Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Changes and the Days to Come

The ECETI Newsletter is a non-bias source of information posting many different sometimes opposing be lie fs in various fields of information. If someone repeatedly misses predictions such as mass landings, contact, disclosure, insider information that fails to be accurate they fall at the bottom of the list. We post many predictions letting them fall on the shoulders of those making the predictions. We post the positive time line predictions and the doom and gloom predictions yet mainly focus on information that has some basis in science. In posting the link, 2012 coming polar shift and the horizon event where 150 scientists from many disciplines all studied the 2012 scenario many began to judge ECETI as doom and gloomers, fear mongers, spreading fear porn. Personally I have no fear of death, been there done that. I do not have any fear of looking at the scientific evidence. I do not have any attachment due to living on a coastline or island my guidance told me where to go and I went.

We live a spiritual life interacting close with nature in service to humanity and the Earth where the individual is sovereign inspiring self leadership and critical thinking.  Discernment and critical thinking is encouraged even with the newsletter.

My personal belief is:

to ignore the science, the escalation of social, economic and physical Earth changes in a Pollyanna approach to life can lead to some very harsh reality checks.

To be enlightened is to be in knowledge of the good, bad and in between, the dark and the light, not just half the coin or story. 

Is it not the path of a bodhisattva to aid in the awakening and healing process to work towards ending pain and suffering? 

In the past great gurus and leaders took on the karma of others and healed many.

Today rather than gurus outside of self it is time for each individual to become their own guru, lead themselves, make their own personal God, Creator, Spirit connection, develop their own inner guidance and act upon it.

With the plethora of disinformation, mass media mind control, news with an agenda etc. it is imperative people learn discernment, critical thinking, develop direct knowing and telepathy so the lies cease to have any effect. We often drop hints in the newsletter like, we will see, use discernment, or this is interesting to invoke discernment and critical thinking. It is not our job to spell everything out for people. If we did that then we would create a dependency and become your leader in a role of disempowerment. Divine intervention is earned. To expect it without doing everything possible towards healing ourselves and the environment is out of alignment with universal law. To think someone or some group is going to be your savior and you can continue business as usual is not the path of an awakening master.

I can say as far as the future is concerned, "I DON'T KNOW HOW IT IS GOING TO TURN OUT." I do not know how much divine intervention is going to occur. I do not know the choices people are going to make individually and collectively that is free will. I don't know when nature is going to have her explosive moment. What I do know is we are entering into alignment with Galactic Plane the dark rift. We are in Solar Cycle 24 with unprecedented CMEs and Flares and it only takes on direct hit for the grid to go down. Printing trillions of dollars with no backing and creating trillions of dollars of derivatives that cannot be cashed is going to have major economic consequences.

I know what has happened in the past. I know archeology and geology have records like clockwork of major changes and cycles and we are entering those times. This I cannot ignore nor should anyone else despite the fact it may upset your comfort zone. If acknowledging these facts and scientific evidence is fear mongering and doom and gloom then one has to look at their fears in denying the obvious and their attachments. The ones judging and condemning others as fear mongers are the most fearful for they are afraid of change, facts and statistics living in bubbles of denial. Why on Earth would anyone fear change considering the present condition of society, the economy, or the environment?  Why would anyone want the statuesque to continue considering where it is going? Obviously some are not paying attention, why because to them it is negative and fear mongering.  Don't confuse us with the facts, keep shopping folks nothing to see here. Where did your freedom go? Where did your jobs go? How many wars are raging? How many regimes are falling? Have you noticed the unprecedented increase in severe weather, earthquake and volcanic activity? What is happening to your oceans, your lakes, your skies? Are you aware of the chemtrails raining down heavy metals and a plethora of chemicals and biologicals? What is in that flu shot? What is in the mass global inoculations? What was in the military inoculations? What is in your food, your water? 

How long can this denial be maintained?

When you turn a blind eye to all of this due to a be lie f,  

that if you ignore it, it does not exist and will not affect you

then you have fallen victim to a be lie f

that was perpetuated by the very people performing these heinous acts.


Then the divine intervention will come because the lessons are not necessary to bring truth and balance back to humanity and the Earth.



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