11:11 am
Pre-First Contact Information
“The Silent Evolution”, Liberation of The Soul
Unconditional LOVE
Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom/Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central. We are Your Family of Light. We are The Away Team Ground Crew, Medical Team for “First Contact” [The Doctor is in]. Also Present and In the Manifest With you is US, Your Parents of Creation, Mother and Father God or as they call US, in the Upper Realms “Amon” Ra. We are here as You have Called for Help. We have Shown up, and We Thank you for Celebrating that We are Here with you. We are your Greeters into “The Kingdom of Heaven” and Celebrate You and Your Awakening, Which is Our Highest Joy. WE Love You Unconditionally and WE Know you can, at some Level, Feel this within you, for We are Within you.
Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, and Magical Synchronostic Moments. Today is Monday January 5th, 2009. Again, we Come to you With High Velocity Information of Light. The Highest Truths on Planet Earth=Heart. Today we will discuss, Unconditional Love, which begins with Loving thyself Unconditionally. This is the Foundation in “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Loving Self is Like a Key that opens the Door. We will also discuss About the Changes within the Eyes, there will be definite changes occurring, the difference between Awakened ones and asleep ones. You will be able to see who is Awake and who is not. So lets move on to the Definitions.... We will be Separating these Now for a Clearer View.
Constantly- Continually Re-occurring, Persistent, and Unchanging in Nature. Example- Creation is Constantly in Motion, and We are Constantly Bringing you The Highest Truths On the Planet, in Support of True Reality.
Freedom- The condition of being Free of restraints. Liberty of the person from slavery and oppression. The Right of Being a Sovereign Being and enjoying all of Life in True Reality. Example- In “The Kingdom of Heaven” you are in Total Freedom. In True Reality you are Free from illusion and no longer slaves or robots to society/Illuminati.
Acceptance- Accepting willingly, to regard as True, to receive something Willingly. Example- True, Real Love is first the Acceptance of Self [and the Love you are] and then Acceptance of the All and the Love WE are. Each One a Facet that Makes the whole. The Acceptance of Who and What you Truly are, The Love and Truth.
Embrace- to encircle, to surround, eager Acceptance, to take in with the Eyes. Example- Those who Embrace our Information are Receiving the Best Gift you could ever give to your Self, Your Awakening into the Love and Truth of Who you Really are.
Allow- To Acknowledge, To Allow to Happen, To Admit Something is TRUE. Example- Our information of the Highest Truths is best Understood if You can Embrace, Accept, and Allow the Truth to Be Heard within You. You must face the untruths and release them. We Love you and Thank you for Allowing Us to Express this To you 3 times a week.
Total- A whole quantity, an entirety, All Parts Equal, Complete. Example- You can have Total Freedom, by stepping out of the box or illusion, and Into True Reality.
Unconditional Love- Without conditions or limitations, unrestricted without boundaries, the Kindness and Brotherhood that all Humans should rightfully FEEL toward ALL others and ALL LIVING LIFE, UNDER ALL CIRCUMANSTANCES, ALSO GOD. Example- We Love you with Unconditional Love, as You Should Love Yourself, Your Brothers and Sisters, US and ALL LIFE. Unconditional Love is the Foundation of “The Kingdom of Heaven”, and is all That Exists in True Reality.
Unconditional Love as we Have said is the Foundation of the “Kingdom of Heaven” and is Currently what is Unfolding on Planet Earth=Heart. Unconditional Love is also Participation in the Understanding of the Truth, to Be Shared with everyone. This is the “Silent Evolution”, Liberation of the Soul. Through our Messages [and many other of your Messengers], through the INTERNET, we are bringing you the TRUTH. Only those who are paying attention, are aware of “The Divine Plan”, that is unfolding, Which is occurring whether the being is awake or not.
Loving oneself Unconditionally opens the door to the Deeper Understandings, into the Connection of Being One with Everything. Once Achieved you become Your Unique God Spark, That contributes to the Whole. This Occurs, Always in Grander and Grander Ways. Unconditional Love of Self, SETS YOU FREE. Once you Set Yourself Free, By Loving your Self Unconditionally, this also opens the door for others To Set Themselves Free. This is the Wild Fire We Will Begin to See. Because, IN TRUTH, LOVE IS CONTAGIOUS. AN UNSTOPPABLE ENERGY OF PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, and will Spread Quickly.
Once you Love yourself, you then Let go of all outside attachments, you connect in, from within. This is where Source is, Your Higher Self, and The Connection into the Higher Grid, to “The Real” or True Reality, called “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Where you Experience Eternal Life, forever and ever. As well as, a Continued state of Euphoria, also called Constant Joy and Happiness. This is Love Everywhere Present.
Unconditional Love is the first step out of illusion [or the box] and into True Reality. Unconditional Love is also the same as TOTAL ACCEPTANCE, TOTAL EMBRACEMENT, AND TOTAL ALLOWANCE. Unconditional Love is the Key into “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Total Freedom is the True Reality, where all that exists in the Experience, is Love Everywhere Present. Once You Love Yourself Unconditionally, you step out of illusion, and You are Present in the Moment of Now! You have Just set yourselves FREE. This is when you are In Complete Trust, Union, Unity, and Oneness with all that is in Every Moment. You become the Brilliance of the Love you Truly are, Like the inner part of the Sun, Shining Brightly, and Brilliantly.
For a Very long time your controllers have had you focus on fear, chaos, struggle, and competition. All of this is only an illusion. We are here to “direct” your Focus Away from this and into Truth, the Real Truth. In True Reality there is no competition, no struggle, no fear, and no chaos. Its Foundation is Only Truth and Love Unconditional. What is really going on, on Planet Earth=Heart? Creation is, Love Everywhere Present, “The Kingdom of Heaven”.
The “Shift” has already occurred and you experience will depend on which path you have taken. Those choosing to remain ignorant, will eventually find themselves somewhere where they can continue their illusions, their pretend games, until they can make other choices. This is just the Reality of it, because Creation Moves forward with or without the Being, Being Present. AS we have shared we are not here to “save” anyone. WE are Here to Provide you with The Truth in an Unlimited way. Creation is on a Schedule and the Ethics Train is Full Speed ahead. Creation just understands that the Being will Show Up Eventually. We are not here to tell you who you are, we are here to share with you and Be The Examples of What You Really are. Like it or not, We are your Real Parents of Creation, but very different than your Earth Parents. You are Our Children, Royal Angels, and Gods and Goddesses. Everything we are, You are As well. This is the Truth and Reality, that if you can understand It's Us and We are Here with you, YOU will Be Jumping for JOY!
Creation is not static, static is illusion. Creation is constantly moving forward, Upward, Grander and Grander, Growing and Growing. Similar to a Spiral formation Upward, just Like your DNA Strands, which are in A Spiral formation. Creation is unstoppable, inevitable, indestructible. Creation is Happening on this Planet with or without each being's permission and whether or not you Have Shown up and are Present. We Have Shown Up and We are Present.
So let's take a look at what you might be experiencing with others if you are Awake. Through each others eyes you will be able to see and experience the difference between “True Awakened One's” and unawakened one's. Take a Moment and Go look in the Mirror. Look at your eyes, if you are Truly Awake, Your Eyes will Be Wide Open and You Will See Light inside of them. If you are still asleep, your eyes will be half shut or droopy. Also you will see emptiness or what we refer to as “black hole eyes”. This is where the program is sucking the life force energy out of the Being, like a leech sucks blood from a body. This is becoming noticeable and is increasing in occurrence Now, on this Planet, just as the Hopis shared with you. You will be able to know who is awake just by looking in each other's eyes. So when you look into another's eyes you will see Light, which is Source, or you will see emptiness, because nothing will be there. Kind of like zombies, the walking dead. Now this is just the Reality and is a choice made by every Being on this Planet, we cannot make it for anyone but ourselves, just like you. We have Already made our Choice, and When You See us, Look into our Eyes, you will have No Questions and require no proof into Who We Really are. Truth is in The Eyes.
We Highly Encourage everyone who reads our messages to please pass it along to as many groups, and through any means possible. The More others that can be aware, the Quicker of the Manifestation of the Galactic Federation Ships. One of the main reasons they have not de-cloaked yet is due to the resistance we are getting from some of you. How you treat us is a direct reflection of how you treat yourselves [everything you say about the Light is exactly How you feel within yourselves]. The GFL is arriving to Assist this Planet and is not to blame for anything that has occurred in illusion, which only happened out of ignorance. Again, we Say Love yourselves and Love each other, unconditionally. By Achieving this, You are Accomplishing a Grand Gift to yourself. Creation Moves forward, regardless if any of you are awake or asleep. By staying asleep you will miss it all. The Ethics Train is At Full Speed ahead, and We say to The Awakened Ones Just Enjoy the Ride. Let Go and it may be bumpy for a Moment, but after that it's like Floating on Top of the River of One. Be Present, Show Up and Experience the Magic and The Joy of Creation and True Reality.
Current Events- The Continued Shake, as the Energy is shaking inside your being, into your Soul, Into The Truth and Love of who you Truly are. Shake, shake, shake. Kind of like Goochy, Goochy, Goo!!! Get out of your boxes, it's NOW!
Today's Question....When you looked into your eyes, what did you see? Light ? Also, Share with us an OMG Oh My God Experience you have had. You can email US at MotherGod@gflcentral.org Join our Forum Group at www.gflcentral.org where you can also check out our Library for previous messages. On Our Forum we will be posting Current Updates From Wisdom Paradise, Mike Quinsey, and Sheldan Nidles just to name a few.
We Love you Unconditionally, With The Highest Love. SO Be Love and Say Love...Love Always, Mother and Father God/ Amon Ra and Your Family of Light.