Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

21 days beginning March 21st to April 11th, our Junk DNA gets activated and this is what we expect to find

[Mark is responding to an article by Steve entitled "Evolution is Endless."]

The great teachers are correct. Unfoldment is endless but not as we would
think of that.

As we complete 12 fully-activated strands of RE-Connection and
RE-Integration with all our Soul Matrix expressions and aspects and
oversouls; there are higher orders of synthesis and co-creation that open to

Ultimately we will go through the Eye of An (middle star in Orion's belt)
which is the entrance to a whole new positive Anti-Matter Universe which we
call Beyond-the-Beyond.

We will send our waves of intention into that creation potential and by the
time we arrive, substrates will exist that will be very responsive to our
intentions and visions.

We will co-creatively and collectively be connected to our Creator Source as
a partner. No old archetypes will haunt us, and no old memories and baggage
will weigh us down.

It is like an artist that has a new canvas on his drawing board and paints a
background base coat but has yet to define the subject matter.

We came originally from 100th Dimension as gods/goddesses--around 454
Billion years ago and fell to 12D Matter and thence to 3D and now are about
to return to 5D spiritual plane as beings combining Spirit & Matter in one
conscious composite. We are working our way back up the Jacob's Ladder of
ascending refinement.

However, because creation never stops, the expansion has continued
uninterrupted and all is continuing to refine and expand in new directions
never dreamed of before.

We started as plasma balls of concentrated living light that could fully
express in any desired manner.

We will be the first ones who are Masters of Spiritualized Matter that can
go anywhere in matter or spirit without dropping our vehicles.

All of our present Ascended Masters will themselves be graduating to higher
realms of being as the great galactic cycle ends.

We will meet higher aspects of ourselves as we ascend level by level. While
we are working on our first 7 chakras; we are simultaneously reintegrating 5
more levels so that when we complete these levels we will be able to join 7
+ 5 =12 and when they join we go to the 13th which fully integrates the 12
forming the composite new 13th. Already the bases for those 13 chakras are
part of our new crystalline potential.

So, YES, ascension to the lowest level of Spiritual enlightenment(5D) is
just the beginning of a return to simultaneous multi-dimensional

At 12th Dimension we are viewing whole multidimensional universes and that
level of responsibility will reveal our opportunities as creators. Those
WingMaker councils now exist and some of us have aspects on those councils
with whom we will reintegrate before moving on.

It is full-time orgasmic bliss without having to have physical sex.

And that's enough to give us clues of an unlimited future beyond our wildest

A number of us have been lifted to those exalted levels by our highest Self.
We get a quick grok and are then returned to our 'normal consciousness' to
puzzle and dream and intuit pathways towards those levels, which keeps us
always having another carrot ahead of us to stimulate our motivation for
creative stretching.

It will never be boring once we return to 5D+.

Mark Huber

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Thanx, now i know why we are masters of limitation
Ian = Shark said:
Still waiting for kings of sword Nasdaq break at > 7200points,
Mark H is weak


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