Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

 This is an interview that I personally feel may be very important for people to see.  I had posted the after the interview with Bill talking about his time with Charles, but that seemed to have been bumped away pretty quickly, and I did not want to see that happen to this film.  This interview is 2 hours long so do be prepared to sit for awhile.  It really gets going half way through, but it would be in anyones best interest to watch it full on.  

I am not going to say what I think at this time, as I do not want to influence people's perspective. I did watch it two times to make sure I got the gest of it all, especially with Charles thick accent.  One thing you should know is that Charles was sent to get rid of Bill...but it didn't quite turn out that way.  

Enjoy the Show!

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Im enjoying it too and will be checkin out somewhere in the next hour and a half. Love to ya girl!
Simone said:
Im enjoying our discussion Nonya, I'm going to snuggle my daughter for a little bit... I'll check back later!
You only left out the identity of the beings behind it all.......US!!  The people you think are making these things happen are just carrying out OUR orders. We demand they supply. You have to come to terms with that, we have been at it a long time. Keep in mind, the gladiator games of old Rome were nothing without US....r u understanding how far back we go as a species that keeps fucking up and asking for these things to happen? Notice when there was push back of swine flu, that it all stopped and the mandatory vaccine was taken off the table. Now who do you think was responsible for that ....US

Simone said:

This is true:

"We have lost the essence of custodianship/stewardship and replaced it with self-importance beyond that of general harmony and survival and we cannot blame the “few” who rule the many for our individual ignorance in this matter"

But I do blame the few who:

Purposely manipulate events and people to keep their power and financial structure, deal in arms, deal in drugs, use chemical and biological warfare and then threaten people like Jane Burgermeister, HAARP technology, mess up the Gulf with their oil spill... (and other places), Haiti, the bankers, the Federal Reserve, the bailing out of the banks, H1N1, 911, all of the fake politics and their puppet presidents. The long list of people who have been killed searching for developing energy solutions, the long list of people who have been killed who were involved in biotechnology, the long list of people who have been killed or threatened who knew about UFOs, poisoned us with mercury in vaccines, poisoned us with flouride, Monsanto etc etc etc. Did I leave anything out?

"I don't know, I think there were a lot of people protesting the things you mention, but nothing got done."

.....nothing got done because not evryone was involved, just a few considering our vast numbers.


"Genocides--- how do we as individuals have any power to stop that?" ALL of us not feeding into the companies and the corporations behind the genocides.....they are there ALL the time if you bother to look who is funding these genocides. Whether it is for diamonds, minerals, oil, land.......its still US and our greed.


"so what's the point of a new system, when the new one would just get rigged also." 

.............By demanding a vetting process of the people involved. To start with, they should not be involved with any secret societies, secondly they should not have a dime invested into any large corporations, and their campaigns should not be funded by any lobbyists, corporate conglomerates...thats just for starters


"When the forests were getting mowed down for strip malls and schools, did anyone samey, "no we cant disturb nature due to our need for more convenience."--- People do protest this stuff all the time"

...........nothing got done because not evryone was involved, just a few considering our vast numbers.


"they want us to stay sick so we keep needing their stuff... same situation with Monsanto... they create false situations in which people think they can't live without them."

.............wrong....when they shipped the master scientists and doctors of the Nazi regime over to America after the Nuremburg trials, none of the medicines, flouride, etc., would be part of the equation. Once again, there was no push back and these very monsters became the grandfathers of Big Pharma and the disinfo and gross negligence in our science community. When the store fronts of natural remedies started to shut down, we had ample time to cause a fuss, and WE didnt.


A perfect example of this......In the past week, there were people in Maryland that were being herded along with their children into the halls of justice to get vaccinated with armed guards and attack dogs. If they didnt, they will pay the price.

What are WE doing about it nothing. Therefore we are sending out a clear and concise message that we are ok with it. OUR attitude is, well, its Maryland's problem. end of story



Simone said:

I don't know, I think there were a lot of people protesting the things you mention, but nothing got done.


Genocides--- how do we as individuals have any power to stop that?


After Bush v Gore, we should have demanded another system-- yeah, that was about when I realized that the whole thing was rigged anyway... so what's the point of a new system, when the new one would just get rigged also.


The Exxon Valdeez oil spill......what did we learn from that? --- People did protest that, but the oil companies have too much power and influence in the government and are protected


When the forests were getting mowed down for strip malls and schools, did anyone samey, "no we cant disturb nature due to our need for more convenience."--- People do protest this stuff all the time

Land fills bulging with plastics, diapers and other insundry items that will outlast the user or in some cases never biodegrade.--- yeah, we finally have a no plastic bag ordinance here on Maui... now that's something we could have done something about a lot sooner, but people are just lazy and ignorant... I agree on that one.


Who stopped the demand of natural remedies? Who let the pharmaceutical companies get out of hand? Who bought into the vaccines?--  The vaccines came with a lot of propoganda, the natural remedies are being threatened by big Pharm... I don't think the demand ever stopped, the pharm companies got out of hand because of greed and a medical system out of whack... mostly greed... they want us to stay sick so we keep needing their stuff... same situation with Monsanto... they create false situations in which people think they can't live without them.


I have been brought to my knees to be honest with you. Since I am in construction, that industry (deservingly so) has buckled. I am now unemplyed and have lost my car. I am living on food stamps and the grace of God for everything else. Howver, the upside is, I am off the grid and they will not get one more fuckin dime out of me to feed the multitudes of wrong doings they do with tax dollars. That in itself makes my meager existence palatable.

Simone said:
So, I'm curious, how do you get to work, Nonya, do you ride a bicycle?  I've been taking the bus.  I thought about riding my bike, but It's not that safe to ride bikes here and I know a couple of people who have been seriously injured on a bike or moped.

The entire responsibility IS our part. They only killed people off because the demand for the former was greater. In 1984, there was a man who invented a car that ran on water. Few people knew about him, mostly people who lived in the area, not even everyone in the state he was from. He made local headline news when the department of defense took notice and asked him to sign a contract with them to use his technology for the military (ringing any alarm bells yet?) They even made a little documentary on him which you can still find online. The next day he marched his happy ass over to the defense department to sign his contract. He didnt live to see the next day. Where were WE? Why didnt we demand answers then? I can personally tell you why.....because we were all too involved with "dressing for success" and our ann klein earings that our favorite super model was wearing. WE FAILED.


Simone said:

I get your point in general Nonya, we have to take responsibility for our part, on the oil thing, we wouldn't have demanded it if the other technologies were allowed to be used, but they killed everyone who tried. For the other stuff, I don't see how we could be to blame for any of it.  The oil thing, I personally didn't realize the significance of until 2007.  I would love to have a car or a bus that ran on something other than oil.  But even an electric car, you have to plug in and they use oil for electricity.  We now have wind power of about 30%, but that only happened 2 years ago.

nonya said:
You only left out the identity of the beings behind it all.......US!!  The people you think are making these things happen are just carrying out OUR orders. We demand they supply. You have to come to terms with that, we have been at it a long time. Keep in mind, the gladiator games of old Rome were nothing without US....r u understanding how far back we go as a species that keeps fucking up and asking for these things to happen? Notice when there was push back of swine flu, that it all stopped and the mandatory vaccine was taken off the table. Now who do you think was responsible for that ....US

Simone said:

This is true:

"We have lost the essence of custodianship/stewardship and replaced it with self-importance beyond that of general harmony and survival and we cannot blame the “few” who rule the many for our individual ignorance in this matter"

But I do blame the few who:

Purposely manipulate events and people to keep their power and financial structure, deal in arms, deal in drugs, use chemical and biological warfare and then threaten people like Jane Burgermeister, HAARP technology, mess up the Gulf with their oil spill... (and other places), Haiti, the bankers, the Federal Reserve, the bailing out of the banks, H1N1, 911, all of the fake politics and their puppet presidents. The long list of people who have been killed searching for developing energy solutions, the long list of people who have been killed who were involved in biotechnology, the long list of people who have been killed or threatened who knew about UFOs, poisoned us with mercury in vaccines, poisoned us with flouride, Monsanto etc etc etc. Did I leave anything out?

"but if they didn't do these things in the first place, we wouldn't have to push back... that's my point, in my opinion the evil doers bear the main responsibility"

......allow me to correct you on this situation. The simple truth is, long time ago, we were told by presidents (like 200 years ago) that there was an untrustworthy monolith amongst us. What did WE do, we did what your husband did, we opted not to listen, not to believe, not to question and not bring to justice. What happened? The banks that Thomas Jefferson warned us about are now in power, the military industrial complex that eisenhower warned us about are now in power and the secret societies that kennedy warned us about are now in power. Who is at fault here? Its not like we were never warned. It was OUR decision to never listen and not learn from our mistakes. Its still OUR responsibility. 

Ill answer all other personal questions in email because its not proper to go into my dirty laundry on someone else's blog, but you are a sweetheart for asking and your concern. xo

Simone said:

yeah, I agree that we should do more... but there is so much going on, how can anyone possibly keep up with it all... Here in Maui, there was slave trading going on on the farms here and when people found out about it they shut them down. I had no clue it was going on.  You just don't think that any such thing could possibly be happening in your own community.  This was going on with Maui Land and Pineapple, and some other farms. Same with when they were spraying the pesticides here, I had no idea the kinds of poisons they were spraying and when I told my husband, he thought I was nuts ... he thought there's no way they would purposely spray such things in a community where people were living.  But I got the names of the chemicals and looked them up on the internet and then he finally believed me... so you basically trust people that they are doing the right things... and it takes a while for people to find out about it because they do it in secret. but if they didn't do these things in the first place, we wouldn't have to push back... that's my point, in my opinion the evil doers bear the main responsibility.  About the genocides, yeah, when we were getting married I researched diamonds and when I found out all the evil behind the diamond industry, I refused to be any part of that and we just got some symbolic rings made by my cousin's husband.  He has since stopped being a jeweler because he doesn't want any part of the jewelry business either any more because it's too dangerous.


I'm sorry about your financial situation, I hope you are doing alright... so how did you get off the grid?  How do you cook your food etc?  Tell me more about that...

PT, I like you wish that there was a happy ending, I would hope that there is a spiritual route to this,but since we are the ones we have been waiting for, I think you are looking at the failing saviours.  Here is another shining example of where we will fail again. Read this article and let me know how WE will change this. Or do we read and believe that someone else will take care of it.....then it drops off the front page news. Years down the road we say, how did those elite steal from sick people....and the ENTIRE time, we have been paying to listen to them. we are SUCKERS!!!!

paTricia T. said:

Amazing discussion Ladies.  Reality/Hope 

For me, I would say, yes it is US.  The Elite  taken down to layers becomes the huslers on the street.  I think that is where Charles started from and that was something he repeated...where he came from.  He came from US. Nonya, I agree with you 100% that we are our worst enemy...WE as a collective species.  If everyone rises and truly joined together we would be a force of change.   Why are seals still being slaughtered on the East Coast of Canada.  When I was a little girl, Green Peace came to my school and got us to write letters to the Prime Minister Troudeu...and I did.  But it did nothing.  Many years later it still goes on. 

This reality is a game...a very serious one that does have consequences.  I think Charley pretty much summed it up for that perspective of things.  He was very clear about the information being right there for us...we just have to look.  We know that.  We who are awake that is. And I think Nonya and Simone pretty much covered all of that. 


And then there is another part of this journey. The spiritual journey.  The etheric world. The dimensions. The Angels.  The Universe around us.  It is this perspective that gives us hope.  We know there has to be more than just this crazy story unfolding...there has got to be a prise or some kind of satisfaction at the end of this.  And I believe there is.  

It will be like the Animal Kingdom ... the strongest will survive !!!
and i am ok with that, i am sick of a world of fools and idiots...just sick of it

Trudy said:
It will be like the Animal Kingdom ... the strongest will survive !!!

I watched the entire thing and I have to be honest, it damn near put me to sleep. It doesnt make sense to me why Charles would tell us what is transpiring RIGHT NOW on the the dark team, in answer to Messing's video. Messing is another guru repeating the same info we all know for years. Most of us here live the kind of life he is talking about. Charles on the other hand is reiterating what is in our near future. I hardly think he sought out Bill Ryan just to do a video because of Messing's message. It logically does not make any sense. Simone, i dont see how the commenter on you tube could be right about their speculation. I tried to keep an open mind about it, but by the end, one interview has nothing to do with the other. For the record I am so sick of people using the word namaste. Its a trend the new agers have over used and its lost the special meaning it once had.

Simone said:

in the comments below this video on youtube someone says that the reason this man Charles came to him was because of the Marcel Messing video... I watched that one and I would have to agree... so I posted that one.  Watch it!
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

nonya said:

There is more commentary for you below all the other responses. First, he doesnt need to care because he is merely doing his job for a bigger faction that doles out the work. He knows what is going on and in a way he knows that even on a spiritual level, he is part of the process. And why should he care about the entire mess WE have created? Its not his responsibility and for all we know, he probably lives simply and doesnt buy into strip malls and mass produced franken food.

They are building underground bases because as he stated, even they cant determine what the sun is going to do. The underground bases are simply a preventative measure. They are not sure if nature will take care of the problem, of depopulation, so what they are doing is proceeding as if the sun wouldnt be part of the solution.

From my research it is VERY clear to me, that there was no disinfo here. Its going as planned. We dont have a lot of it right. We are still gathering evidence and a lot of us base our decisions on some silly channeler. That in of itself, is proof that we still dont get it and that is another reason why they are infiltrating a lot of these sites, to also guage the pulse of how distracted we are by all the fairy tale stories.

I firmly believe our purpose may have passed us up long time ago. Especially here in America where not only did all of us buy into free market capitalism (unbridled greed), but we also to present day are doing nothing, I MEAN FUCKING NOTHING to stop it. In one swoop, we can knock all of this out of the ball park by withdrawing all of our money from the banks, in one swoop, we can ALL not pay our taxes on April 15...until all our demands are met. THat means no money until we are given back our soveriegnty, our nutrient rich food, technology to clean up this earth, etc. In exchange, WE would need to become more responsible servants of the earth. Truth to be told, this will never happen. You will never get everyone to agree with that all at one time. So, it only makes sense to cull the useless eaters because they are too dependent on a system that was not meant to prop up so many people.

Simone said:

It's was a very interesting interview, though, I thought there was something going on with Kerry and Bill parting ways. I kind of wonder if he is still disinfoing because he still doesn't seem to care very much when asked why he was doing this he said 'because he can".  He didn't seem to care what happened to humanity after his death. And he still wasn't convinced there was another way to solve problems without depopulating.  Why would they be building underground bases if 2012 (according to him) is not a big deal? Or... if they do think the underground bases were necessary... then why depopulate if nature is going to do it for them?  Maybe that's the different factions doing different things... the whole thing still doesn't make sense.  I don't think that this guy really knows what's going on either or he is still disinfoing.  Sometimes I wonder if the elite don't know what's going to happen either... sometimes I wonder if they spy on lightworker websites because we know something they don't and they are trying to find out information from us. lol. I hope Bill Ryan does not get death threats after this video.  I still don't completely understand what Bill Ryan's 'relevance' is... well, besides trying to get the truth out... and I wonder if it was a specific video or several videos that are getting closer to the truth, like the one on Jane Burgermeister or something like that.  It's kind of interesting that he says that his plan was to gain Bill Ryan's confidence and then disinfo him... so I wonder if that is STILL his game plan... you know what I mean? He seems to have gained his confidence... he might just be playing on his sympathies... maybe he is not even terminally ill.  The funny thing is that disinfoing doesn't really work anymore... we know that we don't have everything quite right, but we know that we have an awful lot of it right... enough to put some pieces together so so what if some of it is wrong?  I don't know if most people care anymore... they still listen to Bill and Kerry, we are too aware of all the paid Shills out there, so we just ignore it.  The way Bill and Kerry present their information is very objective, so it doesn't really matter. I can just imagine it as he describes these men smoking their cigars and laughing about stuff and then their surprise when we get stuff right. That description made me angry... and he knows that saying that will get people angry.  So that's why I still think he's playing on people's emotions, trying to dissuade us from our purpose.  All in all, though, I really didn't think that he revealed anything that we don't already know. 


Great discussion girls!

Nonya... I see and agree with your (our) reality.

Simone... I share your hope.

It's definitely up to us to change, fight against, make it better...unfortunately I can't pass the "I'm just one person" bit. I "fight" my battles and I know I should be doing much more, but when you come in front of one too many obstacles, it is hard not to think "I can't do that alone".

How do you do that Nonya? How do you keep from discouraging yourself? (can you say like that in english?)

Like you said right in the beginning, "WE would need to become more responsible servants of the earth. Truth to be told, this will never happen. You will never get everyone to agree with that all at one time.". That's how I see it too. I think we've got to the point of no return; and from now on or we're walking towards the end or something big is going to happen that will give us the "push" we need to change everything. I do hope for the later!

What is really going to happen? Who knows!!!!!?!!!!

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