Saviors Of Earth

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i wonder cause help me verry mutch to concentrate any advice? thanks

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Thank you for this link. More and more tools are showing up to help.

Tony said:
no, not to concentrate. But definitely useful to use before meditation.
For meditation i suggest listening to them first and then try something from here:
YES YOU CAN USE THEM!! if you can get your hands on a cd or download called holy harmony by goldman....he utilizes
tuning forks that are tuned to a range of the solfeggio frquencies and is an excellent meditation i use it all the time...cheers!
solfeggio said:
YES YOU CAN USE THEM!! if you can get your hands on a cd or download called holy harmony by goldman....he utilizes
tuning forks that are tuned to a range of the solfeggio frquencies and is an excellent meditation i use it all the time...cheers!
Thanks brother i just found holy harmony of Jonathan goldman i will download this
Martin said:
solfeggio said:
YES YOU CAN USE THEM!! if you can get your hands on a cd or download called holy harmony by goldman....he utilizes
tuning forks that are tuned to a range of the solfeggio frquencies and is an excellent meditation i use it all the time...cheers!
Thanks brother i just found holy harmony of Jonathan goldman i will download this
no problem brother!!......anytime...the only thing with it is that its 72min long!!.....i always meditate flat on my back in complete darkness usually in bed and go to bed about an hour earlier so i dont fall asleep during the recording.....if you havent used this yet youll love it....

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