Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Now, I don't know if this even is true, so if it isn't, please let me know, but I read somewhere that "times are changing" when it comes to ascension, that now people can ascend along with their bodies, while they used to have no choice but to leave their bodies behind. I'm not sure where I read it, as it was a while ago, so like I said, I'm not certain of the validity of the claim, but it left me wondering: If it is true, what would be the benefit of ascending with our bodies? Why would it be better to ascend with them than to do it without them? Well, except for the fact that we'd leave a whole bunch of bodies lying around if we were to ascend without them, of course.

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Dear Veb,

I can only refer you to Mike Quinsey's latest channeling:

However, here is the relevant part if you don't have the inclination to read through all of it:

"It is not that the event itself is unusual, as all proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution. Within your Universe you are however about to experience Ascension in such a way, that it is correctly described as unique. You are privileged to be part of the process of Ascension, but more so as you will ascend with the higher expression of your physical body."

Always remember that your body is the greatest tool you've ever been given, and no matter what you think of it, it'll be with you for a very long time. Accept yourself for who and what you are, and you'll see that it's not so bad :)
ok, this is what i believe.
When you ascend, the vibration of your body is so high, that it can no longer be seen with earthly eyes, but to your ascended self, you still have a body, but it is less dense. this is called the light body.
Yeah, okay. I think I understand. But what, then, happens to those who ascend without "the higher expression of their physical bodies"?
Veb said:
Yeah, okay. I think I understand. But what, then, happens to those who ascend without "the higher expression of their physical bodies"?

As was noted in the latest channeling, people will ascend with 'the higher expression of their physical bodies'. According to this info, there will be no such thing as ascending without a physical body, so the point of this discussion is moot.

If you are trying to bait for a phrase including 'they will appear as if...' then please look elsewhere. Such statements have caused enough trouble in the past, I will not repeat or support them.
Alright then... I didn't mean anything bad, honestly. I simply did not quite understand what it meant, while thinking I did. I guess I'll just have to let it be, and accept what is, and ignore what isn't. Or, was, but is no more. *shrugs* Thanks for trying to explain it anyway.
I don't know why but I have the firm conviction we will all keep our physical bodies, they will just vibrate at a different frequency. We'll probably stop feeling hungry, or down in the dumps; instead we'll have this constant euphoria never felt before. We'll start remembering our connection to the "ALL" and our past lives here on Earth as well as other planets. The seriousness and low vibrations of the 3rd dimension will transform into something completely different. By then, our brothers the extraterrestrials that communicated their messages to us, will be among us and will give us guidance. It is said that we will keep a certain independence, as higher humans but will still be connected to the whole.
Oh! And I was just wondering --the Channeled Higher Beings and the (G)FOL are constantly talking about a global dept forgiveness...

What a bout a KARMA debt forgiveness FOR ALL here on Earth? Wouldn't that allow us to Ascend without leaving anyone behind? What really stops a younger soul from dwelling at a higher frequency? They will still be able to evolve their own way, but at least not through murky old despair/crime-filled 3D. I really wonder... if the path is open, I'm pretty sure all here could come through without much hindrance.
Nightfable said:
Oh! And I was just wondering --the Channeled Higher Beings and the (G)FOL are constantly talking about a global dept forgiveness...

What a bout a KARMA debt forgiveness FOR ALL here on Earth? Wouldn't that allow us to Ascend without leaving anyone behind? What really stops a younger soul from dwelling at a higher frequency? They will still be able to evolve their own way, but at least not through murky old despair/crime-filled 3D. I really wonder... if the path is open, I'm pretty sure all here could come through without much hindrance.

Well, several people do say that everyone on Earth will ascend, so I don't know if that'll even be an issue. I mean, the bad things we've done while here are probably just because we've become confused by the darkness of 3D, and turned away from the Light due to illusions of "riches". There's always a way back.
I heard in a channeling video I think it was, that our bodies would become very crystaline and lighter self generating instead of self degenerating resulting in death (well physical death of course) So that would mean we are going to be somewhat physical and physical death will be a choice at that point.

But tbh I have no idea what to expect, but apprarently we've all done this before many times.
Ullan said:
Veb said:
Yeah, okay. I think I understand. But what, then, happens to those who ascend without "the higher expression of their physical bodies"?

As was noted in the latest channeling, people will ascend with 'the higher expression of their physical bodies'. According to this info, there will be no such thing as ascending without a physical body, so the point of this discussion is moot.

If you are trying to bait for a phrase including 'they will appear as if...' then please look elsewhere. Such statements have caused enough trouble in the past, I will not repeat or support them.

Firstly, there wont be anyone ascending without their physical body, so let's say 'nothing' will happen because there wont be anybody in that category...I think.
does anyone watch bleach?
maybe it'll be like that, there is the normal physical body and the etheral body where you can do lots of amazing stuff

we asians have had lots of fables and ancient legends like these
Reb said:
does anyone watch bleach?
maybe it'll be like that, there is the normal physical body and the etheral body where you can do lots of amazing stuff

we asians have had lots of fables and ancient legends like these

Yeah I have seen it, it could be something like that.

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