Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

 This is an interview that I personally feel may be very important for people to see.  I had posted the after the interview with Bill talking about his time with Charles, but that seemed to have been bumped away pretty quickly, and I did not want to see that happen to this film.  This interview is 2 hours long so do be prepared to sit for awhile.  It really gets going half way through, but it would be in anyones best interest to watch it full on.  

I am not going to say what I think at this time, as I do not want to influence people's perspective. I did watch it two times to make sure I got the gest of it all, especially with Charles thick accent.  One thing you should know is that Charles was sent to get rid of Bill...but it didn't quite turn out that way.  

Enjoy the Show!

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Good points Simone... i felt the same way... how would we really know if he is disinfoing or not... its a very good  possibility. And yeah what about all those underground bunkers etc..? is that all nonsense as well... more to dislead us? or will they really be needed and this guy doesn't know what he's talking about... because even though i don't doubt he could know a good deal about the possibilities of disasters... i HIGHLY doubt he knows it all... and there could very well be 2012 disasters he has no idea for sure.

Though i did like a lot of the stuff he talked about and could resonate with it... i still cant fully trust in him.


I see this 'Charles' as a well trained monkey that hangs below the strings of the so called 33 powers of the world ... little was confirmed and no details were revealed ... maybe this monkey is allowed to put up a better show next time...

thanks PT ... always nice to listen to Bill Ryan Namasté my precious friend xx

SIMONE, for the sake of arguement, maybe YOU are way off in your thinking that this is going to come to a blissful end in 2 years. Did you ever think that maybe that blissful end is possibly our deaths, therefore being at peace not on a physical/earthly realm. I have been screaming for years that this planet is over populated and yet people continue to procreate without any thinking about the ripple effects of their actions whatsoever. It only makes sense to me that the herd needs to be culled, as it has gotten out of hand with our greed and selfishness to reproduce instead of taking care of what is already here. In every way, shape and form WE have led ourselves into our own slaughter. There may be a higher entity that is all loving, truth and light, but I am sure that at some point that entity has to allow Karma to take its toll on us as a collective.
SIMONE, as far as the men laughing at us with cigars and doesnt have to be only them that are laughing. I laugh whenevr anyone is pushing some ridiculous channeler to be all knowing and the, grandmother, bashar, mike quincy, etc., There is and has been for a while, a specific area of military to decieve these known channelers and they have done a fantastic job. I can even see thru the bullshit and it shocks me to see how many people, even here that still buy into this other words i dont blame them for laughing.......we are so easily fooled and easily distracted. Its like teasing a cat with a laser light. The cat knows and thinks its there, but it doesnt really exist.

TETRA, I do believe there are underground vaults containing not only info, but people, seeds and anything else they need to survive because as powerful as they are, they cant predict the sun. He did say, nobody is for certain what the sun will do, but they are not burrowing underground because of a nuclear war. Keep in mind, the handlers of this game are anchored to an unwritten universal law of having to advertise what they are doing before they do it. WE ALL know there is always plenty of that to be found if you have the all seein eye to catch, or the mass amount of time to comb through tons of info to find it (my favorite thing to do)

Tetragrammaton said:

Good points Simone... i felt the same way... how would we really know if he is disinfoing or not... its a very good  possibility. And yeah what about all those underground bunkers etc..? is that all nonsense as well... more to dislead us? or will they really be needed and this guy doesn't know what he's talking about... because even though i don't doubt he could know a good deal about the possibilities of disasters... i HIGHLY doubt he knows it all... and there could very well be 2012 disasters he has no idea for sure.

Though i did like a lot of the stuff he talked about and could resonate with it... i still cant fully trust in him.


There is more commentary for you below all the other responses. First, he doesnt need to care because he is merely doing his job for a bigger faction that doles out the work. He knows what is going on and in a way he knows that even on a spiritual level, he is part of the process. And why should he care about the entire mess WE have created? Its not his responsibility and for all we know, he probably lives simply and doesnt buy into strip malls and mass produced franken food.

They are building underground bases because as he stated, even they cant determine what the sun is going to do. The underground bases are simply a preventative measure. They are not sure if nature will take care of the problem, of depopulation, so what they are doing is proceeding as if the sun wouldnt be part of the solution.

From my research it is VERY clear to me, that there was no disinfo here. Its going as planned. We dont have a lot of it right. We are still gathering evidence and a lot of us base our decisions on some silly channeler. That in of itself, is proof that we still dont get it and that is another reason why they are infiltrating a lot of these sites, to also guage the pulse of how distracted we are by all the fairy tale stories.

I firmly believe our purpose may have passed us up long time ago. Especially here in America where not only did all of us buy into free market capitalism (unbridled greed), but we also to present day are doing nothing, I MEAN FUCKING NOTHING to stop it. In one swoop, we can knock all of this out of the ball park by withdrawing all of our money from the banks, in one swoop, we can ALL not pay our taxes on April 15...until all our demands are met. THat means no money until we are given back our soveriegnty, our nutrient rich food, technology to clean up this earth, etc. In exchange, WE would need to become more responsible servants of the earth. Truth to be told, this will never happen. You will never get everyone to agree with that all at one time. So, it only makes sense to cull the useless eaters because they are too dependent on a system that was not meant to prop up so many people.

Simone said:

It's was a very interesting interview, though, I thought there was something going on with Kerry and Bill parting ways. I kind of wonder if he is still disinfoing because he still doesn't seem to care very much when asked why he was doing this he said 'because he can".  He didn't seem to care what happened to humanity after his death. And he still wasn't convinced there was another way to solve problems without depopulating.  Why would they be building underground bases if 2012 (according to him) is not a big deal? Or... if they do think the underground bases were necessary... then why depopulate if nature is going to do it for them?  Maybe that's the different factions doing different things... the whole thing still doesn't make sense.  I don't think that this guy really knows what's going on either or he is still disinfoing.  Sometimes I wonder if the elite don't know what's going to happen either... sometimes I wonder if they spy on lightworker websites because we know something they don't and they are trying to find out information from us. lol. I hope Bill Ryan does not get death threats after this video.  I still don't completely understand what Bill Ryan's 'relevance' is... well, besides trying to get the truth out... and I wonder if it was a specific video or several videos that are getting closer to the truth, like the one on Jane Burgermeister or something like that.  It's kind of interesting that he says that his plan was to gain Bill Ryan's confidence and then disinfo him... so I wonder if that is STILL his game plan... you know what I mean? He seems to have gained his confidence... he might just be playing on his sympathies... maybe he is not even terminally ill.  The funny thing is that disinfoing doesn't really work anymore... we know that we don't have everything quite right, but we know that we have an awful lot of it right... enough to put some pieces together so so what if some of it is wrong?  I don't know if most people care anymore... they still listen to Bill and Kerry, we are too aware of all the paid Shills out there, so we just ignore it.  The way Bill and Kerry present their information is very objective, so it doesn't really matter. I can just imagine it as he describes these men smoking their cigars and laughing about stuff and then their surprise when we get stuff right. That description made me angry... and he knows that saying that will get people angry.  So that's why I still think he's playing on people's emotions, trying to dissuade us from our purpose.  All in all, though, I really didn't think that he revealed anything that we don't already know. 


Let me remind you dear friend that this is a game. This is for our learning purposes and that is controlled by a higher power of love. However, like anything else that does wrong, other entities are let in so that our karma is balanced out. Since the Creator has produced us all, it isnt hard to think that Creator will unleash measures for learning purposes including what we percieve as the "elite". They are just brokers for our education. They have to carry out orders per our desires. If we have overpopulated this earth and led ourselves to GMO food, strip malls, killing everything in the sea for oil and minerals, then "they" are there to follow up with the consequences. We are our own creator/gods and they have followed every direction we have given them. THEY are not the bad guy...WE ARE.

Simone said:
My opinion as usual is that the elite have a lot of arrogance and self importance to think that they have that much power and control over events... in the larger picture they really don't have any real power whatsoever, and they are blind to the powers that are in control over them.  They are living a life of illusion thinking that we are the ones who are blind... how ironic. What they do not realize is that there is a greater, higher power of love and unfortunately they are incapable of experiencing this or knowing of it... for them, they do not experience it in their daily lives and it takes something debilitating or a life threatening illness to come to the realization of... that is very sad... extremely sad and I feel very sorry for them.  Obviously,  the Law of Karma is at work now and they are probably shitting themselves by now... they are the ones who are in for a rude awakening.  I pray for their souls.  I feel they should be pitied.

Laughing at one's beliefs is not what is being laughed at here. Its how easily fooled and distracted they are without having any proof of anything. Yes, you have had experiences and they are not to be discredited but they are yours and none of ours to experience. But when some so called shaman with lily white skin and golden hair claiming the indians sent her, that to me is the biggest farse and set up anyoe could possibly fall for....its so blatant yet people "believe" it. That is funny.

Nature has not culled enough of us to be sustainable and it cant be predicted as to when that will happen, but until then, someone needs to come up with a plan cuz this earth and the people on it are out of hand. For christ sake, we are still ok with zoos. What does that say about us as a species when we are ok with imprisoning the most unconditional creatures on this planet???!!!!   Its a sick world.
Oh yeah, one other thing in regards to people's beliefs. When you have to pay for an experience, chances are you are being had. Unless of course, you had to pay for the cool experiences you have had, or at least you didnt tell us how much it cost. Do you see where i am going with this?

Simone said:


Yeah, like I told PT, don't get me wrong... I have made preparations to some degree, I have supplies for disaster scenarios and even thoughts of having to restart at stone-age level, survival books, camping gear, how to build shelter, where to get water nearby, how to make a fire etc.  I don't necessarily think it's going to be blissful, but if you are prepared and trust in God/Source and have a decent head on your shoulders and an adventurous spirit, you can make it through whatever comes your way. If I don't make it, fine, I'm ready for that too. It would be nice to just have a blissful ascension, but that may not be in the cards for everyone either.

Yeah, I don't think anyone has all the truth, we are each given pieces of it and are supposed to work together to put the pieces together. But I don't really want to laugh at others for their beliefs or experiences since I've had some pretty strange things happen myself.

I really don't think TPTB need to do any tweaking or culling when nature usually does it for us anyway.  But I wonder like Bill Ryan if without the dumbing down and everyone given a 'level playing field' we could have done better as a species as a whole... the people who are power hungry are usually the worst leaders who think they know what is best for others when they really don't. Some of it, like the issue of energy... probably could have solved a lot of our problems if we had not been dependent on oil.

We are the elite here. That is what you are missing. We have made these choices, "they" are just carrying it out. WE made the decisions, not them.  They play the games most on a playing field with the biggest challenges. Third world countries reproduce like rabbits and they refuse to change their ways because of religious beliefs and so forth. The US is the greatest challenge and testing ground. It is like a huge chess game with different elements/traps to it.  Look at all of our bad neighborhoods throughout the US. This is a perfect example of how if left untamed, it gets out of control. Do you have ANY idea how many are collecting money, food stamps and medical insurance for every child they produce?  Its a profit making scheme......there are sometimes 11 children to one household living off the government teet. CMON.....WTF?  These women who do this are getting paid by us to keep their legs open and to mass produce useless eaters who are never going to get the proper education, upbringing or be of any help to society.

Power at the top is in existence because we allowed it to happen. This is what we are ok with, therefore it exists. We had free energy since the 1800s with Tesla's inventions. THE 1800s!!!!!   Where are we NOW?!!!!  The 21st frikkin century and NOBODY has demanded these inventions. We are too busy listening to the tea baggers, the little grandmothers, the tv!!!

Simone said:

I just don't agree that a certain segment of the population the 'elite' determines just who the 'useless eaters' are.  I'd much rather have nature determine that and be given a level playing field without the dumbing down and the chemical warfare. Like he says, the people who are most likely to survive are those who are less dependent on modern conveniences in 3rd world countries... and yet, these are the ones that the elite love to play their games with.

A quote I find appropriate

"We have lost the essence of custodianship/stewardship and replaced it with self-importance beyond that of general harmony and survival and we cannot blame the “few” who rule the many for our individual ignorance in this matter"

I meant paying a price for your cool experiences you have written about (as i still await part 3). You didnt have to pay for those did you? Jodi Foster wasnt waiting at the exit for your admission fee was she? NO of course not! That experience was as individual as you are. When we are all ready, we will have the same. Until then, I find people who pay for these fake gurus to be the most gullible people that walk the earth.

Remember when I told you that I dont have any of those experiences and that Ifeel left out? I have always known on a soul level that I have plenty of synchronicites in my life to make up the difference. I just like to whine about it ;-) I remember when I lived in Florida and I was financially ok but not abundant in funds. I had always wished for a boat so I could cruise the waterways and pick up the trash so the manatees wouldnt swallow stuff.  One day, at one of my darkest moments, I sat on my balcony overlooking the bay and within my eye shot was a stranded, empty LARGE kayak!!!!!!!!!! I lost some skin trying to pry it out of the weeds and out of the water, but when I did, it was mine and I began to return the favor. I didnt miss an opportunity, to clean up everything until daylight or an empty stomach would allow me to go no further. To this day I still have that kayak and in summer, i go to a nearby lake here in Chicago and clean it up.  Didnt mean to go off on a tangent there, but what i am trying to say, is i dont need some bloviated ego to talk to me and tell me what my life path should fact, if i didnt find that out myself, i would really feel foolish asking someone who doesnt even know me....and then pay money for that advice.

I HAATE WILCOCKS EGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Its simply nauseating, but i agree some bits of the puzzle i dont want to pass up.

Simone said:

Yeah, you just never know, though, but you can laugh if you want to if you don't believe something, Nonya but I just don't have very good discernment and don't really care whether they are telling the truth or not... I just either like it or don't.  I just don't care anymore I guess... because I've come to realize that most of the information from so-called 'normal' people, scientists etc. is probably bogus too. Sometimes I find partial truth in what others have to say and so I still listen.  Even if someone seems dead wrong, or has a huge ego, they still may have a little piece of the puzzle.  But, like you, I just don't buy into everything either.  No, I wouldn't pay any money for any information... if they do that I just look at their free stuff if I feel like it. For example, I can't stand David Wilcock's ego, and I would never pay for any of his stuff, but I still read his blog from time to time.  I watched one of his channellings the other day for the first time of "Ra" and it was kind of funny actually.  But, I don't think it necessarily means that everything else he says is wrong.  As for my own experiences, I've had lots of doubt that what I was experiencing was real and what parts were 'real' and what parts were not 'real'.  Because there came a point where I couldn't just keep asking for confirmations over and over again... you have to come to a point of trusting and I just couldn't get to that place.  I would end up not knowing where 'I' end and where the 'channelling' begins, because my own mind would interfere so much. At first I could tell the difference better, and later it all sort of started blending together and I couldn't be certain anymore.  But, I've thought about being okay with the idea that it is just all from my own mind and just keeping a journal anyway.  Maybe some of the channellers begin on the right track, but then they start to bring in information from their own minds and continue to think that they are channelling.  Your mind is very good at tricking itself and rationalizing everything. My ego always wants to get involved... so I had to not do it anymore. I'd rather wait until I know for sure who it is I'm speaking with and that it's not false and I think that when the 'veil' is lifted things will be more obvious and clear.  Sometimes I think to myself that it's probably no different than meeting a new friend, some end up being someone you want to hang around with and some not.  Some we are better off not being friends with.  I've never paid for a prophet or fortune teller or guru to teach me anything... or do you mean spiritually 'pay' a price?  I don't know, I've had a fair amount of suffering just like everyone else... I used to have a lot of back problems not as much now, I have allergies and I get migraines a lot... most of my suffering has been self-imposed lol (scew-ups in my life).  In comparison to what others experience in life, I consider my sufferings extremely minor.

nonya said:

Laughing at one's beliefs is not what is being laughed at here. Its how easily fooled and distracted they are without having any proof of anything. Yes, you have had experiences and they are not to be discredited but they are yours and none of ours to experience. But when some so called shaman with lily white skin and golden hair claiming the indians sent her, that to me is the biggest farse and set up anyoe could possibly fall for....its so blatant yet people "believe" it. That is funny.

Nature has not culled enough of us to be sustainable and it cant be predicted as to when that will happen, but until then, someone needs to come up with a plan cuz this earth and the people on it are out of hand. For christ sake, we are still ok with zoos. What does that say about us as a species when we are ok with imprisoning the most unconditional creatures on this planet???!!!!   Its a sick world.
Oh yeah, one other thing in regards to people's beliefs. When you have to pay for an experience, chances are you are being had. Unless of course, you had to pay for the cool experiences you have had, or at least you didnt tell us how much it cost. Do you see where i am going with this?

Simone said:


Yeah, like I told PT, don't get me wrong... I have made preparations to some degree, I have supplies for disaster scenarios and even thoughts of having to restart at stone-age level, survival books, camping gear, how to build shelter, where to get water nearby, how to make a fire etc.  I don't necessarily think it's going to be blissful, but if you are prepared and trust in God/Source and have a decent head on your shoulders and an adventurous spirit, you can make it through whatever comes your way. If I don't make it, fine, I'm ready for that too. It would be nice to just have a blissful ascension, but that may not be in the cards for everyone either.

Yeah, I don't think anyone has all the truth, we are each given pieces of it and are supposed to work together to put the pieces together. But I don't really want to laugh at others for their beliefs or experiences since I've had some pretty strange things happen myself.

I really don't think TPTB need to do any tweaking or culling when nature usually does it for us anyway.  But I wonder like Bill Ryan if without the dumbing down and everyone given a 'level playing field' we could have done better as a species as a whole... the people who are power hungry are usually the worst leaders who think they know what is best for others when they really don't. Some of it, like the issue of energy... probably could have solved a lot of our problems if we had not been dependent on oil.

Its not up to YOU to fight for the technology long ago stolen from us. It was OUR responsibility as a nation. WE in vast numbers should have demanded it long time ago. Where are we now? Ask anyone on the street about Tesla and they will tell you its an 80s rock hair band.  wtf. Look, the population problem really didnt start becoming a problem until our industrialized histroy commenced. This is still minutia in the whole scope of things. We have been making the wrong decisions as a collective society for aeons. Now we are at the end of our abuse cycle and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Think how many genocides we have been witness to SINCE the holocaust. We said we would never let this happen on our watches. Yeah right. You see? We continue the same stupid, redundant patterns without ANY learning AT ALL. We are idiots. We are all still buying into political party lines!!!  How stupid is that?!?!?!  Its smoke and mirrors, yet people march to the polls at election cuz they think it will make a difference. After Bush v Gore, we should have demanded another system....we are idiots. The Exxon Valdeez oil spill......what did we learn from that? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.  We didnt push back against the oil companies and didnt boycott our vehicles in demand for something more efficient (first electric car made in 1929),,,,,,,instead, now in the 21st century, we have not only the Gulf Oil Spill, but we have cars running on batteries that cost so much that the normal consumer cant even afford to buy it. WHERE IS THE PUSH BACK? When the forests were getting mowed down for strip malls and schools, did anyone say, "no we cant disturb nature due to our need for more convenience."  Instead, we continued to reproduce, shop at walmart, costco, sams club, and half of the shit bought there goes to waste and in the garbage. Land fills bulging with plastics, diapers and other insundry items that will outlast the user or in some cases never biodegrade.  THAT IS US AS A WHOLE and we havent learned a god damn thing.

I think that bombarding the "new children" with ways that will effect their well being was just aanother way that because of US/WE, it has happened. Who stopped the demand of natural remedies? Who let the pharmaceutical companies get out of hand? Who bought into the vaccines? Who let corporations like insurance companies and Big Pharma make decisions for us (even up til last year)?  If the answer is US/WE, then you cant point fingers at the people carrying out our wishes.

Simone said:

Well, they killed all the people who tried to bring the technology forward and I was ignorant of it being there, because I was dumbed down... so that's why I didn't demand it... I didn't know it existed... so that's my excuse for that one. But, yeah, we all know the system is not working as it is... people always find loopholes... but I can't be the judge of every single person out there.  I've met some people who are really down on their luck and really needed the help.  I don't know, I think when more people awaken, we will hopefully see more people taking responsibility for themselves and healing taking place from all the physical, sexual and emotional abuse that takes place in families that causes social problems.  Yes, there really is no way to fix the problems as they are today without people waking up and taking responsibility.  There's this really cool organization that helps kids and teens to do amazing things called There's this one girl who at the age of 9 started a non-profit for orphans in India, I think that's amazing! So, even though there are a lot of problems, the next generation of people are extremely motivated to make changes in the world.  Sometimes I think that the Elite wanted to reduce the population because they knew that these 'star' children were coming and were going to change a lot of things and overthrow their power structures.  So, I don't see it as a population problem... because the new generation is more awake and aware than ever before to make the necessary changes.  I really think that if everyone was healed and took responsibility for themselves, was educated in the real true reality... the truth..., I think we wouldn't have most of the problems that we have today.  Education is proven to naturally reduce population... so why would they continue to dumb down and feed us with flouride?

nonya said:

We are the elite here. That is what you are missing. We have made these choices, "they" are just carrying it out. WE made the decisions, not them.  They play the games most on a playing field with the biggest challenges. Third world countries reproduce like rabbits and they refuse to change their ways because of religious beliefs and so forth. The US is the greatest challenge and testing ground. It is like a huge chess game with different elements/traps to it.  Look at all of our bad neighborhoods throughout the US. This is a perfect example of how if left untamed, it gets out of control. Do you have ANY idea how many are collecting money, food stamps and medical insurance for every child they produce?  Its a profit making scheme......there are sometimes 11 children to one household living off the government teet. CMON.....WTF?  These women who do this are getting paid by us to keep their legs open and to mass produce useless eaters who are never going to get the proper education, upbringing or be of any help to society.

Power at the top is in existence because we allowed it to happen. This is what we are ok with, therefore it exists. We had free energy since the 1800s with Tesla's inventions. THE 1800s!!!!!   Where are we NOW?!!!!  The 21st frikkin century and NOBODY has demanded these inventions. We are too busy listening to the tea baggers, the little grandmothers, the tv!!!

Simone said:

I just don't agree that a certain segment of the population the 'elite' determines just who the 'useless eaters' are.  I'd much rather have nature determine that and be given a level playing field without the dumbing down and the chemical warfare. Like he says, the people who are most likely to survive are those who are less dependent on modern conveniences in 3rd world countries... and yet, these are the ones that the elite love to play their games with.

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