Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seems that this site is getting very quiet. If you are an active member, please reply to let us know you are alive.

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I am still here... I was absent for a few days due to having a surgery but I'm back now, only for a 20 mnts at the time which sucks because its more than 20 mnts to really go thru all the info here.
Hi Crystal. So sorry about your surgery. I am wishing you a quick recovery. L&L!

CrystalClear2313 said:
I am still here... I was absent for a few days due to having a surgery but I'm back now, only for a 20 mnts at the time which sucks because its more than 20 mnts to really go thru all the info here.
Hi Steve! Good luck with school and the jobs :)

Steve Atreides said:
I'm alive, but very busy since school is back in session. Trying to juggle 3 classes and 2 part time jobs.
I am Alive !!!!!!! Staying Alive!!!! and this is the Year !!!!!

Thanks, Starweaver! Hope you are well and glad you are feeling those energies :)

starweaver said:
I am Alive !!!!!!! Staying Alive!!!! and this is the Year !!!!!

Hey Tony, thanks! I know you're here as everything is nice and ordered :D :P

Tony said:
Big KISS to HR to let him know that I am stil alive
I'm always here
Hi Besimi!

Just want to make sure we're still here spreading the love! Much love to you :)

besimi said:
Hey Puf friendly:):)Nice and Cute you are bra:):)thanx for waking us up,this help us:):).Lots of love to you Good Friend.
Very nice words, Marriel. Sometimes it's just nice to know though :P

Mariell said:
do you hear me? in silence too, reading posts is active too, talking to friends on pm or chat or leaving comments - active too, ...when outer activity gets quiet, inner living gets stronger...and no need to talk so much

echoing: uuuuhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, alive!!
More silent than not (that's just me!)...but always present...
Love & light to all
Hi Simmy,

Silent is still Active :)

Simmy said:
More silent than not (that's just me!)...but always present...
Love & light to all
Yep, still active. ;-) Best wishes HR and all.

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