Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

To clear up any possibility of Billy Meier perpetrating a hoax. After thorough investigation of the Meier case, the pictures were deemed to be 'real.' This is why they are on display. There have been 19 attempts on Billy's life, for telling these truths.

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dinosaurs photographed from book

check link
another link.
after this one lets please move on and forget billy the fake
In reality, those pictures do not appear anywhere in Billy's writings. The Plejaren refused to be photographed, that's why there was the hand drawn picture of Samjase (sp) If you go to, you can receive the 'actual' information; not the stuff that's made up on the net. They put in just enough junk to make his story questionable. Also, when Billy took that trip in the beam ship, he also went into the future and this is exactly why he will not travel. He's already seen the destruction of California, and in his photos and documents, he does, I believe, have the picture. If you go to, you can contact Michael Horn, from there. He will provide you with many more of the facts, as opposed to the fictions. He'll tell you the difference between what is true and what is junk that was 'made up.' Michael has been working with Billy for over 20 years now. You'll find much on that site as far as the predictions, which have come to pass. It's very interesting, to say the least and provides visitors with the 'actualities.' Love and light
Yes I have my doubts, especially when I read about he has started a sect up there in Switzerland .
Perhaps he has seen a UFO but the kind of attention that people gave him was very welcome ... so he wants more more more ...
I must say to that Sect, the answer is absolutely 'not.' Billy is a 'farmer' who lives at the top of those mountains. He has people who've helped his cultivate his land for use as a farmer, because he only has one arm. However, they come to Billy, Billy doesn't go to them. He rarely leaves the confines of his home. From the very beginning, Billy has only passed on the messages from the Plejaren that were given to him. If you go to and read the real material, you would understand this. Any web site that is not authorized by Billy Meier has what 'they believe' to be the truth, which is a far cry from the truth. He doesn't want more, but only to educate people in what the Plejaren told him. In the case of his predictions regarding what was going to happen politically, and most especially with the man-made viruses, have all come to pass; including such things as HAARP and his predictions in 1998. The earth has been the center of attention since the first A-bomb test. Mankind has disrupted the entire universe...which is why the ETs are watching. They've vowed 'non intervention' and watch in silence. Their teachings have absolutely nothing to do with religion. However, they've recognized, over the last 3,000 years, that the predictions of Enoch, (Henoc-by their name) and the actual Talmud of Jammunel (Emmanuel) is what the writer's of biblical scripture left out...and/or changed it. But a religion or a sect, no. The Plejaren insist on free will, just as creation and that cannot be changed. When people override the free will of others, they are committing the worst acts of terror. This is why...Billy does not condone creating sects or religious beliefs, but merely brings out the truths and laws of the universe, which were taught by Emmanuel, and that putting our will onto others is wrong and very dangerous.
I am sorry ... but I must disagree dear Lea Anna Cooper , I spend yesterday about 5 hours of reading and seeying pics and vids. And I read the YES and I read the No's and my feeling is No ...

Yes he was a farmer with one arm, but he had no burden of it, I saw him on vids and he is no poor guy who isn't able to do hard work. At this time there still is a sect up there ... and he claims to be an reincarnation of Jesus. In matter of fact he claimed he has sat on the table with Jesus Boedha en Mohammed at the same time.
It is everyone's right to debunk or think what they believe to be true. I never heard that Billy ever claimed that. However, 1/2 of the people on here and in many other places 'claim' to be someone reincarnated, or channeling from angels, ETs and what have you. So then, what would make anyone believe that Meier is any different from anyone in here, who makes these claims. Does that make sense to you? I'm mean, look at the situation that Blossom Goodchild made for herself. Everyone believed in what she was saying and when it didn't happen, she was embarrassed and went on to say 'she didn't know why.' Yet, Billy Meier makes accurate predictions and everyone says he is something other than what he is. I've also come to learn that the real Plejaren told Billy that people who believe they can telepathically communicate with ETs are Psychotic. I don't suppose that a whole lot of people read or believed that...right? It is also true that there are no planets in the Palidian Star System that supports life. But people didn't want to hear that, either. The Plejaren come from a planet within that star system, however, it's within a different time/space construct light years away from there...not from the Pleiades's itself. This has been a misunderstood concept for decades, and people do actually believe they are contacting others 'from Pleiades's, itself. It is also important to understand, that one site I went onto, supposedly has contact with Billy number 254. That page does not even exist. They had to take it down because people are plagiarizing Billy's 'real material' and changing it; and posting phony sites all over the web. They is THE only authorized American site that contains the real deal, or George Green was Billy's first authorized representative. When he tried to change it, he was let go, and it was given to producer Michael Horn, from Los Angeles. Michael has dumped a ton of money into producing the 'real fact' and doesn't have a problem with debunkers, because he comes back with the truth. You need to actually purchase the 'real material' from to see what is real...not the reproduced junk you see on the net. That's been the problem with many as they are given the 'lies' for free, and people buy into that. But, as I say, believe what you will. I know the difference.
I believe in extraterrestrial life and I am convinced that the pleiadians are there, certainly. And perhaps Mr. Meier have met the woman of the Pleiadians, but I see too that he went over the top in his conviction.
And in my opinion Mohammed Buddha and Jesus were one and the same person. But each of us has its own belief and his own truth. Stay in the light dear sister that adorns U. .. Namaste
I will, Trudy...and thank you for all the think pieces of information. Love you...Namaste
Hi everybody :):):). I've read all replies, ..I agree with Lea in this discussion.
...reason???? I have been reading a lot about Meier, ...that guy is not fake. He couldn't be so smart to produce all
those extraordinary informations,as a farmer handicap and a poor father with kids,. ..even if he wished.
His infos helped me to conect many dots. ...An ordinary farmer can't do that. But dark forces have tried to discredit Billy
for so long time,comming up with so much dissinformations,tricks and redicule.
Yes, and in light of the intellectual debate here, which it truly is, I contacted Michael Horn via e-mail today, and he has provided the correct links to go to for reading and studying. If that is, anyone is interested. Michael in interested in all opinions and if you have any question, you can contact him through You may get an Out of the Office reply, however, he's not always at his computer. Here is what I received from him this evening. Love to all...Lea

We really covered the whole WCUFO thing, as well as all other skeptical claims at these links:

Besimi said:
Hi everybody :):):). I've read all replies, ..I agree with Lea in this discussion.
...reason???? I have been reading a lot about Meier, ...that guy is not fake. He couldn't be so smart to produce all
those extraordinary informations,as a farmer handicap and a poor father with kids,. ..even if he wished.
His infos helped me to conect many dots. ...An ordinary farmer can't do that. But dark forces have tried to discredit Billy
for so long time,comming up with so much dissinformations,tricks and redicule.
As long as you stay in the Love & Light that we all are made of then we will know the truth in our Heart's .Love & Light alway's

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