The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired - almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense?
Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason?
Or perhaps in going through what you consider to be a normal day, at times you feel as if you simply cannot keep your eyes open, like sleep is simply begging you to come and be with it?
Does life at times seem empty and without meaning, even when you’re doing things that you used to love?
Welcome to the ascension process, and the symptoms that many experience along that path. The primary thing to know is that you are not alone, and things will get better.
For those folks who’ve been aware of and consciously involved with ascension, these physical and emotional experiences are all too familiar.
Some of these folks have been experiencing the changes for some time, or may have even passed through them by now. For some this may go back a decade or two or even more.
For me personally, I experienced many of these symptoms years before I knew what was going on. No one else in my circle of family, friends, and associates was experiencing what I was.
It was a frightening and lonely place to be. If I had known what was happening it would have been so much easier.
Fortunately, enough people have travelled down this road that now there’s a fair amount of information, and more being generated.
With the knowledge gained through the trials and travails of those who’ve gone before, and as we continue to discover more of what the ascension journey entails on physical and emotional levels, we can offer each other support, understanding, and solace.
When confronted with these unusual and often unwanted experiences, the first thing we typically want to know is “why?”
Why are these things happening?
You may have heard it said that we’re shifting from carbon-based beings to crystaline-based beings. Perhaps you’ve heard that there’s more to our DNA than we have thought or that science has thus far been able to discover; that what we were told were the “junk” parts of our DNA are being reactivated.
Maybe you’ve heard people talking about Pineal Activations and similar things.
These concepts are all very real, and even our physical sciences are beginning to be aware of them. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova Earth we’re building, it’s Nova Human as well.
The subject is far too complex to delve deeply into in this discussion, but here’s a smattering of what’s been said about the changes our bodies are going through:
Matthew tells us that “it is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density.” (1)
Steve Rother and the group add: ”
“If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant, insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures.” (2)
Archangel Michael and St. Germain commented:
“You eventually will not have the carbon-based bodies you have now; they will evolve into crystalline bodies and further along the path, light bodies, with less and less need for physical food to sustain you. Your energy will come directly from Source light and love. You have the ability to tune into this energy now as well. It is just that many of you are not aware of it.” (3)
And this from Mira the Pleiadian:
“As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms.
We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.
“This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.” (4)
Some of the physical parts of our body that are being activated or enhanced include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus gland, and the vagus nerve. While there’s some disagreement about exactly what the changes involve and what they mean, more information about these changes is becoming available all the time.
But one thing is certain: changes are afoot and our bodies are experiencing them, exhibiting symptoms that may or may not make any sense to us. It can be a frightening experience, often feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under us physically, emotionally, or both.
It can be frightening to not know from one moment to the next what the heck is going on, or feeling like something is going wrong.
At the very least, we know that what we’re experiencing is part of a natural evolutionary process, but a process that has been speeded up. A lot. Instead of an evolution that takes centuries or even millennia, we’re living through an evolution that will unfold in a much smaller timeframe - perhaps a few centuries for the full process, perhaps a few decades for significant parts of it.
It all rather depends on how well we integrate the changes, and how willing we are as a group consciousness to welcome these changes rather than fear them or even fight them.
It’s rather challenging, is it not, to see what’s going on with the cleansing process from inside the washing machine?
Inside the machine all we know is that we’re being buffeted about, sometimes gently sometimes not so gently. It’s only when we stand outside the machine - examine the process from a different perspective - that we can say “Oh, yes, I see that the clothes are agitating, but I also see that the agitation is getting them clean. Carry on.”
I hope that this discussion will help you to find that different perspective.
About Ascension Symptoms
Many ascension symptoms are simply the body’s way of communicating what it’s experiencing in the only way it knows how. For example, you might physically experience being very tall or giant-like for a few moments or hours. I experienced this off and on over a period of several years.
This is the body’s way of interpreting, through physicality, our energetic expansion.
No matter what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time, at some point - through loving yourself, through understanding and through not resisting the process - “this too shall pass”.
And when it does, you, like the beautiful butterfly that you are, will emerge from your human, third/fourth density cocoon and be able to truly spread your wings and fly.
In the meantime, be kind to yourself. Be gentle, be understanding, be compassionate. Be your own best friend and take good care of you. Rest. Relax. Enjoy.
When you’re in the throes of an unwanted experience, find your center, breathe consciously, drink lots of water - energized with your own intent if you’re willing to believe in your own mastery.
Seek help from those who have gone before and those who are going through it with you. Remember that we’re all in this together.
If an experience feels overwhelming, ask your Guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, whoever you’re most comfortable turning to for support, to dial it down, or to help you through it. They can intercede with the energy and help you achieve a balance.
As with everything, your own discretion is paramount. If you feel that your symptoms indicate something more profound, or you are fearful of what you’re experiencing, it makes sense to consult a medical professional. Even if the test results show nothing, at least you’ll feel relieved, and your relief is all important.
( Artist unknown)
“Dear Denise, Elila, Marilyn, Calliope, Morphqueen, and everyone else here and those commenting on food/eating issues. All I can say is I feel you all. My abdomen, also, looks like I’m about to give birth.
No exaggeration - I look about 7-8 months pregnant. I’ve been battling this for years and it gets better and worse but always there. Truly, I can not find pants that fit - it is becoming a nightmare.
Today, the jeans I wore to work have a waistband that came down around my abdomen and this big belly sticks out over the top - no judgment - but just to describe - looks like a big beer belly (but maybe bigger). And the eating - I lost about 15 pounds from summer to winter - couldn’t eat much of anything and really didn’t want to.
Then I started craving all kinds of food - and I’ve gained some weight back. I mean, literally I am allergic to wheat gluten and soy and lactose intolerant. And most everything else bothers me too… Even water.
It is very crazy making and I wish I could just get by without food. However, another issue is that food was always comforting to me - and now, when I often need comforting, I can’t even turn to food, though I’d like to - but the price I pay is too high b/c I feel so awful physically.
I went to the movie yesterday and brought my own drink and indulged in some popcorn. This was my big treat for myself - then about 2 hours later felt awful and that lasted the rest of the evening. I look forward to your article Denise.
Thanks, as always for all you do to keep this place for us, and thanks to all that write in. Morgean”
I’ve quoted the Comment above by Morgean about the Ascension-related food/eating/digesting or lack of digesting miseries many of us have and still are struggling with.
Thank you Morgean for your super honest Comment about this topic. The reason I used it in this article is because I’ve experienced, struggled with, been frustrated by and made utterly miserable by the identical things you mentioned since my biological Ascension Process started in February 1999!
And I’m still struggling with many of them today. Actually, since the Shift I’ve noticed that some of my old food/eating/digesting symptoms have amplified and my body is in ultra sensitivity mode once again.
Because of all the Comments surrounding this food/eating/digesting issue, I guess I should have talked about this particular Ascension symptom more fully years ago!
When I was twelve or thirteen I was tested by an allergy doctor and every liquid he jabbed into my arm reacted negatively, informing him and my parents that I was allergic to everything he’d poked into my body.
Those things covered certain foods, milk, chocolate (oh dear gawd, anything but chocolate!), dust, pollens, and everything with “feathers and fur” (oh dear gawd, not animals!). It was horrible and I was pissed and went on to eat plenty of chocolate and love many an animal anyway.
I’m not one of those people who sneezes or gets congested due to allergies, instead I get nauseous, a sore throat, swell all over like I’m retaining water, get sick feeling like I’ve been poisoned…which I have been. I’ve often been envious of people who only sneeze and have to blow their noses because it seemed less nasty than the way my body reacts, such as vomiting and/or running a low-grade fever. The grass is always greener…
For me food was never something I was much attracted to, other than chocolate that is, and never ate much or wanted to spend much time, money or thought on food/eating/cooking etc. I know many people use food for different things but all of my life - up to the start of my physical, biological Ascension Process that is - food and eating was just something I had to do every now and again to keep my body from getting a screaming headache! In other words, I ate only because I had to put gas in my tank, and never more than a 1/4 of a tank a day.
(I was very petite. Not the case any longer however!) Eating for me was never about fun or celebration or because it was super delicious or anything else, but because it was a necessity that I put off until I absolutely had to eat something and then it was always a very small amount.
I was happy with this system and it worked for me up until about age 40 - Uranus Opposition - when my body began changing for the first time in adulthood. I think I also entered peri-menopause at that age too which no doubt was another reason for the start of food/eating/body changes for me.
Jump forward to age 47 when my physical, biological Ascension Process began and the ultra super-duper insanity of it all started. The day that the Ascension Process started for me was the day the entire food/eating/not digesting and even drinking water nightmare began… and much more but this article is about Ascension-related problems with foods/eating/not digesting.
Literally overnight I went from being one way my whole life to, to, to something else that was very sick constantly, ultra-sensitive to everything overnight, in pain constantly and so much more. I went from always being able to drink ice water to having to drink only room temperature water because anything cold would cause my upper gut diaphragm area to bloat so severely that I couldn’t take a deep breath, and often vomit in the end.
It was exactly like being nine months pregnant and trying to eat Thanksgiving dinner; there simply isn’t any room for food or water due to the full-grown baby inside ones body. This is how it’s been for me almost constantly since February 1999.
Another aspect of this Ascension-related food/eating/not digesting misery is that I could eat one food one day or week and not have any negative reaction to it at all, but, eat the same food two weeks or a couple of months later and have it nearly kill me! Since February 1999 eating for me has literally been like playing Russian Roulette!
I never know despite my abilities to sense energies, psychic energies, toxins etc., when some food is going to react in my body just like a poison and make me sick for anywhere between six to fourteen hours straight.
I’ve gone through this so many times since 1999 it’s embarrassing, yet this is exactly what many of us have lived with due to needing to eat foods that are - no matter how pure or “organic” - still vibrating with physical and energetic toxins in them that our transmuting bodies have constantly struggled with.
All that plus constant incoming higher frequency energies that amplify every lower frequency thing in and around us. No wonder it’s been so hard and painful a Process all these years.
And it hasn’t made any difference if I didn’t eat solid foods or any liquid foods, if I cut back on the amount of room temperature water I drank, or what foods I stopped eating altogether; nothing made the upper gut diaphragm area deflate back to what had always been normal for me before the Ascension Process started.
Nothing. It’s still this way almost 14 years later. I suspect it’s a case of just get over it and adapt to this seemingly unending adapting!
On the other side of the “Three Days” - 12-21-2012, 12-22-12, 12-23-12 - and very much so since we entered 1-1-13, I’ve noticed another level of this
food/eating/digesting misery has been reached (for me I mean, your mileage may vary) because my old symptoms have escalated…again. I also want to eat nothing now even more than I did before, yet, I still have occasional food cravings.
After resisting them and seeing no improvements from that suffering, I’ve experimented diving into the bag of chocolate candies or potato chips or whatever it was then. Sometimes I got away with such a food indulgence and other times not. I so want to not need to eat anything at this point! I want to eat Light and Love again and have that be the NEW food source…which is coming.
Depending upon which phase one is in at the moment, one goes from needing to eat more high protein foods than one usually ever wants or needs. I went through almost a decade of needing, craving high protein foods. My big faves were Pot Roast and Peanut Butter, not together I mean!
But it was so convenient to thrust a teaspoon into the Peanut Butter when my body was needing a quick boost of protein but I was too exhausted to cook anything. Before this period and after I almost gag just at the thought of either but this is how it’s been.
One day, one month needing lots and lots of heavy high protein foods because your body is rapidly burning through it all because it’s transmuting tremendous inner density and unresolved old inner emotional stuff and junk etc.
Other days, other months, we go through Ascension-related phases of needing to eat much less food and when we do eat, much lighter density foods because we’re not transmuting like we were the weeks or months before and so on. (Same thing with the amount of pure water we’ve needed to drink during all this hot Ascension-related transmuting.
Now that many of us are done with that intense phase, we’re not needing to drink as much water to help flush out the toxins and reduce the inner body Kundalini heat.) And back and forth it’s gone year-after-year.
Weird food cravings one day or week or month to not wanting to eat anything and being literally repulsed by foods and the need to eat anything. Back and forth between wild and seemingly crazy food junkie-ness, to near abstinence of any food(s) completely. Eventually we’ll reach a sane, neutral point with this too.
Just like I didn’t care much about food/eating in general prior to the start of my physical Ascension Process, I also don’t personally care about the different solutions to eating/foods/digesting etc. either but that’s just me. I just want to get the transmuting done and move on to what I know is possible after this difficult transmuting phase.
I spent the first 40 years of this life being able to get by eating very little physical food and really filling myself up on Light and Creativity, which some people call “Love”. Being highly creative was for me, prior to the start of the difficult physical aspects of the Ascension Process, one way to eat, to ingest high frequency nutrition.
I created in different ways but I was never physically hungry while in a highly creative state.
We’re evolving back to being totally self-contained and self-sustainable, within our own bodies I mean. Just you and Source recycling pure, undiluted God/Source/All That Is juice - Light and Love. No more parasitism, no more vampirism, no more opening an emotional vein for another person to energetically feed off from you and/or vice versa.
Just you and Source and your Higher Self feeding one another freely and honestly. And if you want or need to ingest some physical food then you can do that too if you desire but it won’t be your only source of food; the Light (knowledge) and Love (creativity) frequencies will also be your NEW ascended nutritional food sources.
I mentioned in a Comment on another article how I enjoy viewing refracted Lights and pure colors because I gain nutrition from viewing them. I also gain nutrition when I hear a baby or young child laugh, or watch animals playing, running, flying or swimming with each other.
I also gain nutrition when I hear certain music that moves me, or when someone says something that I find very funny. I gain nutrition when it rains, when the sky and Sun looks so pristine and glorious. I gain nutrition when another person gains more freedom, more understanding, and more self-empowerment.
We can do nine more months to reach this and much more like it can’t we? Of course we can. ♥
Denise Le Fay
January 23, 2013
As I read Denise LeFay’s post today, I related to every word. Today I woke up for no reason with a pounding headache, extreme nausea, spinning head, hot flashes, and a feverish feeling. Feeling that I could barely function, I went back to bed for several hours.
My body has settled down somewhat now but the symptoms are still there… Nausea, dizziness and headache being the worst. The “higher dimension ringing sounds” are humming all around me as I write this. I wonder how many others are experiencing similar symptoms as I write this.. Sending love and hugs to you all! -Goldenlight
Source: Le Fay - Why I’ve Been MIA Lately - 18 February 2013
By MomT - Posted on 18 February 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted February 18, 2013
Never since the creation of TRANSITIONS in 2007 have I gone so long without writing anything! I’ve tried a few times to write something in February, but with the current Ascension symptoms I’m going through now, it’s nearly impossible to do anything - especially if physically moving and turning one’s head and/or eyes the slightest bit is required! I’ve tried to push my way through this and just do the work and other things I need to do but there’s a price to pay when I do this and it sends me back to bed to recover from that stupid move, on top of the symptoms I was having.
Lesson learned, but I’m not always so great at resting and doing nothing physically when I’d rather be doing something else. I like to rest when I like to rest, not when I’m forced to. Hum, another personal lesson.
The point of this short note is just to let everyone know I’m still here and okay despite this round of intense Ascension “Recalibration” (see Lisa Renee’s February 2013 article about this) symptoms I’ve been going through so far in 2013. I can and have worked and written articles and books while dealing with different Ascension symptoms and other related issues etc., but, when the spinning head business happens I absolutely cannot push my way through that symptom at all!
The room/house/reality starts turning counterclockwise and the more I push my body to do physical things, chores, write etc., the faster the spinning. And of course this makes me nauseous which means I’m not doing anything at that point but crawling into bed and hopefully falling asleep (exiting my physical body) for as long as possible. Doing this always seems to help with the spinning head business and related nausea… for a while.
So this is what’s going on for me now along with other Ascension symptoms too. Here’s a short rundown of them because I know some of you reading this are going through this now too:
Ascension flu-like body aches and pains, chills
Inner cold flashes that radiates out just like “hot flashes” do
Parts of body internally and externally feel bruised and sore like I fell or was hit etc.
Parts of head and skull internally and externally feel bruised and sore like I was hit or hit my head on something etc.
Sudden nausea immediately followed by my heart/heart area hurting and feeling like a “muscle spasm” for a few seconds then it’s all gone
Head, skull, eyes, spine pains and pressures
Blurry vision again, dry sore eyes
My hair looks and feels like corpse hair again
Inner body thermostat in flux again. Inner cold flashes followed by inner hot flashes which build up skin sensitivities
Since 1-1-13 constant ringing in my ears - “ascension tinnitus”
Bouts of diarrhea (again) due to purging lower frequencies/density etc.
Sense of smell terribly amplified, smelling cooked food smells for DAYS to the point that it starts to make me nauseous… and pissed!
“Time” is present and then not, then back again, then not again. Increased difficulty with linear awareness, passage of linear “time”, day, date etc.
Actual dreaming (not daydreaming) while fully awake and doing other physical things
Increase of anomalies again. Walking into a room in my house and seeing something very different there instead of what’s normally there.
Increased awareness of positive higher-dimensional Beings nearby observing me/us, and them waiting for the next phase to begin with us
As usual I’ve most likely forgotten a bunch of other symptoms but we’ll chalk that up to brain fog and the spinning head business! And of course February has been and will continue to be an abnormally busy month for me with lots of extra things that must be done this month.
This morning I thought I could run up to the store to pick up a prescription for my Mom because I was feeling better. So off I dashed, only to discover that I wasn’t really “better” at all and needed to walk, turn, move very carefully or I kept tipping slightly and bumping into things in the store. And the head pain and pressure arrived in the store with a blast because I was outside my house and it’s always harder to function out there than it is in my higher vibrating house.
So I got the prescription, but learned that I’m still in this latest phase and must take it ease for a while longer like it or not.
I’ll write more when I’m able to not tip over or barf while typing! Are we having fun yet fellow ascenders? Group Hug.
February 18, 2013
Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link. link to original article
Thank you for posting this...i now know i am not alone...last week and until today its been tough, i just want to sleep and do nothing else...all the symptoms mentioned i got them....
lets do this together in the name of true unconditional love and pure light
in lak'ech
I have all those symptoms too. What seems to help is walking in the grass barefoot, going in nature often, watching the sunset and meditating. I noticed that I feel better when I go outside when it is raining... to receive the energies from nature. I've also been noticing that my plants seem to perk up more after a nice rain and they don't like water from the hose as much. I always feel reinvigorated from being in nature, swimming in the ocean or even just sitting next to a water source. I'm trying to eat more raw natural organic whole fruits and vegetables. I'm trying to move toward only eating what I can grow. Whenever I eat processed foods it makes me feel worse. I need a lot of fresh air and to go outside a lot. I have to have the window open at night. I've also been noticing a lot of detoxing going on.
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