Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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PERFECT!!!! REALLY MUST WATCH. only watched the first couple minutes.... but this is amazing. Probably have to wait till I get off work here to watch it all.

Thanks for posting Falcon.
Much love
This is the most profound documentry. I have ever seen.
Kymatica is probably the most thought provoking documentry Ive ever watched, and a must if your trying to awaken a friend or spark there inner guidance
everyone must watch this. email this to all your friends and family!

Please be warned, 1:00-1:10 contains images of animal cruelty, which some may find disturbing.

(google linkage for full screen)
Great Movie! I also visited his website, there's a project called Hanged man, Ben Stewart is working on its about creating artwork reflecting those aspect of the self that we don't like. Great movement he has started, check it out at

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