Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

In case it's difficult to see, in the video they ask this be downloaded and saved in case it gets pulled from YouTube. I did and I'm spreading it around as they asked. This is a place only for gov leaders and elite in the 2012 scenario and believe me, they're not sharing. However, if this is true, and I believe it is, and is only 687 feet below sea level, it won't be their point of'll be their graves. According the Drunvalo Melchizedek and with what the Mayan leader, Don Olahundro, told him, no less than 800 feet down will be like jello, so this does not sound like a good way to go. But hey...they know it all, right? Funny, they should have talked with the Mayan before they built it. :>)

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I agree with's a huge grave.
Hiya thanks for the vid, have you got a link for the talk between Drunvalo and Don Olahundro?
No, I don't have the link. It was a Web Cast special, and I had to pay for my ticket. It was on, which is Drunvalo's. And I do apologize, as I spelled Don's last name incorrectly. However you can go here: and purchase the DVD. It's the entire trip that was taken and the ceremonies performed by the Maya. This is the first time they've done these in 13,000 years. One Heart Journey with Drunvalo Melchizedek & Don Alejandro. Join Drunvalo on a journey with Don Alejandro to the Maya lands of Guatemala
108 min. The cost of the DVD is $25.00. I'm certain that Drunvalo is giving 75% of that money to the Maya as they are very poor.

Scootiep said:
Hiya thanks for the vid, have you got a link for the talk between Drunvalo and Don Olahundro?

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