The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Hi Rene,
the first scene sounds like you were seeing your chakras.
Crown – 7th, Seventh Chakra
Color: Violet
Musical Note: B
Location : Top of the head
Parts of the Body: The brain, The nervous system
Endocrine Gland: Pineal Gland.
Third Eye Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye (Brow) – 6th, Sixth Chakra
Color: Indigo
Musical Note: A
Location: Central Forehead
Part of the Body: Carotids, Temples, Forehead
Endocrine Gland: Pituitary Gland
Throat Chakra Throat Chakra
Throat - 5th, Fifth Chakra
Color: Blue
Musical Note: G
Location: Throat
Part of the Body: Throat, Neck, Arms, Hands. Brachial or Cervical Plexus
Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland
More info at the link :
hope this helps:) think about the associations in the second theme, this sounds more personally oriented and you may have all the clues you need if you dig a little deeper:)
Bishop said:hay thats cool!
since listening to the solfeggio frequencies, i now see light flows when i relax when i close my eyes. sounds like what you described
So many people are experiencing this that I have to think it is a widepread phenomenon! I love the SF. When I first started seeing the colors it was the lower chakras, It was like going through a tunnel of color. Red and then Orange, and they would start as a ball of color then "surround " my field of vision and tuen into the next color. Then I saw Yellow and Green, the next two chakars, and now I see violet and gold. SO, keep it up whatever you are doing:)
See my post on Reading your chakras if you want to see if you have any blockages. I will post something on how to open the lower chakras for people who need to balance the upper ( it seems the upper chakras are opening spontaneously and they need to be balanced with the lower if you want a good flow of energy :)
yup. You sure can. I would recommend to you Barbara Brennan"s Book, Hands of Light and Light emerging.
Your chakras are opening and maybe the other dream is about balancing them ( they are spinning vortices- you can research this on the internet). If you are open on top but not balanced then you will need to work on the lower chakras ( root, sacral, solar plexus) to ground.
As far as seeing auras start " soft focusing" your eyes, like looking at a " hidden" 3 D picture- centered over a person;s head. Don't star hard just a fuzzy focus, let your eyes go kind of out of focus and you will start to see colors around their head- after a while you will see an electric blue shoot up their arms, close to the skin. this is easy to do once you try ;)
Bishop said:hay thats cool!
since listening to the solfeggio frequencies, i now see light flows when i relax when i close my eyes. sounds like what you described
So many people are experiencing this that I have to think it is a widepread phenomenon! I love the SF. When I first started seeing the colors it was the lower chakras, It was like going through a tunnel of color. Red and then Orange, and they would start as a ball of color then "surround " my field of vision and tuen into the next color. Then I saw Yellow and Green, the next two chakars, and now I see violet and gold. SO, keep it up whatever you are doing:)
See my post on Reading your chakras if you want to see if you have any blockages. I will post something on how to open the lower chakras for people who need to balance the upper ( it seems the upper chakras are opening spontaneously and they need to be balanced with the lower if you want a good flow of energy :)
Bishop said:hay thats cool!
since listening to the , i now see light flows when i relax when i close my eyes. sounds like what you described
So many people are experiencing this that I have to think it is a widepread phenomenon! I love the SF. When I first started seeing the colors it was the lower chakras, It was like going through a tunnel of color. Red and then Orange, and they would start as a ball of color then "surround " my field of vision and tuen into the next color. Then I saw Yellow and Green, the next two chakars, and now I see violet and gold. SO, keep it up whatever you are doing:)
See my post on Reading your chakras if you want to see if you have any blockages. I will post something on how to open the lower chakras for people who need to balance the upper ( it seems the upper chakras are opening spontaneously and they need to be balanced with the lower if you want a good flow of energy :)
oh ok thanks for your response, I didn't even know that one was able to see their own chakra's? I wonder if this means that I might be able to see other people's aura's and is the same thing, chara's and aura's?
cancapscorp said:Hi Rene,
the first scene sounds like you were seeing your chakras.
Crown – 7th, Seventh Chakra
Color: Violet
Musical Note: B
Location : Top of the head
Parts of the Body: The brain, The nervous system
Endocrine Gland: Pineal Gland.
Third Eye Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye (Brow) – 6th, Sixth Chakra
Color: Indigo
Musical Note: A
Location: Central Forehead
Part of the Body: Carotids, Temples, Forehead
Endocrine Gland: Pituitary Gland
Throat Chakra Throat Chakra
Throat - 5th, Fifth Chakra
Color: Blue
Musical Note: G
Location: Throat
Part of the Body: Throat, Neck, Arms, Hands. Brachial or Cervical Plexus
Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland
More info at the link :
hope this helps:) think about the associations in the second theme, this sounds more personally oriented and you may have all the clues you need if you dig a little deeper:)
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