Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Alfred Lambremont Webre: Why I exposed Kevin Annett & ITCCS

Alfred Lambremont Webre: Why I exposed Kevin Annett & ITCCS


December 23, 2014


Introductory Statement – Please consult video


Hi All I am sorry that there is confusion regarding ITCCS and Annett. I interviewed Annett as sole spokesman for 3 years and I took on faith many statements he made because of my 10 year relationship with him. I met Annett at Vancouver Coop Radio where my program THE MONDAY BROWNBAGGER ended as his program began.  All progressive programs including my program were terminated by a Bilderberger takeover of Vancouver Coop Radio occasioned at the same time as a crisis caused by the termination of Annett’s program over the Picton affair.  After that, on Sept 14, 2011 Annett approached me to interview him on his new project ITCCS, presuming that I supported him because we had been terminated by Coop Radio by he Bilderbergers.  Unbeknownst to me as I learned a few days ago, Annett had told a now colleague of mine, broadcaster Mel Ve of Holland “I do not have any regard for Alfred. I think he is a Vatican agent.  I am just using him because he has a loyal audience base.”

On Oct. 28, 2014, a woman friend of mine came to me with a report that Annett had been simultaneously romancing and proposing marriage to several women in different parts of the planet. I had also noticed that young beautiful women would be appointed administrators by Annett of the ITCCS FB group [which I had founded] who then would become traveling companions to Annett across Canada and to Europe. My friend told me that Annett was engaging in unethical interpersonal relationships with multiple women. By coincidence Annett was scheduled for an interview in early Nov 2014 and I confronted him with what I had been told. Annett lied, saying he hardly knew my friend whereas they had been Internet romancing for 2 years. He then accused my friend, who runs a spiritual center, of being a government agent. At that moment I lost trust in Kevin Annett as I sensed he was deliberately lying for deceptive purposes. 

Within the past two weeks Heather Martin published interviews with two women whom Annett was simultaneously romancing at the same time he was my friend.

I decided that as a matter of due diligence I should request an independent interview with George Dufort who Annett indicated had functioned as a coordinator of ITCCS Brussels. Over the past several months I had received emails purportedly written by George Dufort. I also knew that some researchers had concluded that George Dufort, like Jeremiah Jourdain, were fictitious persons Annett had made up in an effort to make his organization real. 

Upon my request of an interview with George Dufort, Annett escalated into a public hostile response indicating that I would be the target of a Tribunal and Grand Jury starting in January in Vancouver. Hence I issued a Protective Order to protect my home and the 10 people in it including elementary and secondary aged students from being threatened by the Grand Jury and Republic of Kanata gang, mandating no contact and prohibiting them from coming within 100 meters of my house.  We have now developed and will be publishing evidence that Annett manipulated $150,000 from one such woman to support his lifestyle in the ITCCS, constituting fraud and breach of trust. has yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exist. Moreover we have receive preliminary information impeaching one of Annett's principal European witnesses. 

Annett then began publishing defamatory and private information about me that he could have only been privy to if he was being fed by surveillance within the national security state,  He stated that My wife Geri and I live in a lavish $4800/mo. Mansion in Vancouver.  When he first visited our home the first thing he asked me was “What do you pay in rent?”  I did not tell him. Annett could only have gotten that private information from surveillance.  What Annett has known for three years and he chose to withhold is that there are 10 people living in our spacious home as a collective, including children of elementary and high school age. By splitting the rent and utilities, we have access to a beautiful home at a very reasonable rent each. My social security check of $1100.00 covers my monthly portion of the rent. So much for Annett’s lie that I am being paid to expose the truth about him.

In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers. 
Our articles exposing Annett's breach of trust, compulsive lying, financial fraud, and shady involvement in child trafficking issues will be appearing in the coming weeks and months
Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine citizen offered in this field.

PART 2.  THE FUTURE ;-) As independent witnesses come forward to testify on issues of child trafficking, child genocide, child sacrifice by rings in the Monarchies, governments, parliaments, churches, courts, banks, intelligence agencies, military, police, and mainstream media, will report their testimony. 


An independent Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal is being established in Brussels. 

For more detail see

In Light, Alfred ;-)

By the evidence, it appears the ITCCS is a fabrication. Some investigators think Kevin Annett is a globalist operative. In that case the ITCCS is a globalist fabrication to displace, scatter and retard community and self-sovereign restoration of authentic society from the Transhumanists. 

We do not know what of the stories Kevin Annett told is factual and what is lies, disinformation or distortion by Annett or his handlers (if there are such).

PART 3 - ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter – There was no 2012 ITCCS/ICLCJ trial held of UK Queen and Pope Ratzinger s reported by Kevin Annett.  The reported “Trial” was a Kevin Annett fabrication

By Alfred Lambremont Webre



VANCOUVER, BC – In an exclusive interview with‘s Alfred Lambremont Webre, ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, accompanied by residential school survivor Wa7tsek of the Burrard First Nations Band, stated that Kevin Annett did not convene a Tribunal for a 2012 trial of Pope Ratzinger, UK Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Canadian Prime Minister Harper and others for child genocide and child trafficking of First Nations children in Canada.

Kevin Annett never served any Jury Notices, Evidence, Instructions, or held a 2012 trial in which he (Alex Hunter) or his fellow Jurors participated, says ITCCS and International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) former ‘juror’ Alex Hunter.

“I found out about the so-called 2012 trial of the “Dirty Thirty” (UK Queen, Pope Ratzinger, Prime Minister Harper and others) from the verdicts that Kevin Annett was issuing via email and on the ITCCS website.  Kevin Annett is a screen writer and we are characters in his fictional court, trials and verdicts.”

Annett fabricated 2012 Trial of UK Queen, Pope Ratzinger, and Prime Minister Harper

ITCCS/ICLCJ Juror Alex Hunter states in his interview that Kevin Annett never sent any information pertaining to this Case No. 1, this Notice, or further instructions to him or other citizen Jurors he knows, as stated on the ITCCS website.

On Monday Nov. 5, 2012 6:30 pm GMT, Kevin Annett posted the following Notice on the ITCCS website:

“Public Announcement and Instructions to Citizen Jurors

Brussels: Monday, November 5, 2012 6:30 pm GMT

The first evidence in the opening case in the docket of our Court is now posted online for examination and a verdict by our Citizen Jurors and the world community. It is accessible through the YouTube link posted in this email.

This first posting addresses the evidence of intentional genocide by the churches and government of Canada, and the Crown of England and the Vatican, according to the first three of the five defined crimes in the indictment. The final two crimes will be addressed in the second online posting of this case, to occur around November 15, 2012.

Further instructions will be issued to our citizen Jurors and other Court officers.

We urge the world community to follow the evidence and participate in the sentencing and enforcement procedures of the Court that will follow the verdict, after the other four cases in the Docket.[1]

Moreover, ITCCS/ICLCJ Juror Alex Hunter states that he and the fellow jurors he knows were never called to sit as a Tribunal and reach a verdict around the specific evidence that Kevin Annett presents on his website. This Notice by Kevin Annett on his website regarding this trial and verdict is, according to Juror Alex Hunter, a fabrication and fraud by Kevin Annett.

“The International Common Law Court of Justice: Case No. 1 – Genocide in Canada

Convened as a lawfully recognized Tribunal of Conscience in Brussels in the fall of 2012, and issuing its final verdict on February 25, 2013, the Common Law Court named and indicted thirty defendants for perpetrating or concealing Genocide in Canada against indigenous people. These defendants included then-Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, former Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Elizabeth Windsor “Queen of England”, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

After an exhaustive presentation of the evidence of crimes by church and state in Canada, and a refusal by the defendants to respond or refute the evidence, all of the defendants were found guilty of criminal conspiracy and Genocide, and were sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison and the forfeit of all the wealth and property of their estates and institutions. Citizen arrest warrants were issued, and on August 4, 2013, the Vatican and Crown of England were declared to be transnational criminal bodies under international law, and were lawfully disestablished.

The complete evidence that indicted these defendants and their institutions, along with all of the court documents and warrants, are contained herein.

The International Common Law Court of Justice is proceeding with other cases during 2014 and beyond.”[2]

Assassination of Stee-mas, Sovereign Verifier and Residential School Survivor

In this video Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek talk about the possible connection to what appears to be the assassination of Sovereign Verifier, Residential School Survivor and First Nations Activist and Advocate Stee-mas to:

  1. a) First Nations Justice and Sovereignty Activism and/or
  2. b) Kevin Annett

Stee-mas was an outspoken and prolific First Nations Activist, Advocate, Residential School Survivor and was a Sovereign Verifier since 1972.

Although he was in his seventies he died under suspicious circumstances which Hunter and Wa7tsek discuss in the interview.

Kevin Annett: Provocateur, Non-Existent Elders & Tribunal personnel, Appropriation, Breach of Trust, Fraud, and possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative

During their nearly 2 hour interview with, ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, an activist in his own right, and Wa7tsek detailed multiple instances of Kevin Annett’s breach of trust and fraud in behaviour toward the First Nations community through the ITCCS.

  • Provocateur – Kevin Annett in many instances acted as a provocateur when meeting with Indigenous or other recruits to ITCCS, urging them to do illegal activities and yet hiding or failing to show up himself when the time arrived for those activities to take place. ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter notes that Annett once urged Alex Hunter and his children to paint ball a church that displayed a big photograph of the Pope, an action that would have landed Hunter in jail, with the possible loss of custody of his children.
  • Non-Existent Elders & Tribunal Personnel– ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, who defended Annett publicly for some time until Annett lost his trust, states that Annett manipulated the public, the First Nations communities, and the Jurors with a fictitious court that he created and embellished in the fashion of a screenwriter, even creating fictitious First Nations Elders and Court Personnel who supported and serviced the ITCCS/ICLCJ.

These fictitious personnel include: (1) “Jeremiah Jordain” – a fictitious Elder whom Annett invented, described as belonging to various changing clans, whom Annett uses as support in narratives ranging from ITCCS to Republic of Kanata.

(2) “George Dufort” – A Brussels-based coordinator of the ITCCS/ICLCJ who is used to issue pronouncements from Brussels and to correspond from time to time with outsiders reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre.  These two fictitious identities are used by Kevin Annett to give the appearance of reality to his activities and further the frauds of the ITCCS and ICLCJ.

  • Appropriation, Breach of Trust, Fraud- Both former ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek speak variously of cultural appropriations by Kevin Annett of events within the First Nations and other communities that have nothing to do with Kevin Annett’s organizations that Annett appears to make a result of his own contributions. For example, in a recent public communiqué, Annett offers a $10,000 reward for information relating to the deaths of the following “ITCCS Indigenous members”:
  • Chief Louis Daniels, ITCCS convener and liaison with Ojibway Nation, died in Winnipeg General Hospital, February 12, 2006
  • Harriet Nahanee, witness to Alberni residential school murders, died in Surrey Remand Prison after her arrest by RCMP, February 24, 2007
  • Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, leader of ITCCS protests, died in Vancouver after being beaten by Vancouver police, December 9, 2009
  • William Combes, witness to abduction of children by Queen of England, died in Vancouver General Hospital, February 26, 2011
  • Ricky Lavallee, witness to alleged beating-to-death of Bingo Dawson by Vancouver police, died suddenly on January 3, 2012
  • Harry Wilson, witness to two murders at Alberni residential school, died of unknown cause, May 3, 2012

None of these people had any relation to ITCCS at all. Alex Hunter states, “Harriet Nahanee was never an ‘ITCCS’ Activist. She died of a heart attack in custody after breaching her Order not to attend/be protesting the Sea to Sky Hwy assault on the Bluff – well before Kevin dreamed up this rubbish.’

  • Financial fraud and breach of trust – ITCCS/ICLCJ Juror Alex Hunter discusses some known cases of a number of women whom Kevin Annett was simultaneously romancing on the Internet, some with the intent to manipulate, exploit, abuse and defraud them of their inheritance or life savings in order to support his jet-setting life-style while carrying out the extended fraud or confidence game of the ITCCS/ICLCJ. has received preliminary evidence regarding one such woman who was manipulated out of $150,000 by Kevin Annett over the course of several years to finance his lifestyle behind the cover of ITCCS/ICLCJ.
  • Annett Appropriation of the Circle of Justice (1998) – Kevin Annett’s appropriation of the Circle of Justice work and funds raised for the benefit of the survivors of residential schools. The Circle of Justice issued a Letter and Bill of Particulars and Concerns that provides an earlier example of Kevin Annett’s deceit and fraud on the First Nations’ community.  The Letter states:


“We, the members of the group known as “The Circle of Justice” hereby give you notice that you are to cease any statements, implications or representations that you represent our group in any capacity or have any association with our group. We also hereby give you notice to cease the use of the name of The Circle of Justice or the name of any individual of the group in any association with you in any book, newspaper, on the internet, television or through any medium or in any conversations or representations with anyone.

“We also give notice to you Kevin Annett to cease any and all fundraising in the name of the Circle of Justice and to turn over and account for any monies collected in the name of The Circle of Justice or when the name of The Circle of Justice was associated with your name in any way. We also demand that you turn over any and all materials in whatever form taken specifically through your interviews and other work with Survivors of the Canadian Residential Schools.”[3]

  • Kevin Annett as a possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative – Former ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek discuss various patterns and evidence that suggest that Kevin Annett is a possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative and his fabrications such as ITCCS and ICLCJ may be tools of the Globalists in their plans to form a one world religion/roll-out a genocidal and dictatorial One World Order.

How Can First Nations communities recover from the 20-year fraud committed by Kevin Annett and his fabricated ITCCS?  How can child trafficking, pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks in the Churches, Governments and Monarchies be prosecuted now that the ITCCS/Kevin Annett fraud has been publicly & widely uncovered?

The final portion of Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek’s interview deals with the complex issues of:

  • How can First Nations communities recover from the 20-year fraud committed by Kevin Annett and his fabricated ITCCS? 
  • How can child trafficking, pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks in the Churches, Governments and Monarchies be prosecuted now that the ITCCS/Kevin Annett fraud has been publicly & widely uncovered?

In the interview Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek commit to continue to bring to public light evidence from witnesses and others for broadcast with and other media.


VIDEO: Alfred Lambremont Webre: Why I exposed Kevin Annett & ITCCS (Transcript) 



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NO to a one world religion/roll-out, genocidal and dictatorial One World Order !!!

NOT in my name !!!

why the threats from kevin when alfred challenges him? 

alfred is asking legitimate questions.,,,,,,

PROTECTIVE ORDER Issued by Sovereign Citizens Against ITCCS, ICLCJ,...


Issued by Sovereign Citizens

CRIMINAL HARASSERS & STALKERS – Against Any and All Personnel, Agents, Contractors, and Supporters of and associated with Kevin Annett and the following organizations of no known status and address led by Kevin Annett, a serial criminal harasser under the laws of British Columbia:

(1) The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS.ORG),

(2) International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ),

Jeremiah Jourdain, George Dufort, Marie Bouchard

Alleged Court Officials


(3) The Common Law Court of Justice of Vancouver (CLCJV)-

“B. Donaldson, Alleged Court Administrator”

ITCCS/ICLCJ and CLCJV are entities of no known legal status and of no known fixed whereabouts other than a postal code and street in Brussels, Belgium [Avenue des Nerviens, Belgium 1040 Bruxelles].

Kevin Annett if a former defrocked clergyman of the United Church of Canada of No known address; Home Tel: 250-591-4573 in Nanaimo, BC and 386-323-6774 at William Annett (his father’s) house in Florida, USA] (2) Marie Bouchard – ITCCS participant in August 2014 sting operation at ritual child sacrifice in Montreal, QC, Canada, of no known fixed address; (3) John and Jane Doe AKA by the Pseudonyms “George Dufort” and “Jeremiah Johnson”; and (4) Any and all of the John and Jane Does associated with ITCCS, ICLCJ, CLCJV and or Kevin Annett.

PROHIBITIONS – You are hereby restrained and prohibited from:

(1)  Any physical contact with any of the 10 residents at the premises at 2938 King Edward Avenue West, Vancouver, BC, including the children of elementary and secondary school age at this premises;

(2)  Coming within 100 meters of any portion of this premises and its enclosure;

(3)  Your continued criminal harassment and stalking of one specific member of the household at this premises, Alfred Lambremont Webre, by threatening him with malicious prosecution by a so-called CLCJV and/or ‘Grand Jury” simply because Mr. Webre was exercising the right of Alternative Media to interview personnel of the Directorate of ITCCS, namely the person known as George Dufort, without revealing his identity, and because discovered prima facie common law fraud by Kevin Annett.

DOCUMENTS – Any and all documents to be delivered by you to the undersigned as part of your malicious prosecution and criminal harassment shall be delivered via courier with a clearly marked street address included full name of sender to be served with legal counter suit or criminal complaint, building and suite number, city, province, postal code, and country.CRIMINAL ARREST & IMPRISONMENT – Violation of this Protective Order shall result in a criminal complaint and your arrest an imprisonment under the Criminal Code of Canada, which prohibits Stalking and Criminal Harassment.

PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE NOW PROVES KEVIN ANNETT HAVING COMMITTED COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FRAUD AT ITCCS/ICLCJ – An Internet archive photo of the 2012 ITCCS website (Exhibit A below) confirms the testimony of whistleblower Alex Hunter in a Dec. 22, 2014 interview that Hunter was a Convenor/Juror of Kevin Annett’s ITCCS Tribunal. Exhibit A likewise confirms Mel Ve’s testimony in a Dec. 24, 2014 interview that Mel Ve was the Dutch organizer and essentially the European organizer for Annett’s ITCCS Tribunal, as the organizer listed on the ITCCS website in Exhibit A is a fictitious name George Dufort of a person that does not exist.

In Dec. 24, 2014 public statements on the ITCCS website, Kevin Annett had denied that the testimony of ITCCS Juror was factual. Exhibit A proves that Annett is engaging in false statements and lying, a consistent pattern he has exhibited in this investigation.

Exhibit A, an archive photo of Annett’s website from the time of the Annett’s alleged 2012 ITCCS trial of the UK queen and Pope Ratzinger, lists the following ITCCS personnel on it website:


Acting Secretary: Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. (Canada)

Convenors of ITCCS Ireland: John Deegan, Gerry O’Donovan, Dave O’Brien

Convenors of ITCCS Canada: Rev. Joshua Lemmons, Alex Hunter, Lori O’Rorke, Andrew Paterson

At Large ITCCS Organizers: Melanie Spencer [Mel Ve] (Netherlands); George Dufort Belgium; Lisa Phillips (England); Thierry David (France); Lisa Shannon (United States)

Watch ITCCS Convenor/Juror Alex Hunters testimony

Exhibit A demolishes the legal credibility of Annett document “ITCCS Public Legal Notice of Criminal Defamation and Liability”

On Christmas Eve 2014, Kevin Annett issued an “ITCCS Public Legal Notice of Criminal Defamation and Liability” against reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter because of the Dec, 22, 2014 broadcast, whose facts were proved by Exhibit A as there was no ITCCS Brussels and no ITCCS trial was held. The Notice stated (sic) “the You Tube corporation as well as any person who knowingly circulates the said broadcast is equally liable for prosecution under the law.”

Mel Ve- Holland – “I was ITCCS Central-There was no ITCCS Brussels-Annett’s sole public witness Toos is deeply flawed”  “”Go Alfred… let me know when you need my testimony… Annett showed me how to make arrest warrants… I have so much to tell you

“How to set up fake courts by just ordering a rubber stamp

“And then once you have a stamp, you can make up any documents you like as long as the stamp look legit…

“Annett’s exact words”

Exhibit A confirms that testimony of Mel Ve in her Dec. 24, 2014 interview that she – Mel Ve (Melanie Spencer) essentially carried out the functions of ITCCS Central while based in Holland. There was no ITCCS Brussels, as the person named there by Annett on the ITCCS website, George Dufort, did not exist. Mel Ve stated, as do other researchers, that Kevin Annett signs the name George Dufort to emails to make it appear as though there is a Tribunal in Brussels.

SEE EXHIBIT A AT:  2012 ITCCS website contradicts Kevin Annett denials, lists ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, ITCCS Organizer Mel Ve, George Dufort by Alfred Lambremont Webre


1. By the above prima facie evidence of Exhibit A, Kevin Annett has intentionally engaged in Common Law Fraud against his Jurors and Donors.  A person with dirty hands of Fraud such as Kevin Annett cannot convene a Tribunal of Conscience under Natural and Common Law. Therefore the ITCCS, ICLCJ, and CLCJV are void and of no legal effect as Tribunals of Conscience under Natural and Common Law.

The law of Common Law Fraud states, “Common law fraud is the  intentional misrepresentation of material facts presented to and relied upon by another party to his detriment. It is the version of fraud that has been established through the traditional application of English common law by local courts for hundreds of years.

“There are generally five elements of the crime of common law fraud that must exist in order for a court to find a defendant guilty. As an initial matter, the defendant must have made a false representation of a present or past fact. Deceit is the basis of fraud, so whatever the defendant used to entice the victim’s reliance must have been an actual lie. It cannot have been information that is or was true, which was then used by the defendant for nefarious purposes.

“Second, the defendant must have known the information used was false or intentionally maintained ignorance of the truth. Third, the defendant must have intended for the victim to rely on the misrepresentation in order to induce the victim to act. The fourth element concerns the mental state of the victim. He must have actually been induced to rely on the representation and acted upon it. There is no crime if the misrepresentation did not cause a change in the victim’s behavior, or if the victim did not act at all.

“One of the most important elements of the crime of common law fraud is actual damages. A victim must have been detrimentally impacted by the intentional misrepresentation.”


1. NO DUTY UNDER LAW OR MORALITY – The undersigned Alfred Lambremont Webre owes no duty under law or morality to respond to any Notice, Summons, or Order of the ICTTS, ICLCJ, CJCLV or any other fabricated entity of Kevin Annett, as Kevin Annett has forfeited, by his prima facie fraud, any right under natural and common law, to convene a lawful Citizen’s Tribunal. ITCCS, ICLCJ, and CLCJV are void and of no legal effect as Tribunals of Conscience under Natural and Common Law.

2. RESIDENTS including Alfred Lambremont Webre at this premises have probable cause to fear continued stalking, criminal harassment and bodily and psychological harm from the above-mentioned individuals as well as from the individuals of the so-called ICTTS, ICLCJ, CLCJV.

3. PROSECUTION: Any continued harassment or stalking of Alfred Lambremont Webre and the residents of 2938 King Edward Avenue West by Kevin Annett and or by any related individual or ICTTS, ICLCJ, CLCJV or a successor entity may result in the criminal and civil prosecution in the courts of Canada or British Columbia against Kevin annett.

4. Alfred Lambremont Webre is a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record, an exemplary Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, and a reporter at

5. There is no probable cause for such CLCJV or Grand Jury proceedings, which are driven by malicious prosecution, continued criminal harassment, and a desire to displace attention from’s request to interview ITCCS Brussels personnel George Dufort and its discovery of prima facie common law fraud by Kevin Annett.  There is some preliminary evidence that “George Dufort” make in fact not exist, and may be part of a scheme by Kevin Annett to defraud donors for funds and perpetuate a fraudulent citizen’s tribunal, thus engaging in the crimes of breach of trust and common law fraud.

REVISED & DATED this 31st Day of December 2014

Alfred Webre

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Member, District of Columbia Bar Bar No. 412541



Stalking (also called criminal harassment) occurs when

one person is followed, watched, communicated with, or

subjected to any form of behaviour from another person

such that they begin to fear for their safety or for the

safety of those known to them. Stalking/criminal harass

ment often involves repeated conduct over a period of

time between the perpetrator and the victim. Although

stalking/criminal harassment may not result in injury, it

can be a precursor to violent acts.

Stalking/criminal harassment is not a sign of love. It is a

form of abuse that is based on power and control. It is

also a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada. It can

frighten you and take away your sense of security and

personal safety. It can even lead to physical harm.

If you are a victim of criminal harassment, help is avail


Signs of Stalking/Criminal Harassment

If someone is:

•threatening you or your children,

Grandchildren,family or friends

•following you or your children, grandchildren,

family or friends

•threatening or damaging your property or hurting

your pets

•calling you over and over, hanging up or not

speaking when you answer

•sending you unwanted repeated text messages

•contacting you by email or through social net

-working websites over and over

•calling your children, grandchildren, family,

friends or co-workers and asking about yousending you things you don’t want

Or if you feel that:

•your emotional or physical safety is being threatened

•you are afraid to say something about the person’s conduct

•you can’t do what you want or go where you want due to fear

•you need to change your lifestyle to avoid this person

You may be the subject of stalking/criminal harassment.

Stalking/criminal harassment can be perpetrated by

anyone. Examples include a spouse or partner, a person

you lived with, someone you dated, a client, a former

employee, a co-worker, a fellow student, a peer, or a

total stranger. Although almost three out of four victims

of criminal harassment in Canada are women, children,

adolescents, and men can also be victims.



The Common Law Court of Justice of Vancouver

(established December 15, 2014)







BE ADVISED that commencing Monday, January 26, 2015, a Grand Jury hearing to examine evidence and statements by the parties to possible criminal proceedings will be convened at 10:00 am in downtown Vancouver, at a venue to be announced.

The defendants in these proceedings, Alfred Webre, Alex Hunter,  Rafael Sosa Ward and others to be named are hereby directed to be present at this hearing in the company of their legal representatives or in a self-represented capacity.

The said Grand Jury proceedings will address evidence of premeditated intent and actions by the Defendants, including but not restricted to:


  • · criminal assault and harassment
  • · incitement to hatred
  • · public defamation
  • · involvement in a criminal conspiracy to aid and abet homicide, politically motivated assassinations, concealment of criminal acts, and pedophilia and child trafficking

BE ADVISED that failure by any of the defendants to be present at this Grand Jury Examination Hearing can and will be interpreted to mean that they, the defendants, are not contesting the evidence and statements presented by the Plaintiffs ITCCS Central Office and Kevin Annett, and accordingly a legal judgment may be issued against the Defendants and their agents.

Issued by the Common Law Court of Justice (Vancouver District)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 8:30 am PST

B. Donaldson, Court Administrator









Breaking Historic Joint Communique from the Office of the Central ITCCS Directorate and the Republic of Kanata

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Avenue des Nerviens , Belgium 1040 Bruxelles

(see attached Notice to Alfred L. Webre)

December 17, 2014

Vancouver targeted for new criminal investigation:

Historic Common Law Grand Jury will investigate murders, child trafficking and “black ops” by Ndrangheta-Vatican, under Republic’s jurisdiction

Directorate reaffirms its support for Kevin Annett


Decades of unsolved murders, disappearances and systemic child trafficking will be the subject of the first Common Law Grand Jury ever convened in Canada, commencing January 15, 2015.

Established by the Republic of Kanata’s new constitutional jurisdiction which will be invoked on January 1, a High Court of Justice will launch the Grand Jury inquiry that will “definitely lead to indictments and convictions of some of the top child killers in Canada and the world”, according to a spokeswoman for the ITCCS Central Directorate.

Among the issues to be investigated by the Common Law Grand Jury are:

the Pacific Rim child trafficking and “snuff film” industry, and its ties to the Canadian, Thai and Chinese governments

Catholic and Ndrangheta Ninth Circle sacrificial practices among west coast indigenous people, and the unsolved disappearance of over two hundred aboriginal women in British Columbia

the regime of “institutionalized pedophilia” and child killing operating among church, police, business and judicial leaders in the so-called “Twelve Mile Club” and the Vancouver Club

the unsolved murder of six aboriginal ITCCS activists in Vancouver between 2009 and 2014

ongoing “black ops” attacks against ITCCS leaders including Kevin Annett by Ndrangheta-paid operatives in Vancouver

ITCCS Central Directorate officers, and observers from police agencies in the United States and Europe, will assist the Grand Jury, which will operate under the protection of sworn common law sheriffs authorized by the Republic of Kanata.

In conjunction with its inquiry, the ITCCS Central Diretorate will sponsor a media event and documentary film known as “Unrelenting: Twenty Years in Pursuit of the Assassins”, to commence on January 23, 2015: the 20th anniversary of the firing without cause of Rev. Kevin Annett by the United Church of Canada.

“This whole massive inquiry into genocide and child murder really began on that day, as it led to everything that we’ve achieved so far” commented Kevin Annett today from an undisclosed location.

“The world needs to be constantly reminded of what we’ve achieved and how the reign of terror against our children by church, state and the Mob has never stopped”.

In related news, the ITCCS Central Directorate in Brussels released the following addendum statement today,

“In light of recent assaults on the work and character of our North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett, the Directorate wishes to publicly reaffirm its unqualified support for and confidence in Rev. Annett. Such attacks on him by paid operatives and their dupes are a sign of the effectiveness of Kevin’s work and the sterling quality of his own integrity and courage.

“Our Directorate has made it a priority to investigate more deeply these attacks when its officers are in Vancouver in the new year, based on startling new evidence given to our office regarding the source of these attacks.”

Further information will be released shortly.

Issued 17 December, 2014

The ITCCSCentral Directorate

Belgium-1040 Bruxelles, Avenue des Nerviens



17 December, 2014

To: Alfred L. Webre

2938 West King Edward Avenue


Dear Mr. Webre,

Recent actions by you and your associates, as well as disturbing evidence brought to our attention, have caused the ITCCS Central Directorate to lose confidence in your motives and objectivity in relation to both the work of our Tribunal and its courts, and our North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett.

Accordingly, the Directorate advises you to have legal representation present when two of our officers will meet with you in Vancouver in mid January, as part of the Grand Jury being convened by us, which is described herein.

The new and upcoming public disclosures of our work that will be  issued by our Directorate will occur at the public media conference on January 23, 2015 described herein. We decline any private media interviews with you or your associates.


Marie Bouchard on behalf of the Central Directorate

cc: legal and security divisions, media liaison

The representative of the Directorate Marie Bouchard, who participated with Quebec police in the alleged sting operation in August 2014 of the ritual child sacrifice, wrote to resident Alfred Lambremont Webre after his simple request for an interview with ITCCS personnel “George Dufort” issued a:

Breaking Historic Joint Communique from the Office of the Central ITCCS Directorate and the Republic of Kanata

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Avenue des Nerviens , Belgium 1040 Bruxelles

(see attached Notice to Alfred L. Webre)

December 17, 2014

In which Alfred Lambremont Webre was notified by Marie Bouchard that he would be subjected to “Grand Jury” proceedings by this entity.

Dear Mr. Webre,

Recent actions by you and your associates, as well as disturbing evidence brought to our attention, have caused the ITCCS Central Directorate to lose confidence in your motives and objectivity in relation to both the work of our Tribunal and its courts, and our North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett.

Accordingly, the Directorate advises you to have legal representation present when two of our officers will meet with you in Vancouver in mid January, as part of the Grand Jury being convened by us, which is described herein.

The new and upcoming public disclosures of our work that will be  issued by our Directorate will occur at the public media conference on January 23, 2015 described herein. We decline any private media interviews with you or your associates.



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