Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Going off the Radar

By Candace

Mar 4, 2011 - 1:38:50 PM

Beloved Readers, I know many of you are craving an update, that provides additional information. At is customary, on a planet such as this, when the decline is in full force, and the battles fierce, Star Fleet and those associated with them on the ground, shrink quietly into the back ground, OFF THE RADAR. We are NOW in that final decline of war between those forces battling for final control of the planet.

View what we have been thru in recent years as a roller coaster. There is the long and slow climb. Then as the cars come over the top, the drop is very very rapid. During these times, the darkness can get very bad, and we do not go away, but for the safety of all concerned who walk the planet, we cannot give out hints or details. We must as above, go off the Radar. Now We are NOT going away, we will continue teachings and reporting and an occassionaly update if seen fit by Christ Michael and the rest of the team, but we cannot give updating type details. There is also no point in constantly repeated what has been stated before.

You all know the game. We have covered it repeatedly. At some point something is going to break. When it breaks appropriately, action will ensue to intercept the extreme darkness. We still plan on the announcement and teaching process, but it cannot occur until the proper circumstances have manifested. The dark has ignored all the other options and so now what must happen will happen. We have a plan that has not and will not be covered.

For the planetary learning by the people who have allowed some of this, the natural process of sudden decline must be allowed up to certain point. Please watch, please read what especially Ron posts, because he is so good at what he does, and be about watching and studying the story as it appears in the controlled media and visit your favorite websites and be about the protection and plans you need to do that we have so long said to plan for. When the bottom is hit, the plan will manifest and then the cars on the roller coaster will begin to climb again, this time into the light. We will then be very public, as we have previously taught.

The stories hitting the internet and now mainstream TV about this Brown dwarf and the like are not true. This is a distraction created by the dark forces, as a cover for what is really going on. What they will do, is try to evacuate to get own rears off the planet to the underground, leaving you all to believe in the coming destruction by some sort of heavenly body. They aren't going underground either, they will bear the problems they have created. The biggest issue coming, that the "comet" or "planet x, or "nibiru, or the brown dwarf, is not these, but the total collapse of the monetary system and resultant services. The earth changes and this final war will guarantee that. There are two forces in battle right now for control of the planet. JUST WATCH. There is a force opposing the Khazars.

When Christ Michael wishes to make a statement, or any of the others, it will be posted, but at this time, please have your patience, because we want the ground crews SAFE. There are many ground crews involved in media, corporations, the money machine, the food machine, all this, that must be protected. So it will appear we are doing nothing for a time. Be patient. Prepare, and find your strength. You have been given that which you need to become the ROCKS over these preparatory years. Listen for the guidance within. Take care, Candace

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