The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
I just realised I didn't reply to you Abhimanyu! Sorry.... I must have read this when I was half asleep and meant to come back to it...
I don't know too much about animal guides/totems tbh and so I couldn't say whether the snake that came to you in your dreams was your totem...but it certainly could be. Snakes are very symbolic and have some interesting interpretations in dreams. Check out a dream dictionary online and see if any of the meanings have a particular resonance with the time that you were dreaming about the snake. I believe the kundalini is represented as a snake too? It is a very mystical creature...
Love and light,
Abhimanyu Kashyap said:thank you .. by the way .. as i read ur last post, i remember I used to have dreams of me and a snake ... that was till around 4 years ago .. and then they stopped ... i wonder if those dreams have anything to do with my animal totem .. just curious ....
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