan, Founder/ Editor of The Rumor Mill News Agency, a web-based news magazine that was started by and for government whistle-blowers. (

At one point in her life, Rayelan was part of the New Age community and believed she had been chosen to receive channeled messages from the star system Sirius. After a strange set of circumstances, she found herself married to a Naval Officer who at the time was also the number 3 man in the CIA. From him, she learned that the "channeled voices" were originating from a more earthly source . . . namely the Office of Naval Intelligence. Through a bizarre journey that included a trip to Austria where her husband revealed that not only was he a Knight Templar, but that the messages that had been transmitted to her in these "channeling" sessions came from ancient manuscripts the Templars had retrieved from King Solomon's Temple during the middle ages. Rayelan discovered that many New Age channels are receiving messages in the same way she received them, via modern technology. She also learned that there are several competing factions involved in these transmissions.

Rayelan's amazing story will take you beyond the world of channeling into the covert side of the U.S. Intelligence world, the New World Order, alien technology and more! This interview was conducted via e-mail over a period of months by Theresa de Veto, Founder/Editor of the web magazine Surfing the Apocalypse--on the internet:

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