Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello everyone.

With the year 2009 just around the corner, one can certainly wonder what we are in for.
A time of change?

We know that the future is not set in stone, but I'm sure we all feel 'something' major is due in 09.

I think, that right now, things are looking up. We can all certainly feel that energy here.

But here are a few of my thoughts, based on a whole lot of speculation.

Collapse of the financial system by February 2009. and of cause the fall of the Illuminati.
The fall of the Illuminati sounds good right, well of cause it is but how will people deal with the financial collapse before hand? Does this mean that very soon there is no longer money? does this lead to unrest within the masses? do you get martial law? Do the GFOL come to bail us out? or does Obama do a bloody good job of sorting out the finances??

Disclosure and or full contact.
I believe that disclosure of anything and everything alien is coming soon, or i at least really really hope so!! I also believe that we could have full contact or even mass landings mid- to later in the year.

Really bad weather.
This one i fear somewhat. Ive seen 'an inconvenient truth', and the floods, and the earth quakes, and drought and yargh! you'know! (sry bad vibes) but anyway, i think it could be very likely that we see some rising waters next year.

Something i heard on GFOL teachings is that in 2009 something will happen. They don't say what exactly but i guess its not good, and it must happen, e.g. they have allowed it to happen, in order for us to learn, and to come together, to gain practice at helping one another, trusting one another, in what could likely be a time of need.

In 2009, we will learn to love one another.

Please speculate, Channel and discuss! I bet a lot of you have a lot to say :D




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you are probably correct, but how will they be able to make 1st contact at a later date, wont they face the same scenario again?
how can they get around it?
i know you dont have the answers im just curious as to how it is all going to unfold, i think it will in 2009, but its going to be a rocky road here 1st before they do.
if there is a financial collapse, there will be widespread panic buying, no food or fuel on sale etc as people hoard stocks..#
it will be scarey times ahead i think
Andy (UK) said:
you are probably correct, but how will they be able to make 1st contact at a later date, wont they face the same scenario again?
how can they get around it?
i know you dont have the answers im just curious as to how it is all going to unfold, i think it will in 2009, but its going to be a rocky road here 1st before they do.
if there is a financial collapse, there will be widespread panic buying, no food or fuel on sale etc as people hoard stocks..#
it will be scarey times ahead i think

Dear Andy.

I'm afraid I have no clear cut answer for you. In fact, I'm asking myself that same question, but all I can do is speculate. I'm of the opinion that lesson have been learned from the October 14 event, and new measures will be taken to prevent something like that from happening again. Exactly which measures I can't predict, but it seems to me a step in the right direction that they are no longer giving us a clear date. If their protagonists don't know what to expect or when, neither can the antagonists.

In a way, I believe that there will be a major event taking place next year, one that will divert the world's attention either elsewhere, or scatter the attention over multiple places so that an arrival, a 'first showing' becomes feasible. Let's not forget that they stand to gain and lose as much as we do through this, and frustrating as it might be for both sides, postponing or altering a mission is always preferable over abandoning or total mission failure.
Why do i feel that way, for Starters the Golden age already started according to the mayan Calender, second Thousands of people are waking up at an alarming rate, third it seems like alot of us are getting very creative as of lately. 4th You all must listen to David Wilcock the reincarnated Edgar Cayce which i follow alot, He does massive research as well has friends who are on the inside of the Illuminati. The Illuminati are falling because there is an internal war going on between two factions of the illuminati, so that is why they are falling apart. 5th the light is growing so rapidly on this planet it is incredible. 6th there is already free energy and alternative fuels, and exotic technologies that exist today that would blow our minds, but have not been released to the Public as of yet. 7th Now we have a new President that will bring Disclosure to the table once he's in the Whitehouse. 8th With the economy it will not implode but transform to benefit the masses instead of a selected few, that is because we are gaining our power back each and every day, Also with Free Energy and alternative fuels will jump start the economy on a much better path.

Why do i believe First Contact in 2009, mainly because by then we will end most wars and there will be peace reigning around the world which will allow for First Contact on a massive scale.

As you all see, the reason there are prophesies of doom and gloom, ww3, nwo, destruction, meteors and many other end of the world prophesies. Well many civilization's has fallen 4 times that got to our technological level so you see how we thought how things would turn out if we chose a different path. We are on the 5th and final time, But this time our civilization is not going to fall but turn our selves around and choose a better path for our future. So the Illuminati will fall and are falling at an alarming rate, because they can't control us anymore.

Binary Warrior said:
Hi Aaron,
on what ground do you feel that Illuminati will fall? Let's not forget that in our "holographic universe" what we think is what we become. Well there are over 1.2 billion people awaiting for an Antichrist (and then the second coming of Christ), over 1 billion people awaiting for the Dajjal... and how many more waiting for Maytreya? The so-called fall of the Illuminati is a planned event that will be the birth of the NWO where everyone will rejoice not knowing that the event was planned (no more no less like 911 was an option in the Plan for a New American Century... please read it) and that their man that seem have fought them IS their man...

I hope you are right but I think we need to stay alert on our toes...

Aaron said:
I believe 2009 will be the end of fossil fuels as we know it, Disclosure will happen, free energy and exotic technologies coming from disclosure will jump start the economy and we will be on Alcohol fuel and other alternative fuels. I also believe later in 2009, possibly in the fall, First Contact will be made on a global scale. Which will lead to our New History Lesson's and our understanding of what is to come for 2012, in deep deep detail to the masses. The fall of the Illuminati will be in January not February. They are almost finished now.

probably 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11 means something

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