Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

 This is an interview that I personally feel may be very important for people to see.  I had posted the after the interview with Bill talking about his time with Charles, but that seemed to have been bumped away pretty quickly, and I did not want to see that happen to this film.  This interview is 2 hours long so do be prepared to sit for awhile.  It really gets going half way through, but it would be in anyones best interest to watch it full on.  

I am not going to say what I think at this time, as I do not want to influence people's perspective. I did watch it two times to make sure I got the gest of it all, especially with Charles thick accent.  One thing you should know is that Charles was sent to get rid of Bill...but it didn't quite turn out that way.  

Enjoy the Show!

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I am hoping for what you said here...

"I think we've got to the point of no return; and from now on or we're walking towards the end or something big is going to happen that will give us the "push" we need to change everything. I do hope for the later!"


Simmy, i am not sure what you are asking me about here......

"How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself?"

Simmy said:

Great discussion girls!

Nonya... I see and agree with your (our) reality.

Simone... I share your hope.

It's definitely up to us to change, fight against, make it better...unfortunately I can't pass the "I'm just one person" bit. I "fight" my battles and I know I should be doing much more, but when you come in front of one too many obstacles, it is hard not to think "I can't do that alone".

How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself? (can you say like that in english?)

Like you said right in the beginning, "WE would need to become more responsible servants of the earth. Truth to be told, this will never happen. You will never get everyone to agree with that all at one time.". That's how I see it too. I think we've got to the point of no return; and from now on or we're walking towards the end or something big is going to happen that will give us the "push" we need to change everything. I do hope for the later!

What is really going to happen? Who knows!!!!!?!!!!

Ahhh Simone....Charles didnt have near the ego david wilcock has. I am not sticking up for Charles, but I dont see the need in being humble when your audience is going to be a group of under-developed children (US). I have absolutely no ego, but i have no patience for stupid people and I come off aloof/arrogant. Messing is another story teller and his experiences are his. He feels good with the forest and screaming eagles.......some are at peace surrounded by water and the smell of flowers. Messing states repeatedly facts out of religious texts. Texts that have been manipulated thru time. He speaks of deep feelings on thingsthat are going to happen, but so does Blossom Goodchild. Where is the proof?
Charles on the other hand is only reiterating events that we can read and experience are already in motion. They are happening all around proof needed.

As far as praying, hmmmmmm......I have asked God for the past 10 years to please change this earth so the suffering stops.....every night without fail.      He/She hasnt returned my call ;-)

Simone said:

I see Marcel messing as the antidote to Charles... Charles has a huge ego ... He wants us to be discouraged and blame ourselves, be cynical and depressed like there is no hope... Marcel on the other hand is very humble, truthful, hopeful... A true seeker.

When I was dealing with the poisons in my community I called the department of agriculture to investigate. I realized that although the investigator who spoke with me was sympathetic, he couldn't do anything about the situation. When his boss called me up and asked me why I was continuing to pursue the issue because I was wasting taxpayer dollars, I knew that I had hit a brick wall and that the Hawaii department of agriculture was infiltrated by Monsanto. When I gave up and prayed instead for a year... I felt like more got done than what I could have done by fighting it. There're just too many people in positions of power to fight against... They just need to get removed from their positions.fighting them just gives them more excuses to reduce our freedoms even more. I know prayer works... They are here to help more than ever before... They can intervene on our behalf with circumstances and events now more than they could before. as long as you are in the right, and you pray for everyone concerned, even the enemy... The angels intervene, I know this for a fact, but you have to ask. I've handsome amazing things happen where I know that they can orchestrate people and events and use them for good even without others knowledge or consent. If you desire the truth, the good and the divine will, things work in favor of the divine will. Trust, gratitude, believe, ask, wanting the good for everyone, for the awakening and conversion of everyone. Okay end of pep talk...I needed to remind myself of how I know this is true.

WHEN???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Is it going to be in my lifetime?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CMON!!!!!!!!

10 years is a LONG time to ask for something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simone said:

I don't believe you Nonya, you who found a kayak to clean up the waters are whiney again... I know you have seen the hand of God he/she is working on ending the suffering together we will end the suffering... I just know it will happen.
Warmed up?!!!!  Are you out of your mind?!!!!!  WARMED UP???!!!!!!!  >:-O  SISTER I HAVE BEEN ON FIRE....and this game is getting old and unchallenging. Where's the fuckin door......i cant find it.......i want OUT!!!!!!! or at the very least, i want to meet a fuckin martian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paTricia T. said:

I haven't watched the other video yet, but I did think of something today as I walked my dog and cleared my head. I was thinking about the game we are in...the good, the bad and the cosmetic.    

Then my mind took me to an interesting place.  I went back about 17 years ago when I was sitting on a mountain ledge overlooking a valley small valley.   I was meditating and connecting to the mountain across from me. As I sent my love the trees upon this mountain began to radiate a soft light...and I knew I had had a Celestial Prophecy moment. :)   

When I remembered this time in my life, I understood something.  There is NO WAY ANY HUMAN or ALIEN can reconstruct that experience for me.  I was COMPLETELY in touch with an energy force that transcends anything that can be synthetically created or military mind control.  It was the real deal.  Therefore, I may be stuck in this stupid fucking game right now...but I have seen the real deal...and try as they may...they are amateurs.  And I remember that power now.  It was soon after that when I got tossed into the domestic abuse situation.  lmao.  

Don't lose hope Nonya....'cause we are just getting warmed up hun!   

PT....i agree with this " I cannot help these people anymore.  I don't even want to."     they are a lost cause.

paTricia T. said:
I agree Simmy on all points said .    I cannot see humanity joining together to make the change.  Even with all the animals dieing around many people still haven't even noticed.  If I tried to understand them I would probably go insane.  I cannot help these people anymore.  I don't even want to.  And I actually feel good about it now.  Wow...big load off of my shoulders.  BUT...this does not mean I am a quitter.  Oh the energy goes into me and those I love.  And I shall tend the earth under my feet.  And I shall talk to the birds and the trees...and they will remember my name. 

Simmy said:

Great discussion girls!

Nonya... I see and agree with your (our) reality.

Simone... I share your hope.

It's definitely up to us to change, fight against, make it better...unfortunately I can't pass the "I'm just one person" bit. I "fight" my battles and I know I should be doing much more, but when you come in front of one too many obstacles, it is hard not to think "I can't do that alone".

How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself? (can you say like that in english?)

Like you said right in the beginning, "WE would need to become more responsible servants of the earth. Truth to be told, this will never happen. You will never get everyone to agree with that all at one time.". That's how I see it too. I think we've got to the point of no return; and from now on or we're walking towards the end or something big is going to happen that will give us the "push" we need to change everything. I do hope for the later!

What is really going to happen? Who knows!!!!!?!!!!

Nonya, what I meant is:

How/Where do you find the willpower to fight alone? How do you convince yourself that your lone action will make a difference?


PT, I forgot to say: How cool is that Tetra is back there with you?!! I'm really happy for you guys!


Simone, I also believe in prayers. Sometimes we don't get exactly what we've asked for, but I think later on we find out why it had to be the way it was.


nonya said:


Simmy, i am not sure what you are asking me about here......

"How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself?"


Two weeks is pretty soon! Good for you guys!

paTricia T. said:

And SIMMY...thank you but he won't be here until another 2 weeks. We are just counting down the days. Actually, I still have a bunch of stuff to get done before he gets here. Like kick out my other boyfriend...LMAO...just kidding. (hey Tetra...did you just choke on your coffee? lol) I'm so bad.

Well let's see now, I have watched the video, and to that I say "I want my 2 hours back!" ;).   Seriously though, the beginning of the video set the scene, and the outcome for the rest of the video, to me at least, it did very clearly so.  when he says that some of the things said were off record, they lost me there, but I still watched the two hour video because I wanted to go through this thread knowing what it was all about.   But to me, this fellow has absolutely none of my respect, none of my admiration, none of my attention, and everything that he mentions in the video, didn't teach me a thing, didn't prove a thing, didn't state a single thing.  Because it's his job to be a discussion starter, not a bringer of answers (and as we can see from this thread, he's quite good at it ;) ).  people like him are the best charlatans around, because they don't say a thing, but bring out a lot in us.  Did anyone else notice that he didn't really straightforwardly answer a single question?  And beyond that, did anyone notice how controlled the formulation of the questions themselves were?  What a great example of a disinformation campaign.


Remember how those are made?  First, you don't give any new information than what is already known, already out there.  Second, you mix that into a context that will have three purposes, to ridicule, to control or to divert.  To do that, you mix the truth, into a plethora of falsified and/or twisted other information so that the actual truth is associated with a false piece of information.  Who didn't notice all three purposes used in this video?  Sure some subtle, but others, very directly displayed, in your face.   Done so well, that he throws the blame on us, and we (at least many of us) believe him.  and that's just one example. he's quite good because he does his best to make it look like a candid interview, a chat almost between the two, but really, only one of them has the questions and the answers and I'll give you a hint, it's not the interviewer. ;). And if the interviewee was so righteous showing his face wouldn't pose a problems.  Others have been interviewed by Project Camelot, that were at much higher risk than he was/is, and we see their faces, come on. :)


Now as we can see in this thread, the discussion started by the discussion starter is very interesting to read.  A lot of good points were made so far and I'm looking forward to read more.  But to me, people like "Charles" loose everything when they decide, upfront, that not everything they say will go on record.   So I take the information out of the interview, only the information, not the opinions, not the biased control of the conversation, not the blame throwing he does, but the information, the salient facts, and work with those, as far as he's concerned, he's just not worth my time. 


So yes, sure we do need to be responsible for what we do (and of course what we don't do).  But like it's been said here, we can't get the world to act as one all at the same time, to put a stop to this thing we created in the past.   We also can't change the past, or let's say the time machines are on back order lol. So what can we do? create a better present as a means of planting a seed for a better future.  clearly, the big systems in place won't do a thing in that regard, we all know this.  And I'm not talking governments, or anythings here, like Eisenhower said, military industrial complex.  So what can we do?  isolate ourselves from them.  Plant our own seed, fix our own backyard, and if we all do that, at least that part of the world gets better.  Then again, it doesn't fix the pollution caused by you know who. :)  Now, what do you think would happen, if we all raised as one against "the powers that be"?  There's your population control, there's your culling, and a few years down the road, the discussion starters are gonna find the way to blame the people that died for the fact that they died, and if we do that, in those few years, we won't advance either.  So to me, to fix things, we do it how we were meant to do it, each of us has a role, if mother earth is gonna heal.  There are some good efforts started though, throughout all this.  These are the ones that warrant our attention when it comes to helping heal our earth. And with them, plus each of us doing their own part (their backyard if you will) we never know what can happen.  


The one good thing out of this interview, and any other like it, is that they bring out the facts (if you can read them through the manipulation) and help us create our to do list. So let's grab our notepads, and take our present, and future, head on. :)


just my two cents. :)

This 'charles' hide his face for those who may confront him on his foolish words. The 33 supposedly mighty have long recognized him ...
SIMMY, I have no choice. I dont know how to explain it, but I cant turn my back or it haunts me for days. I have no choice but to keep fighting, keep researching, keep helping. I can walk out of my house and if a plastic bag blows by me, I have to go pick it up and dispose of it. I am not allowed to turn away. I sometimes think its because, maybe someone is watching me. Maybe I am supposed to be setting an example, I am not sure, but whatever it is, wont allow me to look or walk away. I am not sure if that answers your question, but if it doesnt, feel free to ask.

Simmy said:

Nonya, what I meant is:

How/Where do you find the willpower to fight alone? How do you convince yourself that your lone action will make a difference?


PT, I forgot to say: How cool is that Tetra is back there with you?!! I'm really happy for you guys!


Simone, I also believe in prayers. Sometimes we don't get exactly what we've asked for, but I think later on we find out why it had to be the way it was.


nonya said:


Simmy, i am not sure what you are asking me about here......

"How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself?"

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