Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Breaking: John Lear – First Ever Post From The Mother Ship Neptune.

Breaking: John Lear – First Ever Post From The Mother Ship Neptune

[Healers Journal Note: I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this post.  It may be totally fabricated, it may be disinformation, and yet it may also be the unflinching truth.  Nonetheless, it is extremely interesting and thought provoking.  The pictures that are referred to repeatedly in the message will hopefully provide some tangible proof as to whether or not this is a hoax.  To all those who may be asking why I would post something of this nature, I answer simply, we are all adults here.  Food for thought, and if its true, I am glad to be one of the first to break this story.  Only time will tell...]

First Ever Post From The MotherShip Neptune

It was a long tour. It’s a big ship. A literal flying city. Sorry I didn’t report back sooner. I was exhausted. The amount of wondrous things I saw and all the information I learned can really tire one out. Anyway only a small number of folks were actually picked up. 25 that I counted personally. It was told to use that Mr Beckow and a lot of others could not be picked up at this time due to the fact that Mr Beckow made all of this too public. It was suppose to be a behind the scenes first step. But with all the attention on Mr Beckow it was almost impossible for them to retrieve him and most of the others as there were safety concerns. We were told that Mr Beckow and others were put under surveillance after all this becoming so public against the wishes of those on the Neptune. But they said they do appreciate all the work he has done and he will be contacted personally at the first possible time when it is safe.

Today I am allowed to take photos and post them back to earthnet. I have a few mandatory training exercises I need to go do but I will check back in later. This is all so surreal. Can’t believe this is actually happening.  Mr Beckow made this too public and had some unsavory intelligence types watching his every move. There was no way they could have picked him up without incident is what we were told.  I have taken over 200 photos. However the terminals on the ship don’t have a USB port so I will ask the adviser assigned to me my best option for uploading some of these photos the next time I see her. You should see the clothes these people wear. quite cool

And I can assure you this trip was most definitely not canceled. It was revised and made smaller. You guys gotta remember there are some very powerful people that don’t want this open contact between our space family and us to take place. Especially by passing the ‘official government channels’. Might we actually learn the truth for ourselves without ‘gov’t officials’ filtering it first! this is inevitable. And from what I”ve learned what you gotta realize is that the Earth is equivalent to a backwoods small town in the big galactic picture. There are many billions more humans living throughout the galaxy than on Earth.

These other humans see us as quite naive babies actually. Like a tribe in the Amazon who has not made contact with the rest of the world. On top of that they see most of us as being brainwashed with lies and abused. Made to eat unhealthy crap. Poverty. We are in quite a sad state. Hopefully this will all change soon.  As for Mr. Beckow, hopefully he learned an important lesson about shouting things from the rooftop when they should not be. Remember he is under surveillance. At this time it is better for him to believe this was a failure and he is leaving public life. This is for his own safety. When the time is right he will be told that in fact, the trip was a success and finally be able to see the fruits of his labors.

Anyway I have already become addicted to the gravity free game court. so much fun floating around.  the rest of the ship has artificial gravity, but they have told us it is only at 83% of what it is on earth so it feels quite nice actually and a bit different.  You want to hear something funny. When I first tried to post yesterday I got a message “Banned from GLP” from the ship lol. God knows what ISP range they are using. Anyway it took a few attempts before I was finally able to post. This isn’t my normal GLP ID. So whatever those other threads are seems like an attempt by the dark cabal to derail this at every chance

They don’t use deodorant! I forgot my deodorant so I tried to go get some in the supply area. They said they don’t use deodorant. The lady at the counter rolled her eyes and gave me a package that contained two small strips. really small, about a 1/4 of an inch long by 1/8 inch thick. She looked at me like I am some sort of caveman and told me to just stick each strip inside my shirt in the pit area and i would be fine. I asked her how it worked and she said it was akin to what we would consider some sort of smart nanotech. where this stuff could find the stink particles and eradicate them lol. she didn’t seem like she is the scientific type so who knows. anyway hopefully they work!

Speaking of dinner there are literally THOUSANDS of options to chose from. Including earth cuisine. I tried some exotic stuff. I tried some form of seafood from some planet they call Octuria. I tried to act polite but had to spit it out. But alot of the stuff is very similar to what we eat. And a lot of it isn’t.  We have been told that tomorrow we will be taking a tour of this local part of the galaxy. Starting with a stop at each planet in this solar system. So far we have just remained in orbit around the earth. Tomorrow should make for some really interesting photo opportunities. And I have been assured I will be able to upload the photos I have taken. But a more interesting option is that I will be able to use one of their ‘image capturing devices’ to take pictures which somehow will make uploading them instantaneous. Exciting times friends


Last night we left the solar system to go on a most amazing tour of this corner of the galaxy. The one thing that I kept thinking to myself was that quote Jesus said, “In the house of my father there are many mansions”. Indeed there are. Today I saw wonders that yesterday I could not have possibly imagined. Simply unreal. But the thing is… it IS real. I feel much much happier. I have a totally different perspective to what this all is. And it is just amazing.

My fellow humans from Earth. We have been cheated and abused in the worst possible way. We have been enslaved through corrupt governments and are given just enough to survive. We are brainwashed into believing this is a world of scarcity. But I can tell you with no doubt… this is a universe of abundance. We have been robbed of living and enjoying life and all the wonderment that should go along with that.   They have told me that indeed the elite of the Earth have had propulsion and energy systems that would have turned the Earth into a paradise 50 years ago. But that they have withheld this from the masses of Earth in the name of greed and control. Out of their fear of losing control and losing their self appointed place of authority. NO LONGER. This will all end this year.

John Lear and Sleeper on Planet Neptune

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Also this story is not true. No explanation is given about the breed and their appearances!!!

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