Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello everyone.

With the year 2009 just around the corner, one can certainly wonder what we are in for.
A time of change?

We know that the future is not set in stone, but I'm sure we all feel 'something' major is due in 09.

I think, that right now, things are looking up. We can all certainly feel that energy here.

But here are a few of my thoughts, based on a whole lot of speculation.

Collapse of the financial system by February 2009. and of cause the fall of the Illuminati.
The fall of the Illuminati sounds good right, well of cause it is but how will people deal with the financial collapse before hand? Does this mean that very soon there is no longer money? does this lead to unrest within the masses? do you get martial law? Do the GFOL come to bail us out? or does Obama do a bloody good job of sorting out the finances??

Disclosure and or full contact.
I believe that disclosure of anything and everything alien is coming soon, or i at least really really hope so!! I also believe that we could have full contact or even mass landings mid- to later in the year.

Really bad weather.
This one i fear somewhat. Ive seen 'an inconvenient truth', and the floods, and the earth quakes, and drought and yargh! you'know! (sry bad vibes) but anyway, i think it could be very likely that we see some rising waters next year.

Something i heard on GFOL teachings is that in 2009 something will happen. They don't say what exactly but i guess its not good, and it must happen, e.g. they have allowed it to happen, in order for us to learn, and to come together, to gain practice at helping one another, trusting one another, in what could likely be a time of need.

In 2009, we will learn to love one another.

Please speculate, Channel and discuss! I bet a lot of you have a lot to say :D




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I believe the illuminati will fall in the months to come just as the gfol predicted and as for the big event, I am uncertain what to expect, hopefully not a wwIII lets hope for a big positive event
I hope the Illuminati will fall.

Question is: why ETs after having dealt with them seem that they want bypass them? Are they on the next step of their agenda? Also, how will they fall if they still retain the power to print our money and possess all our gold reserves?

In this whole picture I see very much how a Global World Organization will be requested by people to "protect us" from these beings... and here we go the NWO is served because we asked for it!

Matt Wilkinson said:
I believe the illuminati will fall in the months to come just as the gfol predicted and as for the big event, I am uncertain what to expect, hopefully not a wwIII lets hope for a big positive event

Do you really believe there will be a full disclosure or a partial one (staging a fake first contact) just because there is way to much evidence out there?

I have a feeling that after they have abducted millions in the world the next part of the agenda would be the activation of the Alien Memory Implants. This way they will have human beings "running" an alien mind... a bit like Al Qaeda has its "dormant" jihadist waiting for orders...

Steve said:
What gives you the impression that something bad will happen?
I haven't read anything to that effect. Why does something bad have to happen to jolt us into action? Something positive can do it just as well. I got the impression that that is what the whole October 14th plan was about. And now through Blossom they say they have 'a new plan'; what that entails remains to be soon, but I don't think, or see the point of thinking that its a bad thing. I don't believe we'll suffer some catastrophe, we've now apparently jumped past that timeline. It occurred me to try this question in the context of Clinton's channeling lesson, and i'm unsure whether the answer I got was my own thought or something else, but the words "Nothing you can't handle" came to mind. We can do this. Although I see the collapse of the global financial-monetary system as good and necessary, unless there is something to replace it with, I think it will cause quite a bit of disruption. Going back to my original thought, if we have first contact and mass landings next year, clearly in whatever happens we'll have plenty of help. I also see full disclosure as a very real and desirable posibility. We'll have to wait it out and see.
It lives within all of us to doubt. This is a reaction instilled by duality, and the very lesson we are here to learn.

Binary Warrior, I have left you a message in a previous discussion, so I will not repeat it all here. But to everyone who reads this, take heed.

We all accept we are here to learn duality. St. Germaine himself called the energy of the Source 'that which is neither negative nor positive'. Duality is a rare quality, one not seen outside of this Earth. Therefore, it must be very hard for both the FOL and other ET or higher dimensional beings to cope with it.

Let us accept for the sake of argument that the FOL were fully intending on landing on the 14th of October. I firmly believe that was their intent, and their own ships (lightbodies) were protected well enough as to be invulnerable to the darker powers who would seek to prevent their showing. As they are beings of light (as they claim) they did not fully foresee the consequences of duality. They had expected to be attacked directly, not for the powers of darkness to turn their deadly attention on /us/. Imagine being a being of pure light, and suddenly you are faced with emotional blackmail for the first time, on such a grand scale. If you do not show yourselves, what you came here to do is in jeopardy. If you do show yourselves, those that don't want you to be seen will simply wipe out humanity, again making everything you set out to do in the first place entirely moot. I cannot begin to imagine the grief they must have felt as they aborted their descent and were forced to leave again. Their first taste of true duality... it took us generations to finally master it, it's easy to understand why we volunteered to be here: so we can help the others out there to understand and master it as well.

Make no mistake, each and every one of us is a messenger. What we have learned over the course of centuries may have come about through harsh and unforgiving means, but it is a lesson we could not have gotten anywhere else, or in any other way. Every challenge on the road in front of you is another opportunity to glean a deeper understanding of duality, which you will eventually need to explain to others as you finally ascend.

As I read the new channelings coming through Blossom, I sense something is different from their initial messages. A new sense of determination and caution, as if the brief exposure to duality has already taught them the first lesson duality normally teaches: that adversity brings hardship, but can also strengthen resolve and arm yourself against further adversity.

Each and everyone of us is a messenger, and a teacher. That is why I believe that the grand event of 2009, should it occur, will be the final lesson in duality, something we have been preparing for for generations. So center yourself and be prepared, because the Earth school of hard knocks is about to dispense its final test.
if they are true beings of light, surely they knew all this before they planned on coming?
they said every corner was covered, nothing would stop them!
dont get me wrong, i believe they are true beings, but i dont believe 10/14/08 was real

they will show when they show, not at a time or date they will tell us, they will just show
we wont
Andy (UK) said:
if they are true beings of light, surely they knew all this before they planned on coming?
they said every corner was covered, nothing would stop them!

It is indeed true that they claimed to have covered every eventuality before the 14th. And I think that, from their perspective, they had. My personal opinion on the matter, formed a month after the facts and inspired by the information and messages I could find in this time, is that they had anticipated everyone would be welcoming of them, except for a group which was likely to attack them directly. I don't think that they anticipated, neither did they have the necessary understanding to anticipate, a severe risk to those they were coming to meet.

Allow me to pour this all into an analogy. The best I can think of, which closely mirrors this situation is a hostage negotiation. Imagine yourself as a negotiator in a hostile standoff, and you are there to negotiate the release of one innocent man, standing between yourself and a hostage taker at the exact middle. Before going, you have put on a bullet resistant vest, had the streets closed off, all exits sealed and marksmen nearby to kill the hostage taker before he makes any sudden moves. But before you arrive there, he already has a gun pointed at the man's back, and he informs you that if you speak a single word, make a single movement or approach any closer, he will kill the man you are there to save. Is it likely he will die after doing that? Yes, it is entirely certain he will. But the hostage will also be dead. Is it likely the marksman will kill him if you make the move to do so? Entirely certain, but doing so requires making a move and the hostage would probably die. Can you call in an order to take down the hostage taker? Yes, you can, but doing so requires speaking, which means the hostage dies. What are you there to do? The entire point of your presence is /not/ the death of the hostage taker, but the survival of the hostage. Yes, you covered all bases. Yes, you took every precaution you possibly could. But in the end, your presence, your precautions and safeties, are threatening the life of the hostage.

What would you do?
I believe 2009 will be the end of fossil fuels as we know it, Disclosure will happen, free energy and exotic technologies coming from disclosure will jump start the economy and we will be on Alcohol fuel and other alternative fuels. I also believe later in 2009, possibly in the fall, First Contact will be made on a global scale. Which will lead to our New History Lesson's and our understanding of what is to come for 2012, in deep deep detail to the masses. The fall of the Illuminati will be in January not February. They are almost finished now.
Hi Aaron,

on what ground do you feel that Illuminati will fall? Let's not forget that in our "holographic universe" what we think is what we become. Well there are over 1.2 billion people awaiting for an Antichrist (and then the second coming of Christ), over 1 billion people awaiting for the Dajjal... and how many more waiting for Maytreya?

The so-called fall of the Illuminati is a planned event that will be the birth of the NWO where everyone will rejoice not knowing that the event was planned (no more no less like 911 was an option in the Plan for a New American Century... please read it) and that their man that seem have fought them IS their man...

I hope you are right but I think we need to stay alert on our toes...

Aaron said:
I believe 2009 will be the end of fossil fuels as we know it, Disclosure will happen, free energy and exotic technologies coming from disclosure will jump start the economy and we will be on Alcohol fuel and other alternative fuels. I also believe later in 2009, possibly in the fall, First Contact will be made on a global scale. Which will lead to our New History Lesson's and our understanding of what is to come for 2012, in deep deep detail to the masses. The fall of the Illuminati will be in January not February. They are almost finished now.
Hi Steve,

the Illuminati have been masters in manipulating events: how Rotschild made a fortune financing both the english and the french? Knowing that Napoleon was defeated, spreading rumors that he won instead, he capitalized from the generated chaos.

Even this current crisis in not different from the one in 1929: "someone" pulled the plug on some funds (Bush and his associates) putting banks in a condition to close shop (when no money circulates it is like the game of the singing chairs...).

I have been thought to follow the money to see the culprit... please do the same: who is benefiting from it? Major banks. Those who "own" the Federal Reserve that are "helping" buying over smaller institutions for pennies over the dollar. They cannot close. They have the power of printing money!

Then, you will see... that "magically" when they have had "enough" for this round, the money will begin to flow once again... and they will have gained a better position.

This does not seem a fall to me...

About the book... you should read it. I am extremely busy (a family, kids, 2 businesses to run) but I found the time. I cannot afford not being informed. I read all I can and I mean it.

Is it paranoia? I know the chap who wrote that stuff. And believe me he has been threatened many times in over 40 years of research. The book was not a "research on UFO" but the result of his work helping abductees. He has used NLP with deep hypnosys on many cases (he studied over 1000).

Of course we are all entitled to believe what we want: but for the seek of humanity we should learn first then make a decision... otherwise we can be manipulated and we may not be aware of it.

I only ask (and nobody has answered me yet): WHY these guys go across the known Universe to come over here? To say "Hello"? Would WE do the same? We have sent probes... listening to signals out there... and if he had the certainty that there is life out there we would be very careful to send a mission as we would need to analyze the benefits (What's in it for us?) of such endeavor.

So, what's in it for these guys to come over here?

Steve said:
I think it highly likely given the nature of the incoming administration and the increased attention of such movements as the Million Fax on Washington. I certainly don't think there will be any 'fake' first contact. When it happens, I don't think there will be any room for doubt, and there won't be any more desire for secrecy because the 'cat will be out of the bag'.
As to the rest, because I don't have time to sift through that website/book you mentioned (I have an extremely busy schedule), I won't comment on what you think will happen because your theory just doesn't resonate with me at all; off hand, with all due respect, it smacks of paranoia. Binary Warrior said:

Do you really believe there will be a full disclosure or a partial one (staging a fake first contact) just because there is way to much evidence out there?
More people should think like Binary Warrior. People are so easily manipulated.

Anything that takes away from you being an individual you should be wary of.

Here is a thought. All this channeling from the galactic federation, could it not just be from a source here on earth used as further mind control and manipulation?
They message they preach seems to be a good one and I enjoy reading them but I remain wary of waiting for outside help. It could just as well be setting you up for a new faith, a new mind control. I may be wrong but I keep an open mind.

Binary Warrior said:
Hi Aaron,

on what ground do you feel that Illuminati will fall? Let's not forget that in our "holographic universe" what we think is what we become. Well there are over 1.2 billion people awaiting for an Antichrist (and then the second coming of Christ), over 1 billion people awaiting for the Dajjal... and how many more waiting for Maytreya?

The so-called fall of the Illuminati is a planned event that will be the birth of the NWO where everyone will rejoice not knowing that the event was planned (no more no less like 911 was an option in the Plan for a New American Century... please read it) and that their man that seem have fought them IS their man...

I hope you are right but I think we need to stay alert on our toes...

Aaron said:
I believe 2009 will be the end of fossil fuels as we know it, Disclosure will happen, free energy and exotic technologies coming from disclosure will jump start the economy and we will be on Alcohol fuel and other alternative fuels. I also believe later in 2009, possibly in the fall, First Contact will be made on a global scale. Which will lead to our New History Lesson's and our understanding of what is to come for 2012, in deep deep detail to the masses. The fall of the Illuminati will be in January not February. They are almost finished now.

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