Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ann Merkaba – Message from the Agarthians 2d Aug. 2013

Ann Merkaba – Message from the Agarthians 2d Aug. 2013

~We the Agarthians are here to REMIND you of your mission at hand for which some of you have signed up before incarnating here on earth. Many of you have been hearing the call of the mother earth. Many of your own hearts have been opening wide to the new waves of eternal love coming form your mother Gaia, the healing processes have indeed been running deeply enrooted in the hearts of humanity. ~

We are Agarthians and we greet you this day and age our dearly beloved companions of the magnificent planet that we all call home. The mother star ship that is floating amongst the stars.

We come to you today to heed this message to those that have come into this world to undertake this task and to those that will listen. We the Agarthians are here to REMIND you of your mission at hand for which some of you have signed up before incarnating here on earth. Many of you have been hearing the call of the mother earth. Many of your own hearts have been opening wide to the new waves of eternal love coming form your mother Gaia, the healing processes have indeed been running deeply enrooted in the hearts of humanity.

We come to you today and ask that those of you who have come here with an encoded genetic DNA code of the ages to step forward. Those of you reading this message who are
overcome with the all knowing sensation that it is indeed YOU whom we are speaking to, we ask you to step forward to your mission, and to activate the code within your hearts of freedom, the GOD code of the glorious new earth and the new order of life, love, spirit and the eternal OM, and so…

Let us briefly explain to you the situation at hand, for eons we have remained in the inner core of the earth, for eons we have remained her grateful servants, for eons we have kept the secrets of the universals truth beneath the layers of soil, rock and water, beneath the layer of protection within our beloved mother GAIA, and so the time has not come to purge all that is no longer welcomed on the surface of your planet, and to finally release the Universal truth to humanity.
To assist our dearly beloved human brothers and sisters in finding their own way home.

Therefore it is time to REMIND those amongst you who have with the informational codes within their hearts DNA, to step forward and to come here to Agartha and activate the Crystals Clusters hidden beneath the earth in the Agarthian planes of existence.

To do so we ask that you ask to see me – PI and I shall come to greet you at the gates of your choosing. We await your return!

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Personal Note: In quite a few recent healings, I have begun to get the messages for various light workers that they are needed in Agartha. What happened recently is while doing a healing on someone, I was pulled into Agartha (Inner Earth). There I was greeted by a being whose name is Pi (yes that Pi π). The message you have read above is the message that he has asked that I post for all of you here.

When I arrived in Agartha, I was then taken to one of the location that sits right beneath an important place on earth where there still exists a mind cloaking and controlling device that send out various negative and controlling energies to the people of earth. From various points in Agartha it is possible to reprogram these machines and to instead have it spread VIOLET light to all of humanity within its vicinity and break the codes under which they are currently living. Those of you who resonate with this message and feel that he is talking to you directly, should simply go into a meditative state and ask to see a being named “Pi”, he will then assist you in this mission. This needs to be done before August 25th. – Love ~Anna

Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

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On Saturday, April 28, 2012 Cobra posted on his blog:

New Financial System

Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.


This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.

Day 1

When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations. Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.

Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.

All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).

Day 2-7

Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins. Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.

Revaluation (RV)

After about 1 week from the Event

There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.

New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets. Basket of currencies such as US dollar, Euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan will form the basis of this new system.
Those banks that did not have strong connections with Federal Reserve and did not go bankrupt will reopen. They will not be allowed to charge interest. All their accounting will be fully transparent to the public. Stock market will not reopen.

Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations. Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted, until they are phased out in a few months and new money is printed.

All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.

In a few weeks

Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.

The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust. Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.

Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal. Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.

For Full Message
Click Below a href=">">;

.... This time is over, done. There will be no more bills to pay, no more worries about how you will feed your families, educate them, or survive during your retirement. Your retirement will be glorious beyond your wildest dreams, it will cost you nothing, and it begins now, no matter what your chronological age on Earth.

This will not be a retirement from Life, nor will it be a death. You are now on the threshold of a magnificent journey to the stars...

... Be at peace, Beloved Ones. The time of your personal testing is done. You are now being given a time to rest, to contemplate and to restore your Peace of Mind. Your trial is at an end, and you have all been found innocent, pure and gloriously One with your Creator...

... Together you have worked, prayed and pleaded with me to allow your glorious Ascension now, in this lifetime, in this hour. I am here to tell you now, it is granted...

... All the necessary steps have been taken to allow this to happen. The Prosperity Funds have been distributed and are ready to be dispersed.

Lucifer has returned to the arms of his family, and the 4th dimension has been collapsed, allowing no secrecy or separation from your Mother/Father God's love; the Archangels have assumed their mantles of Light, and the Masters have declared themselves as servants of the Light on Earth.

The ships are aligned and ready to bring their gifts and the great love of the Twin Flames who await their partners, many of whom are now aware of them, and familiar with their loving energy...

Lifting the Veils: Understanding our Guides and Angels Channeler: Peter Phalam

Our guides and angels are perhaps the most prevalent but least understood energy supporting our spiritual evolution. Their identity and origins shed light on an important energy in our daily lives. Each individual’s higher self plays an important role in how their guides and angels communicate.

All the past lives we have experienced on earth exist within an Akashic framework in the higher self. Some souls extend all the way back to Lemuria while others started with the Atlantean era; still others date back to the Egyptian era. Older souls have the highest incidence of guide and angel intervention into thought patterns though all souls have the ability to gain access and effectively use guidance.

The difference between guides and angels is that guides primarily focus on physical-plane activity and the functioning of the ego. Angels work more with the dream state and the intuitive flow of subconscious activity. Guides are derived from the most frequent past-life crossings and are not incarnate.

The reason they are not incarnate varies from their afterlife ‘bardos’ denoted in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. When guides are released from the ‘karmic illusion bardo’ - the first afterlife phase -they can either go into a meditative phase for an extended period of time or they can gain more important experience by functioning as a guide for an incarnate being.

The karmic illusion bardo reviews the most recent lifetime where all the challenges and achievements are paired to their contract for that lifetime.

This guide ethic is in place when you hear about a son or daughter who has lost one or both parents and then sometime later they feel them around or see them in their dreams. The closer the time frame is to current incarnate interaction, the stronger the guide vibration. These guides normally extend, however, all the way back to the 14th century and the Renaissance.

There are varying vibrational inputs from guides depending upon the movement of awareness. The more stagnant the conscious development, the more guides stay in place. As we move into higher conscious awareness, guides change and past lives within the higher self play a more functional role in our development.

An advanced soul can change guides every year, moving farther back into past life crossings and periods of highly-evolved consciousness.

Each past life within our higher self has a given frequency. Some lifetimes were somewhat mundane and others were relatively famous. We can only take advantage of our most important past-life energy when we are evolving quickly in our spiritual lives. Guides connect to the closest subconscious planes around our physical body.

Both the emotional and mental planes focus their intent to create events in our lives. Some events result in divine connections such as past-life crossings with friends and loved ones who are incarnate.

Guides also help us by shining awareness on habits, attitudes, prejudices, and assumptions that tether us to lower-vibrational realities. They also assist us in healing sorrow, depression and anger so we can cultivate inner peace.

Angels come from three different levels. The most basic and common come from our indigenous area where we live. These are nature spirits who follow us when we walk. They come from trees, flowers, and many other types of foliage. You may occasionally see them when they appear as orbs of light around your head when you are walking.

These angels work with us to teach us to commune with pets; they hover about as we feed wild birds and animals; they help us become good stewards of the environment and teach us to access the joy in every day. They help us defuse past emotions and opinions that are useless in our future. Foremost, they teach us unconditional love, which is a primary ethic for ascension.

The second tier of angelic support comes from actual souls from the angelic realm who have multiple incarnations and have served favorably to ascend as an apprentice to the archangel vibration. The seven families of archangels are Michael, Chamuel, Jophiel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Zadkiel.

These are intergalactic archangels who have served on many planets, harvesting many angels to go forth to other planets that need realization. This second tier primarily works in the dream state in what is known as the astral subconscious plane. Only about 30 percent of our awareness in our dreams flow to our consciousness.

Angels work with the other 70 percent in non-REM dream periods. They establish the REM state to help us understand where we are with the evolution of our consciousness.

The third tier of angels is the archangel vibration where many angels achieve archangel status. Although we do at times make definitive contact with known archangels, the majority of input into the upper etheric subconscious plane is from new archangels ascended from the earth incarnation process.

These angels work with us as we manage to emancipate through the astral plane and enter the Fifth Dimension. They serve as tour guides for the harmonics that stage many different functions for enlightenment.

We sometimes receive divine assistance when our vibrational frequency lifts us to symposiums with ascended masters, or allows us to enter holographic stages for virtual reality periods. In these elevated realities, masters teach us how to bi-locate on earth-grid patterns so we can do healing work around the globe.

They also show us how to access time planes to better understand ourselves in past and future probabilities.
Namaste, Peter

For more information, see Source:

_and so the time has not come to purge all that is no longer welcomed on the surface of your planet, and to finally release the Universal truth to humanity._

a small flaw , must be of course : and so the time has now come to purge all that is no longer welcomed on the surface of your planet, and to finally release the Universal truth to humanity.

Great message Besimi thnx sweet brother of Light 

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