i have been seeying 11:11 for about 2 weeks now and i really dont know what 2 do with it can someone help me 2 weeks i see it in the morning at night over and over again please can someone tell me what to do with this and why me
"Upon the urge to bestow your glance towards the digital sunwheel,
be still like the Ayahuasca leaf and live in the now for a full minute
contemplating the flowing stream of Lake Tittycaca.
If the hands read 11:11, the shining light of Quetzacoatl will have blessed you...
the serpent daemons are repelled by your synchronicity
For you are a unique child of the sun and moon
Acknowledge the Gods, for they acknowledge you
Praise Quetzacoatl by dancing inside a small circle of salt
and feast upon a boar's snout.
(microwave a "Hungry Man" Salisbury Steak frozen dinner entree for a more contemporary ritual)
May you be showered in the finest quilted TPs, italian soul brother Giovanni.