The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Long time no write and suddenly I feel as if I had the need to get something out of me...
Moments of frustration and anger can be very revealing... how a person can be easily affected by outside factors, or not... ¿? In this timeline, here and now, I'm going through a very different path than the one I've done for almost 5 years now... many changes around, what I had been receiving for quite some and not knowing what was it, it was a feeling of floating and being afraid of "putting my feet on the ground" for the sole reason of not wanting to understand why these things happen... Obviously all these changes in my beloved planet are directly affecting me, but now the question is... What can I do to help? ... Where to start?... - "Start with yourself" - was the answer... So easy and so difficult at the same time... because you know where the "failure", "error" is and you know what the change you have to take and the positive impact that this change has... but it is so difficult to take the first step, the fear of breaking what has been structured so thoroughly, so neatly settled...
This is where I turn to you my dear souls, encouraging, knowing taht you are there, no matter what situation you're in, getting the best answers, the deepest ones, those of Pure Unconditional Love, Light Workers... People from all over the world yet, my brothers... People whom I never saw personally, but that I know of million of years, many other lives... I can never explain in words the help you, just by being there, sharing, have given me... You are witnesses, Teachers of my spiritual growth...
Thanks for the help, not only for myself, I also speak for our planet and all of us humans, although some do not realize what we do every day, meditating, sending Light and Love to all parts of the world, healing emotional wounds, spiritual or physical, unconditionally... We have to be proud of the change we've made!!
Trust that everything happens for a reason and that lessons learned will not be tested again, once learned the lesson, keep walking, keep working, thats why we chose this beautifull profession... Being a Light Worker...
Much Love my friends...Antonela
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