Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dear Light Workers,

If one knows the broad outline and general direction of the changes, one can more readily place the unfolding events in a meaningful context. Preparations can be made for riding the evolutionary wave instead of being submerged by it. Plans can be altered thoughtfully in measured response to various manifestations of Nature’s events. After 2012 the planet will only accommodate human beings who have an open Heart Center.

There are striking parallels between a diversity of cultures relating to 2012 and there are many world views available to us.

Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.

Mayans Call it the ‘end days’ or the end of time as we know it and a new beginning.

Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.

Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.

Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki to cleanse the evil followed by a critical mass of Enlightened Ones.

Incas Call it the ‘Age of Meeting Ourselves Again’.

Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race.

Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star

Pueblo Acknowledge it’ll be the emergence into the Fifth World

Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.

Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.

Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD

When similar accounts come forward from such diverse sources, it behooves us all to sit up and take notice!

What do you believe will happen in 2012...if anything?....or 2010 or 2013?
Will the morning of winter solstice 2012 appear like any other morning....
Will we experience ourselves as more expansive or telepathic?

Emissaries from many different traditions speak about the beliefs & prophesies of their culture.

' ....a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time'' (Alice Bailey)

''....translation or dematerialisation to another sphere of the Universe'' (Teilhard de Chardin)

''....A matter-antimatter implosion leaving a mutation of matter to photoniform. Our minds
will unite like the fragments of a hologram.'' (Terence McKenna)

''....As the Schumann resonance increases to 13Hz, Gaia goes from Alpha to Beta frequency
& wakes up. Increasing tryptamine & beta-carboline neuro-chemistry allows us a telepathic
communion, as we become used to our light bodies in preparation for the magnetic pole
reversal when there will be a mass out-of-body-experience.'' (Geoff Stray)

''....Evolutionary quantum leap. Human / ET interface & the arrival of a new species or
kingdom on Earth.'' (Jon King)

''.....In 2012, Earth¹s axis will tilt, along with a polar reversal, causing terrestrial and
celestial grids to re-align, the pineal eye will perceive beyond ultraviolet,& we¹ll ascend
to the next dimension beyond time.'' (Moira Timms)

''....The human race will unify as a single circuit. Solar & galactic sound transmissions
will inundate the planetary field. A current charging both poles will race across the skies,
connecting the polar auroras in a single brilliant flash.'' (Jose Arguelles)

''....A moment of quantum awakening. A nanosecond will be stretched into infinity and
become non-time, during which we will all experience full consciousness of who we are
and why we have incarnated. If we choose to return to human form, we will do so in an
awakened state, as 'reflective cells¹ of the starmaker.'' (Ken Carey)


From the Mayans
According to Carlos Barrios in his book “Kam Wuj, El Libro del Destino”, the Fourth World, of a highly materialistic nature, finished on 16th August, 1987, the day of the Harmonic Convergence. At that point, the world entered a time of major transition, during which there is a a colossal global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and on-going Earth changes. This in-between period will continue until the Winter Solstice 2012. It will be a time of rebirth, the beginning of the Fifth World, a new era when people live in harmony with Mother Earth, a time of fusion and integration of Life and Light. (Similar and consistent understandings have been shared by Hopi and other American Indian Elders, along with Eskimo “Grandparents”).

The Mayans explain how the entire solar system orbits around Alcyone, its “Central” star of our galaxy, yet Alcyone is far frrom the actual Galactic Centre. It takes the solar system 26,000 earth years to complete each orbital cycle around Alcyone. This orbital cycle can in turn be divided into five sectors of 5,200 years, with each sector representing an “age” or “world”.

At the Winter Solstice of 2012 both the 26,000 year and the 5,200 year cycles are completed prior to the birth of the new cycles and a new world. The alignment of Earth, Sun and Alcyone with the actual centre of the Galaxy at this time will allow a momentary but massive ray of Galactic Light to illuminate, purify and energise the Earth and its life forms. This will permit and facilitate our movement to the next dimensional reality, a quantum leap for those individuals who have made the choice to prepare themselves for this major transition. The Mayans indicated that the scale and nature of this leap is the first such occurrence in human evolution.

From the Hopi Indians
Blue Star shares the message of Hopi Grandfather Martin that the Mayan and Hopi prophecies all have the same sequence of events and their associated timeline. Grandfather Martin advises people who are awakening to:
follow their hearts and to live in complete truth
move locations without fear if the feeling is strong
be aware of the coming Earth changes and learn to use and trust their own intuition.
plant and grow our own food and prepare to live without electricity.
bring Spirit back into our lives more and more each day and help each other consistently. Start each day with a prayer and pray with strong feeling. Watch all our thoughts and keep them all positive. Live in peace with ourselves and those we live with. Avoid letting fear into our lives and learn to love it all and be happy with what we have.

From American Indian and Maori tribal Elders
Richard Boylan Ph.D reports consistent ancient prophecies revealed by the Sioux, Hopi, and Lakota Elders which are about to manifest. They forsee the transition from the current pattern of “civilization” to a radically different way of living. Along with spiritual teachers from the Maoris, they point out that these radical changes take place every several thousand years and are so profound that they are referred to as “passages to a new world”.

Boylan goes on to describe an important new occurrence – a wide spread series of contacts with human individuals by various extra terrestrial cultures. They bring a message that “we are not alone” and that our rightful place is participating in the larger cosmic family of intelligent people spread across the Universe.

He found common themes within all these sources of the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine in balance and harmony with the Divine Masculine as well as the need for each individual to make a conscious choice to be part of the New World.

From Gray Eagle
Celia Gunn reports from the Yukon Territory of the Pacific North West the moving and heart-felt message of Purification from Gray Eagle. He explains that the message of Purification from the creator is telling us all that end-times are near. The return of two brothers that helped to create Earth Mother together with the Morning Star, will start to return Earth Mother to her natural rotation. This has been shown for ages in many petroglyphs within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids as well as on inscriptions on many rocks and bones.

Gray Eagle went on to describe that with this time of purification on Earth Mother, all life as humans have known will be changed. There will be messages and messengers that will precede the Morning Star dance. These feelings and messages are for those on Earth Mother who understand the old ways and the teachings of Creator and Earth Mother. The feelings and messages will be found in the rocks within their sacred grains and the waters. Creator will issue a great light – things will change in their manner of being – every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change.

Those that have returned to the old ways, those that understand the original teachings, will live and walk in a natural way and will not be harmed by the coming of the Morning Star dance. They will survive and work together to purify and help each other rebuild Earth Mother.

Many will appear to have lost their souls in these times. So intense will the nature of changes be that those who are weak in spiritual understanding will not maintain their balance of thinking, for their walk was nothing without faith. Those empty in faith will have no life force in their eyes or balance in their actions. People will disappear, for they were only hollow vessels for the darkness to use. Things will be so dark and out of balance in the cities that many will choose to leave.

Only those who return to the values of the teachings of the old ways will be able to find peace of mind and balance during this purification. Many things will begin to occur with people that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting in and out of their dream time. There will be many paths to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind people of the past creations. All living and forgotten things want to be present for the great day of purification when the forever cycle of Earth Mother starts. The people will receive many warnings allowing them to change their paths, warnings from below the Earth Mother. Then one morning in a moment, the purification will awaken. Nothing living will go untouched. The way through this time can be found in your heart and reuniting with your soul. Getting simple and returning to living with Earth Mother in harmony with all creations, people remembering that they are the caretakers of Earth Mother.

From the Inuit (Eskimo) tribes of the Pacific Far North
A BBC reporter who spent some time with these tribal people recently passed on a prediction from tribal Grandparents that the time would come when it would be “forever Summer”. (This is the climate pertaining at all latitudes after the Earth has returned to a near vertical axis of rotation)

From the White Brotherhood
More recent direct communications from the Ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood have confirmed that the Earth would be changing and evolving on a scale beyond precedent. It is time for the Earth to rejoin the other planets in the Solar System, which long ago evolved to Fifth Dimensional consciousness and beyond. The Earth needs this for her own evolution, as well as for the needs of the entire Solar System to itself grow and evolve. Human beings are invited to undertake this great journey also – provided they are willing to go through the required process of Attunement to the new Spiritual Design.

The current foundation belief of contemporary mankind that the Earth exists primarily for the human species will be replaced by the balanced perspective that humanity is a valued participant on Earth when appropriately Attuned to to Spirit and fully respectful of all living kingdoms and their inhabitants.

From Master Kuthumi (KH)
We learn from KH’s Illustrated Red Letters and a recent update that survival of the physical events of 2012 is a matter of personal choice, because the necessary warnings, organization, and the knowledge of how to survive and thrive will all be in place. Although the consequences of the Earth returning to a near vertical angle of inclination and the Moon taking up a new orbit around the equator will be vast in terms of water movement, human survival will be dependent upon focused group endeavor. Co-operation will be the centerpiece of consciousness, where now self-centeredness tends to predominate.

KH continues: “To all whom now face 2012 with understandable trepidation but also, it is to be hoped, with a degree of positivity and a sense of adventure, I say this: remember the power of Love. Just as the Sun draws from the stellar worlds and distributes to the planetary world, so a man with his heart open can draw from the higher realms and distribute to the kingdoms on Earth. He can draw in all that he needs to strengthen his Spirit so that he can form a relationship with this physical world which is one of responsibility, respect and cooperation. Then he will lose his fear of death in his love for life and in the recognition of opportunities and human possibilities. He aligns with the reality that the etheric body of the planet will only accommodate human beings who have an open Heart Centre.

From “The Revolution of 2012”
The paramount choice for humanity is the extent to which we individually change and adapt to the new realities in each remaining year up to 2012, including our re-integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society.

Each of us depends critically on the flow of Spiritual Light through our beings for the very sustenance of life in our physical bodies. As the wavelengths become more and more refined , there is less and less life support for individuals in traditional third dimensional modes of living. This seemingly harsh reality lends considerable urgency to the need to attune at a Heart level to the evolutionary requirements of this Spiritual Design, through the Winter Solstice 2012. After this point, there will be no Spiritual life-support for individuals without Fifth Dimensional consciousness. Staying on the Earth will no longer be a viable option for them. Their evolutionary path will naturally take them to new lives on other planets in the Universe which are still at third or fourth dimensional levels. There they will find a new home which matches their current vibrational and evolutionary needs.

This is truly a wake-up call so that all of us, who love the Earth and wish to stay onboard, can complete the necessary inner work of Attunement with Fifth Dimensional consciousness and the release of prior karmic patterns. The good news is that there is , and will continue to be, much support available for individuals learning to function at these higher levels of consciousness. The opening of the Heart Centre, coupled with a strong inner commitment, will be an essential step for individuals to Attune with and tangibly live these higher vibrational realities. The explicit re-admittance of the Divine Feminine to a full participation in all humanity’s activities and realities will be a critical element in the softening of all aspects of Earthly life. If one knows the broad outline and general direction of the changes, one can more readily place the unfolding events in a meaningful context. Preparations can be made for riding the evolutionary wave instead of being submerged by it. Plans can be altered thoughtfully in measured response to various manifestations of Nature’s events.

Over the centuries, many people on their individual Spiritual paths have yearned for a Golden Age when their dreams of a well-functioning, harmonious, and mutually loving world would truly be present. For so long it has seemed that it would always remain in the abstract or in the mythical stories of the Golden Ages of ancient civilisations. Now, in this extraordinary time period of 2006-2012, the promise of fundamental change is coalescing at last. The challenge for each individual is to find their way forward to being part of the New World and actually participate in that continuous joy and harmony for so long searched for and dreamed after.

In Conclusion
It can be seen that there are similar themes referred to by the varied sources quoted above. Although the channeled sources are more explicit, we find consistent corroboration from the wisdom of the Elders.

There are multiple references to changes to the Earth’s rotation and Moon’s orbit, the availability of Spiritual “life support energy,” and the vital requirement of an open Heart Center to survive and thrive in the new world post 2012.

When we find the same predictions coming from such widely varied sources, each drawing on much deeper levels of wisdom than are readily available for most life decisions, it is time for us all to lovingly and seriously address the full implications of these messages, however uncomfortable we may find them initially. We owe this to ourselves and our families, as well as to our beloved Mother Earth


Love & Light,
Ravi Raju

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Ravi, thanks for this. In times of doubts in all of this (FoL, energy, Light,...) this summary just forces you to keep on feeling that Trust, Love and Light again. Many thanks, I needed it. Take care!
thanks for this Ravi.. Like Ninie said, in times of doubts this summary really helps keep the hope high.... I dont want this to be a y2k incident... But trully i can feel the change in my head/body and spirit everyday as i meditate and accept the emperical oneness of everything

<3 & L
Thank you Ravi for pulling this altogether. Wonderful cohesiveness for our journey as one continues to unfold... love & joy my friend.
Great article ravi .. :) take care .. peace, love n light ..
Thanks Ravi,
The article was well done.
So, either all of the cultures of earth in different time lines knew something about 2012 or it´s the most amazing massive coincidence of all times in human history that all cultures in different times and in different languages and circumstances knew about 2012. I´m not taking consideration of channelings, if we add that to the mix...
Do we really think it´s a coincidence?
I hardly think so, I think it is a plan and we are on schedule....
Hi Juan,

Yes, so many cultures and from different timelines hundreds or thousands of years apart and continents apart have said things eerily similar.. Its the culmination of the grand plan!

This end only appears to be the "end of the world", without any reservation or specification of any kind, to those who see nothing beyond the limits of this particular cycle.

A very excusable error of perspective it is true, but one that has nonetheless some regrettable consequences in the excessive and unjustified terrors to which it gives rise in people who are not sufficiently detached from the present terrestrial existence and naturally they are the very people who form this erroneous conception most easily, just because of the narrowness of their point of view.

...the end now under consideration is undeniably of considerably greater importance than many other, for it is the end of a whole Manvantara (Present Human form incarnation / manifestation), and so of the temporal existence of what may rightly be called a humanity, but this, it must be said once more, in no way implies that it is the end of the terrestrial world itself, because, through the "reinstatement" that takes place at the final instant, this end will itself immediately become the beginning of another Manvantara (New Human Manifestation)... if one does not stop short of the most profound order of reality, it can be said in all truth the "end of the present world" never is and never can be anything but the end of an illusion... and the start of a new reality in the holographic universe that we exist.

or to put it in simple terms we have had a lot of software upgrades to become what we are today and what is to come would be a new version of the software rather than an upgrade and your hardware (physical form) should be upgraded to at least a point where the upgraded hardware should be able to atleast handle the basic necessities of the new software or the whole system would crash! and this hardware upgradation is called DNA upgradation! and the new software would become operational from the specified 2012 date.


Juan said:
Thanks Ravi,
The article was well done. So, either all of the cultures of earth in different time lines knew something about 2012 or it´s the most amazing massive coincidence of all times in human history that all cultures in different times and in different languages and circumstances knew about 2012. I´m not taking consideration of channelings, if we add that to the mix... Do we really think it´s a coincidence?
I hardly think so, I think it is a plan and we are on schedule....
Hi Kerrie,

Most of what we go through is what was meant for us to accumulate as an experience of our present manifestation of duality. So, everything we experience is a treasure for our soul and the collective consciousness to be accumulated for the future. Everyone of us passes through a phase which awakens us to a greater understanding of the hologram and the eventual change. Do not try to detach yourself from situations if they were a cause of your manifestation or if you were a part of the manifestation created by others, as they were meant to be a learning experience.

The above was through automatic writing as I cannot completely comprehend what it means though it seems to make sense.. but there could be a hidden exact answer to the questions you asked, especially for you Kerrie..

As you have said that you were already awake to the energies. I just hope that your Crown Chakra is fully active. If so, stand bare feet on the floor, feet a little apart and your palms facing to the sky and arms extended.. now close your eyes and ask for energies to enter through your crown to get you over these situations and you should feel energy surges entering you with in 15 to 30 seconds.. and once they stop you'll know.. and you should be feeling extremely refreshed. If you feel the energies come through but are still tired then you need to get rid of your negative energies through grounding.. same posture as above but now draw a line in your mind's eye from your root chakra to the center of the earth which is glowing and let this line expand to about 6" in diameter now through your mind's eye command / let the negative energies pass through this connection and vanish to the center.. you can actually sense these leaving you from your solar plexus region and down..


Kerrie said:
Thanks Ravi I'm feeling very detached of late,as I observe a lot of dramas happening all around me it is as if they can't touch me, the dramas involve me but others are creating them,(but I suppose its my creation too?) there full on but its as if I'm observing them and observing the effect there having on this body, I see 'the body' getting tired but at the same time I'm still full of love and energy, I know that sounds a contradiction but the energy is different sort of detached from my body, if I stop to dwell on the dramas I feel I would fall into a dark hole but I stay focased on love and spirit.Does this have anything to do with your posting? somehow I think it does I am just too tied to do much left brain activity at the moment right side is cool though.The shift is happening I think thats what I'm feeling.
Thanks for this great information Ravi. It instantly answered many of the questions I was having about 2012.
Love and Light to you!
Hi Bsb,

Yes it would be a perfect post for those people who are yet to know what the 2012 could possibly have for us in store. It would atleast make them think twice when so many sources are talking about a possibility of something occurring in that time span, they might want to do their won research to come to their own conclusions.. so atleast we are making them aware of a certain possibility and if they do come back to ask you what they need to do you could suggest what you are doing to be prepared! :)


Bloodshotbuddah said:
Thanks for the Info, Kind of proves if so many people knew 2012 was significant that there has to be something to it, Its a good way to start people off.

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