Saviors Of Earth

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As sick as its secrets: the mental health of the U.S. hangs in the balance

This and the article it links to, Nellis AFB Radar Specialist Witnesses UFO, even though they are in a tabloid, I believe these to be truth.
As sick as its secrets: the mental health of the U.S. hangs in the balance
Niara Terela Isley
Over the years, one of my mentors taught me, “A person is as sick as the secrets they carry around.” I’ve learned over time that this applies not only to individuals, but to entire countries as well, even to humanity as a collective. The severe problems the U.S., and humanity around the world on every level are now facing are rooted in secrets kept by the few, from the many, because the secrets appeared to give that few unprecedented power to control the many.

Last March of this year, I did something that was a big deal for me. I spoke publicly at the Aztec UFO Symposium in Aztec, NM, about my extraterrestrial-related experiences, both my childhood through adulthood abductions/contacts and my more challenging military experiences while in the Air Force. You can read a basic account of those experiences at UFO Digest, Nellis AFB Radar Specialist Witnesses UFO. If you have seen the 1996 “Dreamland” documentary, then you’ve seen me, I was the female radar specialist interviewed in shadow.

Because of those experiences, both abductions and the military experiences, the question of whether or not extraterrestrials or their craft were real or not were unequivocally answered for me… they are absolutely real. And the wall of secrecy that keeps this knowledge from the American people must come down. Not just for the release of technology to help us at an environmentally critical time, and create a new, far more egalitarian economy. But also to end human rights violations and abuses of the worst kind, allowed under the National Security Act of 1947.

When my experiences first came to light, they left me reeling in shock for a number of years. I was very resistant to coming forward publicly about them. At first, frankly, I was terrified. Someone or some agency had gone to alarming lengths – at great personal cost to me – to get me to compartmentalize that memory and bury it and I was quite positive they would not want me remembering it, and most certainly not want me talking about it. Not only were the actual experiences traumatic to recall and re-experience under hypnosis, the very idea that such things could happen in the “United States of America” – that I had learned about in school as a child growing up – was even more chilling. American icons I carried around like the flag, baseball and apple pie went up in smoke. I was, from the moment I came out of hypnosis, living with and trying to manage an internal level of terror, trying not to let it overcome me so I could go on living and working my job and paying the bills.

The few friends I told of these experiences found them so far outside normal human everyday reality that they tried to tell me I was mistaken somehow, or just to forget about it and put it behind me. But when you are handed an instant case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), how are you supposed to “just forget about it and put it behind you?” And even before the memories began to be reclaimed from hypnosis, there was internal physical and emotional evidence of PTSD.

Finding the courage to face the shadow and heal

On the one side, I was afraid of government-military repercussions and I had my recovered memories of how terrible that could be. On the other, I had friends and family who couldn’t seem to handle even hearing about such experiences. It made seeking healing or help seem impossible. For a long time had to live with the internal tremors of the PTSD.

I was already kind of a different sort of person from the norm – sensitive, inward-focused, nature-loving – had been from childhood on, and I was afraid this would just isolate me further from the rest of “normal” humanity. In addition, on my quest for more information about what had happened to me, and in what context it had occurred, I met many grim and angry conspiracy-theory types who seemed to have little sense or intuition of the spiritual (rather than religious) side of life. This grim anger was not what I wanted my life to be about… so after a few years of digging up more information, that brought up more questions than answers, I decided to shove it all to the back of my mind and get on with the kind of life I wanted to have, one that was centered in spirituality and connection to others.

This did not work either. The essence of a spiritually-lived life is to “know yourself”, to collect all the fragments of your spirit that trauma and challenging experiences have split away from your essential being-ness and reconstruct yourself into a new, integrated, healed and whole self. So, after several years of shut-down, I opened up to my memories and PTSD with a new agenda, to heal the emotional fallout from my experiences. I was very fortunate at this time to find a caring and gifted healer to work with on this, and I’m deeply grateful to her for her help. I could not have come so far as I have now without her.

The Cost of Silence: Our Government of the People, by the People, Stolen from Us

After 8 years of a political coop that usurped the U.S. government called the Bush-Cheney administration, I have learned the cost of staying silent, and it is far too high to remain silent.

Those of us who signed on for military service, for whatever reasons, patriotism, to learn a trade or to see the world, didn’t know we were signing on to become part of a terrible secrecy that would lay heavy on our souls and isolate us from the rest of humanity. We didn’t know, in some cases, that we signed up to be lab rats for whatever experiments our superiors saw fit to inflict upon us for their own ends. Try to go to court to prosecute for duress or damages, and your case is likely to be thrown out of court, un-prosecutable “FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY”. For people like myself, that have had experiences with the shadow government/military-industrial complex, that have left their lives in a shambles or worse, the cost of National Security Act of 1947 secrecy has been far too high.

In addition, as a result of enforced silence under pain of imprisonment or worse, we have a dangerously uneducated and unaware mainstream public regarding what goes on behind the impenetrable curtain called “The National Security Act of 1947”, and in this case, what We the People don’t know, can definitely harm us. No individual, nor any society can truly be free, or exercise it’s free will when critically important information is withheld from them. When making choices, decisions or when making policy, if one does not have all the information, all the facts, then the choice, decision or policy will end up being flawed, ineffective or even life-threatening.

Speaking Out

Many of you reading this may have watched Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project Witness Testimony video or his May 2001 National Press Club Conference. When I watch it, in addition to remarkable and deeply troubling information given by the witnesses there, as a person who cares about people and is trained to observe emotions in body language, facial expressions and tone of voice, I can only feel deep compassion for what these men and women have had to endure inside themselves and what they feel or know they were risking by speaking out. I know I’m not the only one who has suffered severe abuses, I’m just one of hundreds, and likely thousands. And I know that as long as this kind of secrecy is in place, this kind of abuse continues to go on.

But they forged the trail for the rest of us. There is safety in numbers… the more of us who speak out, the more safety we create for each other, the more awareness we create for the public who hear our testimonies and our messages, and the more we help create a better world for our children and grandchildren. And the more we disclose, the more power we pry from the hands of those who have been abusing that power and laying waste to who-knows-how-many lives in the process.

National Security Act of 1947 secrecy no longer protects our country and her people – it provides a curtain of secrecy for those who would destroy this country and her people for their own greed and power-driven agendas by allowing them to hide behind it, above and beyond the law.

While President Obama looks to be a far more positive leader to many Americans, if there is one thing the last 8 years have taught us all, it is that We The People must take an active role in our governance and how it is structured and handled. We can no longer afford complacency and giving our power away to politicians who are susceptible to financial seduction by the lobbying of special interest groups. We must raise our heads from our daily grind and pay close attention to legislation and policy that will affect the quality of all our lives and make our desires and wishes heard.

I kept silent for a long time trying to cope with a life turned upside down. To heal fully, I had to step forward, set aside my fear, and tell my story. The cost of giving my power away to fear became too high. No positive life I tried to create for myself would work while carrying that gorilla around on my back. I choose not to live that way any longer.

Today I do my best to write, speak and educate about this issue. As a deeply spiritual person who practiced Buddhist vipassana meditation for years and has been fascinated from childhood with finding that place where science and spirituality begin to overlap, I spend a good deal of time looking at the consciousness-expanding implications of contact with telepathic, or more accurately, tel-empathic extraterrestrial civilizations. I intuit this could mean a world with no more ugly secrets and people awakening at a deep level in a such a way that they would no longer perpetrate, or allow to be perpetrated, such human rights abuses. To be tel-empathic means that you would feel what others feel. To inflict abuse in such a case would be to feel what your victim feels, immediately, and make the abuse impossible to inflict any longer.

This was not an easy piece to write, but it does explain my writing here and my passion to end the truth embargo, and for the secrecy around the extraterrestrial issue to be more clearly understood. I hope to inspire others to listen with increasingly open and questioning minds, who have the desire to know the real truth and to look deeper. Because along with initiating a new era for humanity with new energy technology and possible contact with extraterrestrial cultures, it is my sincerest wish that it may also close the door on one of the darkest chapters in human history and bring about a new freedom in the hearts, minds and souls of collective humanity.

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