Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

AA Michael :Your desire and prayer are very definitely the fuels which impart your forward motion. And your intent provides the direction. - Channeled by Ron Head

Your desire and prayer are very definitely the fuels which impart your forward motion. And your intent provides the direction. - Channeled by Ron Head


Dear friends, we meet you today in a period of integration and consolidation for you, a time for you to assimilate what you have gained thus far on your journeys.

This will not be of great duration, and some of you may wish that it would last longer than it will. But there is still a long way to travel, even for the marvelous beings you are and continue to become.

Most of what we speak of now is still somewhat beyond your understanding. Still, we know that many of you are beginning to get the beginnings of such.

You are seeing more of the light, more of who you are, more of where you are going.

For those of you who do not yet see, let us say that if this is the kind of message you follow, if this is the kind of dream that you hold in your heart, then you are most definitely upon this path as well.

And let us also assure you that you are much further along than you now perceive. Looking about you, you may wonder how we can state such a thing.

How can you possibly believe it? Let us remind you of one or two things.

Firstly, your desire and prayer are very definitely the fuels which impart your forward motion. And your intent provides the direction. And then, we remind you that you are a part of the oneness of the collective heart of humanity. You rise together.

And it is a most beautiful and fantastic thing to see. Know that each time you give your love, your best hopes, a hug, even a smile to another, each time you help them to feel better, it raises their state of being, raises your own, and raises the all.

Each time you spend quiet time in your hearts in prayer, in meditation, or simply imagining the future you wish for your world, you bring it closer to you.

Very quickly now you will be once again thrust into the increasing flow of change, and the momentum and velocity of change will increase greatly.

We have told you of this before. You have been patient. And you have, as a result of your intentions and prayers, and the purposes for which you came here at this time, made great strides in your inner selves.

Now the outer mirrors of that are going to reflect back to you an increasingly accurate picture of who you truly are. Your combined energy is beginning to be felt.

Remember if at times things seem unsettled, and you do not see the positive direction they are heading, to simply know that your best interests are always our intent, and renew your own resolve.

These knowings, these intentions, these feelings are what power the change you desire. And know that you have our own intention and the energy of our love joined with yours at all times. Be not dismayed by anything that happens around you.

Everything is happening now exactly as it needs to happen to bring about the very highest and best result of your collective vision, even though it may be impossible for you to see that from your perspective.

Connect with us at any time that you need to renew your knowledge of that. We love you dearly are here for just that purpose, dear ones.

Good day to you now. We will speak again shortly.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


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Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson: A New Light of Self-Discovery

Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson: A New Light of Self-Discovery

LindaRobinsonThanks to: Greetings Beloved Ones,

We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we wish to discuss your new light of self-discovery.

The new energy is opening greater self-awareness whether you are just beginning on your path or whether you are a seasoned traveler.

You are entering into a time of great expansion of consciousness. It is a time where horizons are continuing to open and new dimensions of possibilities are being revealed.

It is a time where you can manifest your dreams and soar to greater heights than you have ever imagined. As you enter this new energetic phase of self-discovery and expansion, it is important to focus on the many new possibilities that exist at the higher vibrational levels.

You are aware that this new energy is of a much higher vibration and a much lighter consciousness. It is a new and expanded way of looking at things.

A new era is emerging with the expanded light which you have just entered during your current year. Therefore, as you evolve in this new light, you may wish to assess what you want to carry forward and what you want to release from an energetic point of view.

Things of a lower vibration may no longer be a good fit with your new, expanded, higher vibration. As you go through this process, you may wish to use the Violet Flame to help you with your assessment.

Using the Violet Flame combined with the energy of the heart will make this process more aligned with the new higher energies.

You have many aspects within your Being on which you may wish to focus. These include physical, mental, and emotional aspects as well as spiritual. All of these factors fit together for the greater good of your entire being.

A harmonious balance of these aspects provides a vibrational coherent resonance for you to move forward. You are living in a new and expanded light body, and in this light body, you will be moving at a much more rapid pace than you have previously experienced.

You are aware of the many new influxes of energy that are coming your way. Because this energy brings ideas and thought processes to the surface, you are aware of the need to keep moving forward with the releasing and processing.

It is no longer an occasional process of review but rather an on-going part of life. It is living in the now and being aware of what is right for you at the moment.

Each time you release an outdated thought, idea, concept, or emotion, you move closer to your awareness of who you are as an integral part of the oneness.

As you conduct your self-review, you may notice that you have made great strides during the past year. You may be aware of a more balanced union of your Divine Masculine and your Divine Feminine aspects. You have felt the strength and forward movement from your Divine Masculine.

This has been tempered with the love and compassion of your Divine Feminine. By honoring both aspects, you have realized that you are able to move forward on your path and manifest projects of a high vibration.

You have also become aware that in this time of expanded potential, it is crucial that you follow the desires of your heart. Your heart is the place where your innermost yearnings reside.

It is the place where your secret dreams form and begin to take root, and they shape into the images of future manifestations.

The desires of your heart are not idle dreams filled with the passion of the moment. They are deep desires that have been there for aeons.

They are a knowing that overflows with deep happiness and fulfillment when you tune into them. They are the roots of your spiritual mission. They are the seeds of who you are.

The heart and the mind are working together to form a synergistic alliance for the manifestation of your dreams. The heart is where your desires form, and the mind is where the details and practical aspects take shape.

When the heart and the mind are in harmony, you can rise to even greater heights. The energies of desire and detail are moving together in the same direction for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

When the desires of your heart are aligned with highest good, you are able to tap into even higher vibrations. A recognition of the oneness of all of humanity is dawning even more brightly in the higher energy.

Wanting the best for others as well as for yourself brings this oneness into greater harmony. The third dimensional concept of separation is fading as the higher dimensional awareness of oneness becomes more prevalent.

This awareness is the way of the new energy and assists in the ascension of humanity. When your heart and mind are aligned for highest good, and you move in the energy of oneness, you are on a magnificent journey of self-discovery and new awareness.

Beloveds, we rejoice in your continued journey of self-awareness and ascension. We are here to work together with you in your desires for highest good.

Know you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and We surround you with love And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:

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Ashtar: Cloudships, 11-20-2013

Ashtar: Yesterdays Cloudships, 11-20-13

By Nancy Tate


Yesterday when Bob went outside in the late morning he called me out. There was a huge cloudship in the sky to the east of us. It was very distinct of shape and density. As we watched it, we then directed our gaze to other parts of the sky and saw a few more cloudships of varying sizes. There was no doubt in our minds that they were for real. Also we spoke with friends from NM and others here in the southeastern part of AZ who told us that they too saw many cloudships in the sky. The following is what I received when I tuned in, plus what I will receive now, for I feel there is more to report. 

Ashtar: We are here to prepare for a coming event that will be worldwide. It is an event that will stimulate many people to awaken to their knowledge of the fact that we are real and that we are here right now in service to assist them to what they are about to do for themselves and all of humanity. It is a matter of them being at a point in their soul’s mission where they will awaken and move forward in the steps that they have not only agreed to, but also designed on a soul level.


 It is a matter of them being in resistance until the near future in order to keep the purity of what they will be doing in place for the coming event. As they open to their inner knowing they will see that the reason for them staying asleep, as far as what they will awaken to is concerned, was in place for a specific reason. 

There are also those on the planet who are already awake and wondering what they are to do next. They have been in what they feel is a limbo state, and yet they know that it is all in keeping with their mission. These ones will also awaken to their next steps and will find that what they had planned for the next few days may very well change, and steer them in a different direction. 

There are many of our ships in place around the world, all in preparation for the coming event that I speak of. It is a matter of them corresponding with those I speak of and allowing them to find their own passage into the next step. It may seem to some of you that there are challenges to what you consider your ease of life and the prospect of being in place and ready for your next step is being allowed through the clearing of what could have been an obstacle to doing what is in your destined next steps. Worry not, for as the picture begins to broaden and become clearer it will be obvious what you are in place for.

I now invite all of you who saw our ships yesterday in your skies, with the desire and permission of this one, Nancy, to email her at to let her know that you saw us. If you took pictures and care to share them with her, she will post these communications with her list, and on the website, . We deeply appreciate all of you, no matter how aware you are of our presence, for you are our dear family. We look forward to the reunion we all have with each other in full remembrance of our connection. We are all in this together and as a family we are moving toward the best holiday of freedom that has ever been on this planet and beyond.

I am Ashtar and I say to you, enjoy your day and the days to come, for they are full of promise as are you. Love is the most powerful energy, and is the root of all of Creation.

Ashtar: Cloudships, 11-20-2013

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Archangel Gabriel via Shelly Young: Live By Your Heart

Channeler: Shelley Young Live By Your Heart ~ Channeled November 27, 2013

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be with you today.

We honour you for coming in and anchoring the energies of the group, and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will experience this transmission on your internet at a later time.

You have been thoroughly cleansed, wrung out, shifted, bathed, and infused. It has been a time like no other on your planet and you are still standing, still feeling excited to be part of this amazing process.

Let us assure you that things are just starting to get very interesting and you are truly starting to move into the changes that you have been waiting for.

You are in a time of preparation between now and your solstice, and then between your solstice and the energies of the brand new year of 2014.

You will be poised to enter into this new year like never before. You have never entered into a new year holding the energies that you are all collectively holding at this point.

This is the solidifying of the foundation that the New Earth will be built upon.

These are glorious times, indeed. What you will also notice moving into the winter solstice is an energetic locking in of progress, so for those of you who are wishing to make changes in your life, this is an excellent time to do so.

If you wish to let go of old belief systems, if you wish to create new habits and new supports for yourselves, we would encourage you to begin now and allow the winter solstice to assist you by energetically locking in that progress.

It would be a much better time for you to create lasting change than waiting until you are shifting into the energies of 2014.

Of course, any time is a wonderful time for desired change, growth and expansion, but if you are looking for some extra energetic assistance, allow the solstice to lock in your intentions.

Then you can simply enjoy shifting into and experiencing the energies of the brand new year.

So tonight we would like to speak to you about the importance of following your heart’s desire. You are aware that you have shifted and moved through many different layers of energy.

You have been purging and releasing tremendously over the last several years. What that has been doing is releasing the layers of density that existed between you and your delightful heart centers.

Now that you have released those old wounds, those old beliefs, those old energies, you are poised in a place to, much better than ever before, be in touch with what your heart’s desires are.

We encourage you to become clear about how you really feel, what you wish to experience, and to start navigating your paths through your hearts as that is the navigational system of the New Earth.

Many of you, in your life expressions have not given yourselves permission to follow your heart. There is a pervasive belief that says that following your heart is frivolous. It may lead you to ruin. It is not responsible.

That was the old operating system of the mind that led to you believe that. That old operating system of control and the mind is no longer being supported.

Following your heart means getting back in touch with your heartfelt desires, your passions and your interests, and using those to lead the way in your life expression.

Those unique passions and interests are part of who you are and exist to help you navigate your life expression into your highest purpose, your highest service and your greatest joy.

Navigating through the heart is how you will move into this new age of fifth dimensional consciousness. It will be honouring your unique interests and your unique life path.

You will be navigating through how you truly feel. You will always be having your highest expressions if you are following what feels right for you. It is giving yourself permission to be the expert of your own life experience.

We often teach this, to follow your own unique path and allow yourselves to be the experts on you, yet many of you still do not give yourselves permission to do so.

There does seems to be a greater understanding that what you feel in your heart is unique to you, so we say to you, follow your beautiful, tender, mindful hearts.

That is what we have meant when we have said to honour your unique life expression and what we have been encouraging you to do all along.

By following your heart you will find yourself expressing yourself like never before. Following your heart leads to flow. Your heart flows. It loves, it grows, it expands.

If you have been hurt, there is no such thing as becoming hard hearted or closed hearted or cold hearted. Those are constructs of your mind.

The heart only knows how to love. The heart is always connected to Source, so from going within, into your heart center, you are acknowledging the part of you that is connected to all.

The heart supports love and the heart supports unity consciousness. The mind seeks to stay in control. The mind is the tool of the ego and it will always seek to keep your small. It has no interest in your enlightenment.

Your mind seeks to separate and the heart seeks to connect, to love, to express, to create. The greatest creations on your planet have come from the spark of creativity that flowed from Source through the heart not from the mind.

When you allow yourself to be led by your heart you are allowing yourself to use your intuition. You are in surrender and flow.

You are in growth and expansion and in your highest creations. More than that, when you live through your heart you are better able to be of service, to have compassion and understanding for all. You cannot be in your heart and judge others.

You can only love from heart. Your heart leads you by your feelings and your heart will lead you to your greatest joys. It is such a simple system, but many of you have heard the expression “follow your heart” so often that it has lost its meaning to you, or perhaps you think it is only applicable to the young.

What you are not understanding is that the heart is the navigation system of the enlightening human being because it is through that heart center that you connect with Source, that you will be able to surrender, that you will be able to flow, that you will be able to stay in your faith and in your trust.

When you navigate through your heart you are making sure that you are having the highest experiences for yourself and that will honour others.

Many of you have trouble even knowing what’s in your heart. Many of you have not been in touch with that since you were small children. So we urge you to take the time to stop and go within and ask your heart what it wants, and if you are still, you will hear your heart clearly expressing what its greatest desires are.

Living by your heart will lead to joy, will lead to the beauty, the love, the connectedness that you all yearning for. Your heart will never lead you astray.

Even if you see someone who is having a life experience that seems less to you than what you think they should have, if they are following their hearts they are in that situation because it is offering them experiences that their soul wishes to have.

So following your heart and encouraging others to follow their hearts is an essential tool for practicing acceptance and allowing, as well.

If you truly understand that there is nothing more powerful for yourself to do but to follow your own heart and that the same is true for each and every human being on the planet, you will be able to stay in that acceptance and allowing, in that faith and trust, knowing that each soul knows exactly what it is doing.

It is a beautiful system and it is the basis for the higher dimensional consciousness that you are moving into.

Living by the heart holds healing, it holds laugher, it holds joy and creation and experience, it helps you to stay present, and in your highest alignment with Source. It is living by your truth and your authenticity. It keeps you moving, expanding and growing. It helps you live.

So dust off that expression, follow your heart and start to use it as a tool that you live by.

If you do, and if each and every person on the planet starts to live by their hearts, you will see a greater peace, a greater harmony, a greater satisfaction, shining health and a delight in human beings that has not been present on this planet thus far.

Let us assure you that these potentials absolutely exist and it is simply up to you to start to live them. This is what we wished to share with you today.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young??? Facebook: Trinity Esoterics??? Twitter: @trinityesoteric??? YouTube:


Creation of PERSONAL realities in the New Earth Author: Karen Doonan

The energies are once more expanding and the resulting chaos is now also expanding, for those who are unable to accept that the old 3d earth is now dissolving the chaos IS the dissolving of this lower dimensional frequency creation.

I get lots of comments and feedback from various people who state to me that nothing has changed and ask me to “prove” what I blog and write about.

It is not possible for me to “prove” YOUr reality for I am not creating it, YOU are.

In any one moment people experience the variety that is the human life experience, imagine if you will a cloudy day with rain showers, some of you will delight in this scenario, some of you will instantly lower your vibration in response to the clouds and the rain for ALL IS PERCEPTION.

One persons’s like is another’s dislike and so it is with the PERSONAL reality that YOU create within the New Earth.

I recently was in a cinema, on walking into the cinema with friends I remarked how warm it was, the heating in my perception had been turned up full and the theatre was too warm.

We sat down and continued chatting, then another person came in and sat in the row in front of us and remarked how cool it was in the theatre and kept his jacket on.

On first glance we were sharing the same reality, both people in the same room but this is not TRUTH, his perception and his reality completely different from mine on all levels.

The human logical mind has been TAUGHT that the human race share the SAME reality and this is not TRUTH, it is a widely held assumption and takes you out of the personal creation that you are manifesting around you at all moments.

This is a DELIBERATE frequency, designed to help self police the old 3d earth and one that many are clinging on to. When people state to me how terrible life is etc it is an attempt by them to place this frequency within my energy signature.

The other person “assuming” that I will agree with them and by agreeing with them I will lower my energy signature. I am aware of this and I detach from this at all times.

I have blogged recently about a trip to the opticians where the optician kept stating to me over and over that she could find nothing “wrong” with my vision but that at my age I “should expect” my vision to deteriorate.

So each time she stated this I dissolved it, my vision is 20/20 and has been this way for years, each time I visit an optician I can feel their frustration, the optician going as far as giving me a “prescription” for nothing as the computer did not allow her to end the visit without producing a piece of paper!!!

At each moment of this your human life experience YOU have a choice, that choice is often hidden and often the assumption takes over. It is not TRUTH to assume that the person standing next to you in a store for example is having the same experience that you are.

It is not physically possible for they are not YOU, they do not inhabit the same human vehicle, have the same eyes etc etc and yet the human logical mind will continue to filter this out for the human race are TAUGHT to blend with each other at all times.

The human race does not celebrate the individuality of each member of the human race, the human race are TAUGHT to find similar and stick with it.

The creation of “groups” working to destroy the natural unity of the human race, yes we are all unique and that is what makes us so amazing. Instead we are TAUGHT to remain within our “groups”, by colour, by race, by gender etc, all working the opposite way to which it appears to our human logical minds.

For all you feminists out there who come together as “women together” this separates you from the male, this separates you from your brother, your father, your uncle etc and creates division. The only difference between the human male and the human female being anatomical.

At this moment you are now asked to begin in TRUTH the creation of the life that YOU wish to live upon this planet. I can hear many of you instantly list the reasons why you cannot do this and all of them are not TRUTH.

YOU create this life, you have full control over what you experience and your CHOICE of how YOU FEEL is key to all of this for that is what is creating you reality.

To give a very simple analogy of how this works you need only look to the days that you got up and you felt below par. I can guarantee that your day went from bad to worse, as you felt worse then your PERCEPTION of what was happening altered and you would have ended up creating scenarios that reflected how you felt.

This is almost automatic in those who are what is termed “asleep”, they take no moment to become consciously aware of their choice and they look out with SELF to find someone to blame for said choice.

This is a teaching from the old 3d earth and this is not supported in the higher frequencies. Many of you may be in chaos at this moment, in a holding pattern unable to see that the choice that you are attempting to make is not TRUTH, therefore it cannot be manifest.

It IS that simple but the human logical mind will continue to look for the complex for the human race has been TAUGHT that life is complex.

So in response to those who challenge my view of the world, please continue to challenge it and also challenge your OWN created reality for ALL changes at ALL moments.

ENERGY JUST IS and simply changes form, it does not die, as ALL is energy how you manifest with this energy is entirely up to you.

Allowing others in your waking life experience to try to create FOR YOU also does not work for this is NOT TRUTH and is not supported, many are in limbo “waiting” for others to do things to help them, the only person you “wait” for at any moment is SELF and when this TRUTH anchors then nothing will stop you from creating the life that you dream.

It is to be noted that you dream the life into creation so pouring energy into the dream and taking the actions to manifest said dream are how to work with this, you do not simply wake up in a new life with a new reality, at this moment you are creating one reality as the old 3d earth reality dissolves.

At many times the two are overlaid on top of one another, at other times there will be a void that you are asked to create FROM.

This manifests in the waking life reality as a sort of limbo. At ALL times YOU are guided by your SOUL and I would guide YOU strongly to accept and acknowledge that YOUr choices are YOUr choices and your right as a human BEing upon this planet is FREE WILL therefore FREEdom is not only YOUr birthright it has to be YOUr conscious waking choice.

Kx (c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved Source:

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